A few hours were enough for both of them to reach that village, making Tamy feel very comfortable in that place.

But he didn't have time to investigate, so he took Kuro to one of the many houses around the place. Thus, both arrived at a one-story house, which when they opened it they noticed how everything was in good condition, although a little dirty from so many years of not being used.

Tamy took Kuro to a room to let him rest on the bed, which is a bit dirty.

Tamy: now what do I do, everything is dirty

kuro: n-never mind j-just let me rest

The elf could see how Kuro uses all the strength he has to not fall unconscious, so she had to agree to let him sleep in that dirty bed. Just a few seconds was enough for Kuro to fall asleep so Tamy could imagine all the effort he had to make to walk after his "fight".

so he decided to let him rest while she would try to clean the house and find something to prepare kuro when he wakes up.




meanwhile the boy is lying on that bed, but he was not very comfortable and you could see that in his face as he made several grimaces of pain, besides being sweating too much.




little by little he began to open his eyes noticing that he is in a totally dark place.

???: Welcome

kuro: who are you? and what is this place?

???: calm down, you can say that from now on I will be like a teacher for you

kuro: a teacher?

???: That's right, you know how important that sword you carry

kuro: of course I know, it is a sword created in ancient times by the first elves in the world and the best magician of all time

???: not that sword, I know it's important, but I mean that black sword

kuro: it's a gift from my teacher, but he didn't tell me about it

???: that's because not even he knew how important this sword is

kuro: and how important is that sword

???: Very well, I'll tell you the story so pay close attention and don't interrupt me. this happened during the great war between races, as you know in the past many races did not get along as well as now so there were always wars, blood and death. All of this attracted the attention of a despicable race...the demons...beings that only seek blood and death, so everything that was happening caught their attention.

so they joined the war ... but they were not looking for anything, just their fun and the satisfaction of seeing a large number of beings die

but they were not the only ones, since a powerful and majestic dragon also came to war




In this world, beings such as demons and dragons are far removed from other races. mainly because demons are beings that seek blood and kill everything they come across.

On the other hand, dragons only attack if you provoke them or invade their territory.

so each race was sent away from all life so they could live as they pleased.

although very rarely do cases occur where a dragon usually travels to the other kingdoms just to ensure that everything is in order.

in fact these two races along with another which is unknown are said to be the first to have inhabited this world.




To the surprise of much that dragon began to protect those races which could not defend themselves during the war

so bahamut together with a group of the first elves decided to make an alliance and include this dragon in order to stop this war

It was towards how other races joined this alliance, so they created two objects so that the alliance would not be broken. That is how two swords were created, THE HOLY SWORD: a magic sword created with light magic capable of killing any demon or dark being. THE DARK SWORD: a magical sword created with dark magic capable of cutting through anything

but it was not the only thing since that dragon had allowed them to use his scales to create armor and swords

all this done with the hands of the best blacksmith in the world, a dwarf with the hands most capable of creating any weapon

the only thing they did not know is that with each demon they killed that dark sword absorbed their power but not their souls so the sword began to have more and more power without them knowing it

in the end the war stopped thanks to the alliance, since the other races that were still at war saw how powerful that alliance was, so they decided that all the kingdoms would sign a peace treaty

but from that many years have passed and as you can see humans have broken these treaties on several occasions

kuro: I can understand ..... but what do I have to do with all this

???: That's very simple... you have in your possession those two very important swords...

after those words kuro could not do more than be surprised, since he is in charge of two very important swords for the history not only of humans but of many races, so it was his responsibility to protect them.

???: That father knew this, that is why I took advantage of the fact that you would leave the human empire to be able to take on the mission of returning the sword to the elves, since in the hands of another race it would be dangerous and even more so in human hands... ....but don't feel used, rather feel useful, because without your help this sword could fall into the wrong hands

kuro: ....but what about the other sword, it was from...

???: I know your teacher, although I don't know why you started calling him that

kuro: actually I loved him as a father, but it is better to say that he was my teacher, since he taught me several things that will serve me in this life

???: It's good that you remember him fondly...that sword was lost after the war ended so it ended up in a dungeon being protected by several beasts, but the strongest was of a very powerful demon so the sword absorbed its power when it was defeated

The one who killed the demon and kept the sword, as you know, was Joseph.

kuro: but if he had such a powerful weapon why didn't he use it

???: the sword chooses its bearer and who it teaches its secrets to, plus in order to use them you need to have light and dark magic

At the words of that entity, Kuro was a bit discouraged.

???: I know about your problem, but that can be solved. Although I will not tell you how, since you must find out. "I don't know why his magic is blocked ... unless"

At the moment that's all I can tell you...later on you'll know more, so I'll be waiting for you.

"Without a doubt this boy should be of interest to him ...... it's not like that ... old men"