Kuro began to calm down since he couldn't lose his head in a battle and he knew this very well or the result would not be good at all.

so using his ingenuity and how much he knows about strategies, he began to plan one for when these guys get to where he is.




on the other hand, she tamed and she couldn't help but be scared since she didn't want to be taken away again as she had just started her journey to return home to her loved ones.

so she made the decision to be useful to kuro and try to help him, since being hidden and being able to "talk" with nature she had a little advantage over her enemies.

so she decided to communicate with nature to know what they were facing, receiving the information that it was a group of soldiers of the empire being a total of 10, but the good thing is that they were simple soldiers, the bad thing is the numerical inferiority.




The forest was totally silent, making only the sound of crickets be heard, in addition to the wind moving the trees.

so she kuro closed her eyes to be able to concentrate and be able to detect her enemies.

little by little she began to hear the footsteps of the knights along with their murmurs.



soldier: according to the stone it should be around here




What the soldier is referring to is that there are location stones, which can have a saved location to go there or in a tracking case, which can have something distinctive about that person to be able to track them, so the stone is raise and then start moving towards where the target is.




soldier1: sir....look at that

At the soldier's call, the squad leader decided to look where he was pointing.

In that place Kuro is sitting on a stone with his back to the soldiers.

leader: roll it!

At the leader's order, the other knights began to surround Kuro, being alert in case they received a surprise attack.

Leader: Excuse me young man, but what are you doing alone in the middle of this forest?

kuro: oh! I did not know that it was forbidden to come here, but I am on a mission

Leader: Mission? So you're an adventurer, aren't you?

kuro: that's right sir

leader: in that case you have no problem showing me your permission as an adventurer

The knight leader thought that Kuro was lying and this is actually a thief or some kind of criminal, who had gotten lost and was lost in the forest.

but he was surprised to see how kuro gave him the permission as an adventurer.

kuro: "I hope this is enough for them to leave us alone so we can continue on our way"

gentleman: sir, this is a bit... suspicious... look at the stone, it's like crazy, that means that the elf is very close

that knight had approached his leader to be able to whisper those words.

leader: we are very sorry to make you waste his time, without further ado we let him rest

After the words of their leader, the other knights were surprised, since their objective could be close and the only witness is in front of them.

kuro: it's a pleasure to be able to help the law

Without further ado, Kuro turned his back on the leader of the knights in order to calm down and not do anything crazy.

but he quickly had to dodge an attack that came from behind him, so when he recovered he could notice how the leader of the knights was with his sword in hand and a sinister smile on his face.

Leader: I'm so sorry to tell you....I can't let him go alive

When he finished speaking, two knights shot towards him with their swords in hand, so Kuro quickly dodged them, but he knew that he was at a numerical disadvantage, also that he could no longer leave that place unharmed, so he would have to fight and in worst case.....leave no one alive.

so taking a lot of confidence in himself he took the hilt of his black sword and then unsheathed it, surprising those present by recognizing that sword.


kuro: it's a gift from someone very dear to me


kuro: .........and you will be too.....very soon

It is said that that leader of the knights is neither more nor less than the right hand of Captain Cold, so he is only afraid of one person and that is his captain.

but at this moment .... without being able to help it ... he began to tremble with fear .... but he was not the only one, since the other knights are also scared. ...by a single person.

in a single second the whole atmosphere of the place changed ..... kuro finds himself with his head lowered while his hair covers his eyes, but that was not all since a dark and red aura began to cover Kuro's body

leader: th-th-that th-is

only once in his life had he seen that kind of aura, yes....that aura is the same as the one he felt years ago...

leader: "t-that sword...must be the cause of all this.....I have to take it away....so I can get that power and finally get rid of that stupid captain cold"

a sinister smile began to appear on the face of the leader of the knights causing them to be surprised by their leader's attitude.


After those words, Kuro was surrounded by all the knights while his leader stood behind them.

Kuro on the other hand, didn't even flinch at the actions of the knights, it's as if the sword gave him the strength he needed, but above all ..... he had an immense desire to kill those knights.

kuro: haha.....haha.....hahahahaha YOU INFERIOR BEINGS THINK YOU COULD EVEN DO A LITTLE HARM TO ME!.....then try it

When he finished speaking, Kuro threw himself towards one of the soldiers, who could not move at Kuro's speed, so before he could do anything he was pierced by the boy's sword, killing him in a couple of seconds.

everyone ... absolutely everyone was terrified at the image that was happening in front of them, since they would never have believed that that boy had a strength and speed superior to them.

leader: "so that sword gives you unimaginable power... without a doubt it has to be mine"

the death of his companion left the knights in shock, who came out of their astonishment upon hearing several cries of pain... finding a scene that was not at all pleasant... because they found the lifeless body of three of his companions ... being currently 4 already eliminated.

both the 5 remaining knights and the leader were surprised, since it was only enough to be pierced by that sword to die, so they did not have to be touched or damaged by it.

so the knights decided to make a plan to finish kuro so they formed a formation leaving three knights in front and two behind. The latter are capable of using magic, so they would unite their element of fire to be able to create a great attack and thus finish off Kur, while the other knights would try to defend them or buy time for them to carry out said attack.

so the remaining three knights began their attack towards kuro. so they surrounded him leaving one in front of kuro and the other two on each side of the boy.

kuro: "this strategy could not be more mediocre, so let's see what they are capable of"

"kuro" knew that none of those present had the possibility of being able to harm him.

none dared to move any muscle, since the slightest mistake and it would be the last one you commit in your life.

The sound of a branch being stepped on was the trigger for everything, since the three knights launched themselves at the same time against the boy, so "kuro" decided to play with them a bit, beginning to dodge all the attacks that they launched at him with the sword.

kuro: it seems that they finally finished

the knights were taken aback by the words of "kuro"...one second was enough for these three knights to fall to the floor lifeless.

just when this happened the two remaining knights finished their attack, this being a huge ball of fire. which when finished being created was launched towards "kuro".




A big explosion happened in the forest.

leader: that should have been enough to kill him....