Sister Agnes' POV.
I heard a knock on the door. I wondered who was it? I wasn't expecting the others to come home early. I wished I could be alone a little longer. I went to check at the door. When I opened the door it was Angel, her wide blue eyes were flowing an ocean of tears.
I was shocked to see Angel crying after nine years. She was weeping bitterly. I took her in the house we sat on the couch as she cried her eyes out on my shoulder as I rubbed her back to comfort, her.
A few minutes later!
Angel was clam. I gave her a cold glass of water. I asked her why was she crying.
( Angel is also called Inna because of her cat eyes)
Inna told me that she had come to say, her last good bye. She was speaking in parables. I didn't understand, what she meant by "her last good bye."
"Was she travelling? Where was she going?"
The word "last" was ringing in my ears. She told me that she had decided to take going to take her life away!!!
She told me she had prepared her "death meal." She said she wanted to do that because she felt like a curse. I felt pity for my little, Angel.
I told her that no matter what? Children are gifts from God. They will never become a curse, but will always a blessing.
I told Angel that; "life is full of ups and downs."
"Success do not come easily, it do not come on a sliver platter in order to obtain/gain success you must work hard. Remember that, this world is full of judgmental people. The are some to encourage you, some to break you, and some to damage you, forever!"
After I told Angel those words, she realized that killing herself will only be madness and by standing up to the World will be the start of a new beginning. A start of " A Better Liberia."
I prayed for Angel and we disposed the "death meal." She promised me that "no matter what Life will throw at her" she will achieve her dreams. The dream of Liberia as "a paradise on Earth" and the dream of becoming "the next president".