???2: "so this is their great plan to finish off the other races.....without a doubt, humans are more despicable than demons.....the high command must know this"




the smoke from the explosion began to fade, revealing the damage the boy had caused.

gentleman1: this can not be....

The knight couldn't believe what had happened, since those magicians who had attacked the boy... weren't... they simply disappeared... as if that attack had killed.

Caballero1: w-what did you do and where are the magicians

kuro: it's not that obvious...dead, but don't worry, very soon...you'll go with them

mage: we already have the attack ready

Caballero1: what are you waiting for..... KILL HIM!

With no more time to lose, the magicians launched that gigantic ball of fire towards Kuro, leaving the magicians totally tired from having made that attack.

The fireball was getting closer to Kuro, so Kuro raised his sword ...

to then thrust downward causing a strong gust of wind to hit the battlefield.

so they all covered themselves in case it was an attack...but when they opened their eyes....that attack had disappeared.


kuro: I already told you...skill....but I'd better show it to you

When Kuro finished speaking, he raised his sword again and then thrust towards where the knights and magicians were.


A few seconds after that kuro action, a gigantic ball of fire appeared and then headed towards the knights and magicians.

gentleman1: "t-that's the attack from recently, it seems that this sword is much more powerful than we imagined, apparently it can cut any attack and absorb it and then launch it again with much more force"

Without much time to dodge the attack they had no choice but to receive it and try to survive it.

so in a couple of seconds a big explosion was present in that desert.....but this one looked much bigger than the previous ones and above all very destructive.




leader: "so you had no choice but to use that attack....it's okay, I won't have my revenge, but at least I'll get that wonderful sword"




the smoke began to vanish so that the destruction that that attack had left was beginning to be seen.

kuro: it seems that...only you! you survived

standing, although very wounded is a single gentleman, who apparently was still alive .... although not for much.

gentleman1: without a doubt ... you are a monster

kuro: I prefer to be told that I am a...

At that moment the looks of both of them made the knight freeze with fear, since the eyes of that boy they were facing were no longer those of a human... but those of a reptile, since they are torn as if it were..... a dragon.

gentleman1: YOU!.....YOU ARE....

before he could finish speaking...that knight....simply began to turn into ashes....remaining only his armor and some belongings he had with him.

Seeing that the danger had passed and that there was no enemy left, Kuro sheathed his sword again causing him to lose a bit of strength and breath.

kuro: without a doubt I have to get used to it or train with the sword so that this doesn't happen again

Recovering his strength a little, Kuro approached the knight's belongings looking for something that could help him. Finding several useful things, but at this moment the most important being some keys, which he assumed were to free the prisoners, so he began to walk towards that camp to make sure that Tamy is alright and rescue the prisoners.




the night began to disappear, since the sun began to rise through the mountains causing its rays to begin to illuminate the earth.

little by little kuro began to stop feeling the cold of the night to begin to feel the hot rays of the sun on his back.

he had taken so long to return because of the enormous distance he was from the camp, plus he is a bit tired from using the sword, since he was not used to using it.

kuro: "I'm close to the camp now. I just hope nothing happened while I was gone"




It took him a little longer to get to the camp, finding a somewhat strange image, since Tamy was completely asleep among some boxes in the place.

this being seen by kuro from above to know where the leader of the knights is and especially tamy.

so he stealthily approached the girl so he could wake her up without making much noise.

being close to him tamy he moved her a little to wake her up.

kuro: tamy wake up

surprised to be woken up, she tamy thought they had discovered her so she was going to scream, but before she did anything of her own kuro covered her mouth so she wouldn't make a noise.

kuro: calm down it's me

both are very close to each other so they blushed when they noticed the closeness.

Kuro: I'm going to let you go, but don't make too much noise

Removing her hand from Tamy's mouth, the elf threw herself at Kuro, hugging him.

kuro: It seems that you missed me a lot, isn't it?

She didn't care about anything, since seeing him there with her was enough for her. she after all she had taken a lot of affection to the boy.

kuro: tell me where the leader is

Tamy: t-the truth is that last night she ended up very asleep and I didn't hear anything from him

kuro: wow that will be a problem, I'm a little tired from the fight I had, so stay here and let me know if he comes

Without further ado, Kuro approached the prisoners in order to free them with the keys that he had taken from that gentleman.

???2: so you are... the friend Tamy told us about

kuro: that's right my name is kuro and I'm here to save you

???2: which squad do you belong to? Better yet, who sends you?

Kuro: I'm sorry to tell you that I don't know what you mean, we were just passing by when we saw what was happening and decided to rescue them

leader: too bad you didn't run away again


