all the knights went after Kuro in order to capture him. making him smile, since the first stage of his plan had worked .... now it only remains for Tamy to achieve his part.




Leader: "I just hope the same thing doesn't happen like last time or we're lost".....I hope you don't get too excited, since you're not important enough to be rescued. what just happened is more of a personal problem

When he finished speaking, the man began to walk towards one of the camps they had to rest and thus wait for the gentlemen to do their job well and bring that boy to him.




Meanwhile, Kuro tried to run as far as he could from that camp in order to lose the knights, but they are very persistent, more than he imagined. they even started throwing some magical attacks at him.

gentleman1: the leader wants him alive ..... but he never said we couldn't have fun with him for a while

kuro: "damn, I'm starting to get tired and these guys don't seem to want to leave me alone"

???: "kuro listen to me, use your sword"

kuro: "you are the voice of that dream... but if I use the sword I will be very tired"

???: "This time the same will not happen... I promise you"

With no choice but to fight, Kuro stopped and then turned around and faced the knights before unsheathing that black sword.

gentleman1: be careful, according to the leader that sword grants great power to whoever has it wielded

After the warning, the knights decided to surround Kuro, since he would not have the opportunity to protect himself or defeat them all.

???: "Listen to me well, trust yourself and your skills... only then will you be able to get out of this problem"

he knew perfectly well that if he wanted to get out of that problem, he alone had the strength to achieve it.

the atmosphere was tense, since the knights or kuro made no movement.

Kuro: "This time I don't know how I'm going to finish off 19 knights, although I can see that 9 are magicians, if I attack them closely I can finish them off, but if they launch an attack on me I'm fried, besides I don't remember how I defeated the last knights with whom I face"

???: (I trust you kuro ... it only remains for you to trust yourself ... only then will you show me that you are worthy of being his successor ... but above all everything ... to bring peace to this world)

The wizards were the first to attack with fireballs, so Kuro began to dodge them, although when they explode they make a lot of smoke and above all they stir up the desert sand, making it almost impossible to see the opponent.

This was taken advantage of by Kuro, who began to knock out some knights.

???: "why don't you kill them?"

Kuro: "It is one thing for them to be corrupt, but it is quite another for them to be threatened by their superiors or even orders they do not want to obey"

???: (you would have said it before he killed the other knights)

When the smoke cleared, the knights were surprised to see 5 of their companions out of action.

gentleman1: curse is stronger than we imagined ... there is no other. 5 of you prepare an attack

Following the knight's order, 5 of the mages began to conjure an attack in order to finish off the boy.

gentleman1: I hope you are not such a nice person with us...because we will not hesitate to kill you if we have the opportunity

From this moment the real battle begins...so Kuro will have to be even more alert, since none of them will hold back from killing him, even if that brings them problems with their leader.




on the other hand, he tamy is in a big problem, since he was afraid of being discovered by the leader of the knights whom he could not face, much less defeat.

so she very stealthily began to approach the cells, reaching the smaller of the two with a torch in her hand so she could see something in the dark night.

???1: how many more times will you come to make fun of us?

Tamy: I'm afraid I'm not here to make fun of you... rather I want to help you get out of here

???1: It can't be! Are you an elf?

tamy: that's right... but this is not the time for this, first I have to get them out of here before that man notices

???2: you need the keys to open these cells and only two people have them one is the leader and the other one of the knights who chased your friend

tamy: well, all that remains is to wait for kuro or try to take those keys from the leader

???2: I don't recommend doing the second, since that guy is very strong, not for nothing is he the right hand of Captain Cold

tamy: well my friend defeated him 3 days ago

???2: LIKE! It can't be, even I was defeated by him

Tamy: Now that we have a bit of confidence, can you tell me your names? I'm Tamy and as you can see I'm an elf.




kuro: oh oh oh. "damn, they are stronger than he thought"

On his body and face there are several cuts from swords, as well as some parts burned by the attacks of the magicians.

kuro: "I have no choice but to end this........or with their lives"

The boy knew that sooner or later something like this would have to happen and he would have to be prepared for when it happened.

The sword began to perceive Kuro's feelings and as he is in a great dilemma about whether to kill his enemies or not.

???: (It seems that idiot didn't explain what was necessary to the boy... I'll have to help him a bit)

A red aura began to come out of the sword, which began to surround Kuro's body, causing the boy's eyes to lose a little of their brightness.

Before any of the knights or wizards could do anything, Kuro quickly moved in front of one of them.

the surprise invaded the men, since in their years as knights they never saw anyone move so fast .... but his greatest surprise is seeing his partner being pierced by that boy's back.


despair began to affect the knights and wizards. after all they don't know what they are facing, besides fear also started to be a big problem. so without thinking the magicians began to launch several attacks towards kuro resulting in a small explosion.

for a few seconds there was nothing but silence on the part of the knights and magicians to know if they ended the life of that boy.

Little by little the smoke began to fade, revealing the figure of that boy.

nothing...those attacks hadn't made a scratch on kuro not even his clothes were damaged.

gentleman1: "this can't be possible, he must have at least some damage on his body or clothes, it's as if he had canceled the attacks"

kuro: what do you think if I show you how to do it

extending his arm and having his hand fully open...a great ball of fire began to be created.


kuro: who says this is magic

Without more to say, Kuro launched that attack towards the knights and magicians causing a large explosion to be created by that attack.




???2: it seems that your friend is not having a good time at all

Those words only made Tamy worry much more about Kuro, since he didn't know Kuro's capabilities or if he could defeat so many enemies together, because the last time he ended up fainting 3 days after defeating a few.

Tamy: I trust him and I know he can return victorious

???1: It seems that you have a lot of confidence in that friend of yours...or could it be for something else

Without being able to avoid it, Tamy blushed at the words of this person, since she remembered the days that he had been with Kuro, but especially the hug that they gave each other recently.

tamy: "maybe i have feelings for him"

???1: you must hide..."he" is coming this way

Without wasting time, Tamy left the torch that he had and then hid behind some boxes that he had left around the place so as not to be discovered by the leader of the knights.

leader: that damn boy is being a headache again ... but this time it will be different, so don't be happy that for more rescue attempts you won't come out free ... also yes I get that sword it will be one more step...for humans to rule over all races