neither of them had seen or felt the leader of the knights approaching.

but Kuro didn't have much time to be surprised, since he had to dodge the leader's attack and not get hurt ... or killed.

kuro: c-how did you hide your presence

leader: a few gifts from captain cold

Right in the eyes of Kuro and the prisoner, the leader of the knights disappeared again, surprising them both by such skill.

???: "don't be scared, just stay calm and concentrate your senses"

Kuro stood up and then walked around to where he was trying to find out where the leader of the knights is and find out his secret.

From one moment to another, Kuro began to receive several sword wounds on his body and face, making it impossible for him to see his enemy's attacks until he felt a sword go through his leg, making him scream in pain and kneel down.

leader: but now look at the invincible lord, kneeling and bleeding. without a doubt you are pathetic... but what can you expect from someone like you, without magic, or family... you are just useless

Those words were only causing Kuro to begin to get angry, but above all to feel an immense power coming out of the sword along with a red aura. but this surprised the leader of the knights, since he thought that the power that he showed that time had only been luck.

While these two were fighting, the prisoner took the keys that were in the lock of the cage to be able to remove the necklace that he has around his neck.

this being an anti-magic necklace.




In this world there are various types of objects which nullify magic or increase it.

in this case the anti-magic necklace nullifies the total power of this in the user, prohibiting him from using any attack.

This is a big problem for magical beings or races like elves, which rely heavily on magic. but there are other types of beings or races such as minotaurs, which are known for their brute force.

so the collars were updated to nullify or at least weaken it so they are not a threat.

all this was created by elves and some races, since some of these can get out of control. especially the minutaurs, since these usually enter the mating season and when fighting for a female they tend to get out of control and kill the opponent going crazy. The same thing happens with other races, but in different situations.




???2: "I just have to find the key to this thing and help the boy"

Kuro: I'm not useless

leader: if you weren't, you wouldn't have let joseph or sebastian die or that old lady, what was her name?

kuro: you mean the caretaker carmen

leader: she.....that old fool

kuro: don't talk about her like that .... NEVER MENTION HER NAME AGAIN about her!

Kuro's eyes turned black with red irises, in addition to becoming slanted like those of a reptile, looking very angry at the leader of the knights, who was frightened by Kuro's gaze.

???: "so little by little he begins to get used to "your" power"

Kuro began to feel her hands burning, this being as if she was dipping them into burning lava.

The leader of the knights did not wait any longer and disappeared again before anything else happened.

kuro: this time you will not escape... YOU WILL PAY FOR EVERYTHING YOU HAVE DONE!

little by little he stood up for later and to the astonishment of all those present his hands caught fire.

???2: "that's impossible!.....humans are supposed to only be able to cast spells to attack, but wrapping that magic in your own body is very difficult....only one person in history tried to do it . failing in the attempt"

leader: "this brat hides more secrets than anyone"

that fire that came out of kuro's hands is very aggressive and intense orange as if he wanted to burn everything around him.

so kuro closed his right fist and then hit the ground causing a wave of fire to spread through the area hitting the leader of the knights and taking him out of that ability to disappear.

leader: "but what was that attack"

Kuro began to pant too much, plus some beads of sweat began to run down his face. as if that attack had tired him too much.

Without more strength to be able to stand up, Kuro fell to his knees and very tired.

Leader: Looks like you just had a bit of luck...but this is OVER!

The leader took the sword from him and then inched towards Kuro as he smiled victoriously. Facing the boy, he raised his sword, making its edge shine in the sun's rays.

leader: this is your end

the sword began to descend rapidly in the direction of kuro's neck.




Before the sword reached Kuro, the leader of the knights was sent flying towards some stones that were in the place, making him crash against them.

???2: I'm sorry...but I can't allow you to end the life of this young man

In front of Kuro is a minotaur, a beast or rather a race that is not easily seen, and they are also very aggressive with any stranger.

without a doubt he had never seen anything like it, since in the books he used to read they did not describe it correctly.

his skin is dark brown. his feet are the same as those of a human, but much larger and stronger like his hands, but don't be fooled, since in the palm of his hand a human head can fit without any problem, his muscular back so he deduced that he trained his body to exhaustion, in addition to the fact that it has several scars. his head is the same as that of a bull, having his horns black.

???2: It seems that I arrived just in time....by the way my name is...ARGOS!

Saying his name, he turned to look at Kuro, who realized that the minotaur's eyes are yellow, in addition to the fact that he was smiling at him.

???2: leave this to me and rest as much as you can

When he finished talking to Kuro, Argos began to walk towards the leader of the knights, who was barely recovering from the blow they had given him.

leader: damn, how did you get free?

argos: you shouldn't entertain yourself with something else when, you already have something on your hands.....you know what they say.....greed broke the sack.....and now you you will die for trusting you

The minotaur raised his fist from which small blue lightning began to come out.

argos: you will pay for everything you have done

Such is the rage that this creature has for the leader of the knights that by putting strength in his fist you can see the veins marked on his arm for everything he has suffered from this man.

on the other hand, the leader of the knights knows that it is the end of him if he does not dodge the minotaur's attack.

leader: "damn, I'll have to use "that" again. without a doubt this time captain cold will not forgive me.....but it's the only thing I have to escape"

so before argos managed to attack the leader of the knights, this took out of his armor a white stone surprising the minotaur and kuro, since they had never seen one.

kuro: argos be careful! could be some powerful attack

Before either of them could do anything, the leader of the knights broke that stone causing an intense light to mow them both down.

A few seconds later the intensity of the light began to drop so little by little they began to open their eyes and begin to see what had happened.

Both Argos and Kuro were surprised not to see the leader of the knights, so they became alert, since it might be a trap.

???1: they don't need to do all that...I don't feel their presence

argos: I already said that I was forgetting something

so the minotaur approached the missing cage in order to open it and then free his companion.

Kuro, who was still in the same position, could see how Argos left the cage and then left with his mouth open.

behind argos came a beautiful girl. which kuro mistook for some goddess who had come down to earth.

her appearance is like that of a girl. She has beautiful pink hair, which reaches her hips, big and beautiful red eyes, full lips, which are accompanied by a pair of fangs, a beautiful porcelain skin, but what caught my attention the most kuro is the girl's body, which is in the form of a clock.

kuro: "wow they are bigger than tamy's...I hope what I do thinking about those things"

???1: wow, it seems that I'm not good enough to catch you with my charms....it's a pleasure my name is silvya, but you can call me silvy it's a pleasure to meet you