
Elizabeth's POV.

Two years later!

Angel was in the 12th grade. As Angel had promised she became the best daughter ever.

Angel made good grades, she was the top in her class. She became a member of the press club. She was elected as president of the press club.

She did her best to become a child right advocate. It was two months to West Africa Senior School Certificate Examination (WASSCE) , Angel was worried.

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She was nervous. She wished to become the dux of WASEC, like Blessing. She wanted this because it will help her to obtain a scholarship to make me proud.

She got in contact with the dux of WASEC 2019/2020 . By then Blessings Jalieba was in Singapore studying to obtain her master.

Blessing, tutored Angel for the remaining two months. Before, the WASEC I called Angel.

I told her to get me a cup of water. I put the water in my mouth as per our tradition, and wasted it on her back as she was kneeling down.

( This was the way we bless people according to our tradition)

I blessed her. I told her that she will achieve whatever she wished for. God will make her path straight and grant her heart desires.

Angel took the WASEC and was successful.