The sun's rays began to enter through the window, so Kuro knew that a new day was beginning in the kingdom.

but not for him.

he hadn't slept at all so he simply got up from the chair he was in and then took his things and put on the blanket in the form of a hood and then left that place.




As he walked through the streets of the kingdom in one direction, he could hear the rumors starting about what happened last night.

although it didn't matter to him since he only had one thing on his mind. "REVENGE". he simply wanted to avenge his loved ones from that monster that had taken his life, but above all had ruined his life and made hell.




he with total stealth he managed to reach the church of the kingdom to be able to see his father.

but he did not enter as normal people would, but he circled the church to be able to enter through the back door without being seen by anyone to be able to talk to the father.

so now he is inside the church waiting for him to appear.......and he didn't have to wait long, because a few minutes after he entered, the father was there.

father: kuro!, it's good that you're fine boy

Seeing the boy safe and sound, the father went to him and then hugged him, since he had great concern for him and seeing him safe, a great burden abandoned him. Well, Sebastian had told him everything that had happened with Captain Cold, so he had the theory that he wanted to hurt Kuro.

Father: I am so sorry for everything that has happened

kuro: I'm sorry too father....I'm sorry I'm not strong enough to protect the people I love...

After those words, Kuro couldn't take it anymore and began to cry, causing him to end up on the floor on his knees and crying without being able to contain himself.

the man understood the boy, after all his greatest dream was destroyed by the person he admired the most and when he began to get ahead this man did it again, but this time he touched the most precious thing in kuro's life .

father: and what do you plan to do son?

Kuro: I want revenge

those words came out in a cold and unfeeling way

father: you know it's crazy to face cold

kuro: I know.....that's why I want to leave this kingdom

Those words surprised him a lot, since Kuro never showed interest in leaving the kingdom or going on adventures, but he also knew that nothing tied the boy to staying for what was most normal.

father: you just plan to leave and that's it

kuro: no...I want to train....become stronger....and avenge my family for the injustices they committed against them

Father: You know you can't just go around looking for power, right?

Kuro: I know... that's why I came to ask for your help

Father: I'll try to see what I can do for you, son...for now, hide and I'll call you.

When he finished speaking, the father gave Kuro a stone, this being a communication stone which is turned on when the owner wants to see who has the stone in his possession.

Without more to say, Kuro left the church and then returned to the alleys of the city to continue hiding.




That's how a week passed where Kuro hid in that place where he spent his first night without leaving those walls so as not to be discovered, but even being isolated he was able to find out several things. like joseph had been attacked that night, resulting in his death and that's why the assailants burned down the bar, so a lot of people started blaming him for doing it. On the other hand, the issue of the orphanage was considered an accident or rather a tragedy and two people died in the fire, so the kingdom would be responsible for fixing the orphanage.

Kuro right now is lying on that bed in the place without wanting to move, eat or talk to someone.

but before he could continue to get depressed a great light began to illuminate the room so he quickly went to the bag he had on the table where he kept his money and permits.

When he opened it, he found the shining stone that the father had given him, so he quickly put everything away and left that place to start walking towards the church of the kingdom...since within its darkness...there were some light.

He arrived faster than he imagined to the church which he entered through the secret place.

when he entered the father was already waiting for him so he quickly walked towards him.

kuro: could you find something to help me, father

father:...that's right son, I was talking to some acquaintances and only one decided to help you with what you have in mind.....but you'll have to travel to the kingdom....of the elves

elves ... of course I knew them, they are fantastic creatures which help nature, besides being able to speak and see spirits, as well as other beings.

creatures equal to humans, but with much better control of magic, in addition to having elongated ears, this being the main distinction between elves and humans.

In addition, there is another race of elves, these being the dark elves, these are simply characterized by having much more tanned skin than normal elves, so they are usually associated with bad omens or even bad things.

but as far as he knew, the elves hate the humans for the past wars, so why would they agree to help him in his revenge.

father: I know what you're thinking, but apparently when you told them your story they empathized with you and want to help you, besides maybe you can solve your problem of not having any magic

This news managed to cheer him up a bit, since by going to magic experts they would surely find a cure or solution for his lack of magic. even get to know if it is some kind of disease or something.

Kuro: I really appreciate everything you are doing for me, father

father: you don't have to thank son, I do it because you are the only family I have...and that I still have left

kuro: in that case I have to go to the kingdom of the elves

father: exactly son

When he finished talking, he walked towards a table that was in the room where there is a map, a couple of letters and a box with some magic stones.

father: this is for your trip, on the map you have marked the path you have to follow to reach the kingdom of the elves, but you have to be careful since there may be vanids or monsters along the way, the cards are for the leader of the elves so give them to him and he will know what to do, the box has several magic stones for your journey from attacks to help such as healing magic. I'm sorry I can't help you more, but if I keep doing more things maybe they can discover me, so that's all I can do son

kuro: this is more than enough for me

When he finished speaking, he walked towards his father and then hugged him, making the man correspond to the hug, since they both knew that this would be the last time they saw each other. Well, it is not known how many years could pass to see each other again.

Upon separating, Kuro began to take all the things on the table and then put them away, since they would be of total vitality for his mission to reach the kingdom of the elves.

father: before you go I have to tell you two things, the first is that you have this

In his hands he had a completely white sword with some blue stones embedded.

father: this is a magic sword of light, it was made during the war between kingdoms with the help of the strongest magician bahamut and some elves of that time. I want you to take it with you and give it to the elves, since it belongs more to them than to us

Kuro took the sword in his hands noticing the strong magic it gives off, so he placed it on the left side of his waist since on the right side is the sword that Joseph gave him before he died.

father: the second also has to do with giving something to the elves. you can go out!

At the father's call, someone opened the church door, so Kuro drew his sword.

father: calm down ... he's an ally

At the father's words, Kuro calmed down a bit so he sheathed his sword again.

the only thing that could be seen is a white tunic completely covering the body of that person.

father: you can be calm, he is the one who will take you safe

At the father's words, that person took off his tunic to Kuro's surprise.

long and beautiful almost golden yellow hair, fine and smooth porcelain skin, very beautiful large green eyes and a totally infarct figure, but the most distinctive are long and sharp ears.

without a doubt a beautiful ..... elf.

father: she is....tamy, my men found her in a slave sale so they rescued her and brought her to me





Remember when I said that Captain Cold was in charge of the slave sellers and these things... well, this man only shows this face to the citizens of the kingdom.

since those who take care of the slave sellers and all these things are the knights of the church. a small organization that is totally the responsibility of the church and that takes care of these things.

since by ending slave sellers they can find what they call "valuable merchandise" that turn out to be several subjects of different races who they sell for a lot of money, so the father decided to create this order of knights who are totally loyal to the to rescue these captive people.





father: apparently she was kidnapped when she was traveling with her family and she was the only one to be captured. In fact when I talked to the leader of the elves he told me about this, so I ask you to take her with you so that she returns home safe and sound

Kuro understood that the father wanted to return the help to the elves.......but he had to know that it was the first time he would be alone with a woman.

but even so he had to contain these instincts to be able to fulfill his mission and the tasks that his father is giving him, surely it is a type of test to know what he is capable of.

father: don't worry about her since she knows a lot about magic and she knows some strong attacks that can help you... I have to attend to a matter, so get to know each other before leaving on your journey

Without further ado, the father left that room, leaving the two young men alone.

kuro: s-so your name is tamy

Tamy: mph!

The girl just nodded her head so Kuro understood that she was a shy girl.

kuro: and how old are you

tamy: 15 a-years

kuro: so we're the same age huh....well i just hope i'm capable enough to get you home safe and sound

The girl was surprised at Kuro's words, but even more so at the smile he was giving her since her father had taken it upon himself to explain her story so that the boy would understand. so without being able to help it she blushed a little.




The minutes passed so both asked each other things so as not to be uncomfortable and above all to get to know each other even more.

They were so focused on their conversation that they didn't realize that the father had already returned and was watching them in silence. Without a doubt, it was a good option to make these two meet, since since what happened days ago, Kuro did not smile, but now with Tamy he was returning to being the same as always.

father: guys!, it's time... a carriage will take you to the exit of the kingdom so that you leave carefully

Without further ado, both approached the father.

kuro: I promise that I will fulfill this mission and I will take her safe and sound

tamy: thank you very much for everything you have done for me

The girl hugged the father and then both young people said goodbye to him and left the church to get on the carriage.