little by little she began to open her eyes trying to get used to the light that entered that room.

kuro: ugh! How long have I been asleep?

before she could do anything the door of the room was opened by tamy, who was surprised to see kuro awake so her happiness invaded her, so she threw herself to hug him.

Tamy: cool! I'm glad you woke up, how do you feel?

Kuro: I-I'm fine, I just had to recover my energy

Those words reassured Tamy, who was very worried about the boy.... but that scene was interrupted by a ruin, this being Kuro's stomach.

kuro: haha it seems that being asleep made me hungry, by the way, how long have I been like this

Tammy: three days

kuro: wow it's a long time...help me stand up so I can get used to it please

After Kuro's words, Tamy got up from the bed and then helped Kuro to his feet. He almost lost his balance at first, but thanks to Tamy he didn't end up on the ground.

kuro: good! I seem to be

tamy: in that case let's go to the kitchen, the food is ready

They both began to walk towards the kitchen where Kuro could see how that old and dirty house had been completely changed, since it was clean and looking almost new.

But it was not the only thing since he was surprised to see how Tamy uses the fire stones to light the firewood to heat the food.

kuro: it seems that you have learned to use magic stones very well

Tamy: I had to do it, although at first I almost burned down the house several times

The elf began to serve the food, this being a cream soup with various vegetables.

kuro: wow, this looks very delicious, but where did you get all the ingredients from

tamy: the plants guided me to find all the ingredients


the boy's words made tamy blush, she was a little nervous to see that kuro would taste her food and that he would say that it is delicious, it excited her too much ..... or was it for another reason….

tamy: by the way since you've been asleep there hasn't been any problem with the gentlemen

Kuro: what do you mean?

tamy: because the forest has not felt any trace of any human in the surroundings

Kuro: It's normal...before leaving, the father told me that this forest had been protected by the elves, who put a type of spell or curse, which means that if you are not an elf or have permission to these, the forest will try not to let these people pass, but if they still manage to pass the forest will exterminate them

Tamy: I didn't know anything about that...but I guess you could have been with me, but what about them?

kuro: it must have been because they brought with them a stone with something of yours

tamy: wow, that means that this village belonged to the elves

kuro: that's right, but they had to return to their kingdom when the humans began to use them, so they preferred to return before something else happened...by the way, today we will take this day off and tomorrow we will return to our adventure

just as the boy had said, tamy took that day off while he did some exercises so that his body would not lose its agility or speed, also he tried to use the sword that joseph had given him, but he was afraid of for something to happen, so he decided not to touch her at the moment until he had that dream again.

That was how the day passed and the night came, so they both had dinner together.

kuro: good night tamy, see you tomorrow

tamy: k-kuro

kuro: what's up

Tamy: I-Is that we should s-sleep together

kuro: why?

That had left Kuro surprised, but he had to stay calm so as not to make Tamy more nervous.

tamy: y-there's only one bed

kuro: in that case there is no problem. after all you were taking care of me for three days

Kuro's words had made Tamy calm down, since it is not the same to sleep with someone asleep as with someone awake, besides that the first night she had had a bad time as she was very nervous and embarrassed to sleep with a boy.




the situation is a bit awkward, because although tamy is a bit used to it, kuro is very embarrassed to be so close to a woman, besides that the bed they are in is very small so they had to be very close to each other one from another.

the two were turning their backs so neither could see the other's embarrassed face.

but from one moment to another Tamy began to tremble from the cold, since the only thing they had to cover themselves was a thin blanket, which barely covered them both.

kuro: w-you want me to hug you

Kuro's words made Tamy blush so she began to get nervous so her body trembled even more.....but not because of the cold.

The minutes passed and Kuro had not received any response from Tamy. The problem is that each time she began to get even colder, even she kuro began to feel it.

so he himself decided to turn around so he could hug tamy, passing her hands around the elf's waist bringing her even closer to hers.

To the surprise of both, the moment was not uncomfortable at all, since both are very comfortable with each other, so getting even more comfortable, both began to fall asleep.




the next day.

the sun's rays began to shine with intensity beginning to illuminate the room

Kuro is asleep on his back while Tamy is asleep on top of her, crossing one of her arms across Kuro's chest to his neck.

At one point, a ray of sunlight crossed the room, hitting Kuro squarely in the face, so he began to wake up little by little due to the annoying light.

so when he was already awake he looked down upon feeling an extra weight on top of him, finding Tamy asleep on his chest. The image seemed very tender to him when he saw the elf asleep, but he knew that they couldn't stay long. he had already lost a lot because of him and he still didn't know how much time was left to reach the elven empire.

So much to her regret, she woke up Tamy, who became very nervous about letting Kuro see her asleep. although in the end she ended up losing her embarrassment so that in the end they both got up and went to breakfast so they could continue with their trip.




Already prepared to continue their journey, both young people began to leave that abandoned village and the forest, making Tamy a little sad, but she knew that this was necessary in order to return home.

so the journey resumed in order to reach the kingdom of the elves.




Kuro is looking at the map that his father had given him so as not to get lost. The forest is marked next to the village, which they had already passed through, so now it is time to enter the desert and then reach the village of blacksmiths or dwarfs and from there it would only be a few hours to reach the elf kingdom. apparently nothing complicated ... but many things can happen along the way.




without a doubt it was being one of her worst experiences in life, since the heat could burn you alive so they were having a very bad time because of this and more tamy, since she was not used to this type of climate so Kuro offered him his tunic to cover himself from the heat while he wears a scarf on his head to cover himself from the sun, in addition to rationing the water stones so as not to deplete them.

the only thing they could see is sand and more sand, besides some monsters, but for some reason they don't attack them. so it would be very easy to detect an enemy or if they were being followed.

the two reached the edge of a small cliff.

???1: And to think that you two caused so much trouble and got caught in the end

???2: they proclaimed themselves leaders of a revolution which has not even started

This surprised Kuro and Tamy, since they did not expect to see anyone in the desert, much less a group of knights.

Tamy: what are you doing here?

kuro: I don't know, but I can count at least 20 knights

both are whispering so as not to be heard.

tamy: it will be impossible to be able to continue on our way

kuro: yes...but I'm curious who the criminals are and why they need so many knights

Tamy: I guess that's...criminals

kuro: don't be fooled by first impressions you know how corrupt the human kingdom is

The elf couldn't respond to Kuro's words, because if it hadn't been for the father she wouldn't be back to her home and without Kuro she wouldn't be able to do it.

leader: who would say that a minotaur and a succubus would unite to free those who cannot, in addition to attacking some nobles. without a doubt I will enjoy its execution




kuro: that man what is he doing here?

Tamy: have you seen it before?

kuro: is who I fight with in the forest

Tammy: I see




leader: "this will return my honor and above all the trust of captain cold.....that damn boy made my life hell.....but with this I will return to being the captain's right hand man"

kuro: "that man doesn't get tired of following the orders of the bastard cold .... that he will be plotting this time" ..... it seems that we will have to wait until nightfall to be able to continue on our way

tamy: and we are going to help them

kuro: it's not our problem, besides we already have enough that they secretly want me dead to piss off cold and turn me into a criminal

tamy: b-but.....

The elf knew perfectly well what it means to be enslaved and especially how they mistreat you when you are in that situation, that's why she felt bad leaving them to their fate and even more so without knowing their crimes.

Kuro, on the other hand, could not allow more actions like these by Cold and his henchmen, since the boy wants to end Cold and, if possible, with all the misdeeds he has done.

kuro: ...let's wait until nightfall....




The wait was boring, but in the end the night came and both are now waiting for the opportunity to continue on their way.

kuro: "now there are only 5 guards watching the prisoners so it would be easy to free them.......but what will I do with tamy"

The boy knew that he could finish off the knights, but he too could not fight or defend himself as there were no trees.

kuro: tamy....I will distract them, so you will have to free them...you understand

Tammy: y-yes

The elf had been happy to learn that the prisoners would be rescued.

Kuro: I know I can trust you, so be careful

Without further ado, the boy separated from Tamy and then began to walk towards the knights.

gentleman1: don't move from where you are! this is a restricted area!

kuro: I'm sorry, what happens is that I got lost and I can't find the way to the kingdom

gentleman2: well keep walking the other way

kuro: but what aggressiveness of you

leader: what the hell is going on here!

an exchange of glances was enough for the leader of the knights to realize who was making such a ruckus.

leader: YOU! damn bastard, you dare to appear here

kuro: it seems that one has a bit of a grudge against me, isn't it... leader

that smile was getting on his nerves, besides that he still remembered that humiliation that this boy did to him and for which he turned his life into hell.

leader: capture him

gentleman2: what did leader say?

leader: CAPTURE HIM!

After the shout of the leader, all the knights were placed in the place where their leader is.

knight2: all in formation!, the order is to capture that boy... alive or dead sir?

Leader: I want him alive..... "I'm going to make him suffer for the humiliation he did to me a few days ago... I'm going to make his life hell"