Hate Pity

Angel's POV.

As I stood at the door knocking, suddenly, I felt pity for myself. I imagined how painful my death will be, I started to cry.

I stood there crying. Sister Agnes came to open the door. She was shocked to see me crying after a very long time. I wasn't a cry baby. I had believed that people who cried were weak, and people pity the weakling. I hated people who pity me. She took me in the living room we sat down and I cried my eyes out on her shoulder . She give me a glass of cold water.

A few minutes later! I stopped crying and compose myself. I told Sister Agnes what I was about to do.

She was shocked to hear that! She told me that that was madness. Killing myself won't be of help but will only cause my mother more pains and suffering.

She encouraged me and prayed for me. We disposed the food and I went home.

At home I met mom, she was sewing her dress. I greeted mom. Mom asked me where I was from. She told me, that she got back from work since 3:30pm.

I apologized and promised mom, that I'll be a good girl, from that today day, forward. I told her that, I will study harder to make her proud, "no matter what life will throw at me" I will stand up to fight back and I will never give up on my dreams….