argos: don't stare at her so intently or she'll end up catching you

silvy: it seems that he has the protection of someone or something that does not let me use my charm in the

argos: it will be the same because he is just a child and he will not know those things

silvy: the only thing I know is that it hurts my pride as a succubus and as a woman too

Kuro: Excuse me, but can you help me get to the camp so I can heal and find Tamy?

argus: oh! Excuse me young man, I'll take him to camp, Silvy, can you find Tamy please?

That was how Argos and Kuro were divided on one side while Silvy would look for Tamy on the other.

with kuro and argos.

The minotaur took the boy to the campaign that the knights had to treat his wounds.

so the boy took out the box they had given him.

argos: that logo is not from the church of the human kingdom?

kuro: that's right, the father of the church gave me the box and the magic stones as a gift

The boy began to search among the stones for a green one, since these would be the ones for healing. As he did this, Argos began searching the tent for supplies.

argos: looks like they ran out of supplies recently

kuro: now that you mention it we are not very far from the empire, maybe they would rest at night and in the morning they would leave for the kingdom arriving at it at night

argos: go, we will have to look for a well with water

kuro: if you like I have stones with stored water

The boy took out a blue stone from the box to give it to Argus, who began to drink from it as if there was no tomorrow.

kuro: "it must have been hard to go without drinking for maybe days and on top of that with a sun as strong as this one"

While Argos quenched his thirst, Kuro began to heal his wounds.

so the silence was formed, but being somewhat pleasant and relaxed until silvy arrived with tamy, who is tied and gagged.

Kuro: Tamy! are you okay?

The boy quickly stopped attending to be able to cut the ropes that bound Tamy with his sword and remove the cloth that was in his mouth.

kuro: what happened to you?

Tamy: I don't even know myself, I just felt a blow to my neck and I passed out

argos: maybe the leader attacked her when she had that ability to turn invisible

kuro: maybe, but where did you find it?

silvy: it was in a nearby cave

After those words, everyone began to heal, clean themselves and replenish their strength in case something else happened.




Thus the hours passed until the sun began to hide in the mountains.

kuro: it seems that today we will have to use this place here to rest and tomorrow continue with our trip

Silvy: Speaking of which, what is a human and an elf doing traveling together?

As they began to talk, they sat around a fire to light it and be able to have something to eat for dinner, besides that it would serve for the cold that was beginning to be felt.

kuro: it's a long story

argos: don't worry, we have time

kuro: aah, prime I'll start with my story...

It was how Kuro told these people his story since he arrived at the orphanage and how his hell began in the hands of Captain Cold.

kuro: that's how the father helped me and told me that I had to flee to the kingdom of the elves to help me know why I can't use magic, also that along the way I met the leader of the knights, who I wanted Tamy back

argos: without a doubt, your story deserves respect, besides not giving up and wanting to move on is very honorable

kuro: "for now I won't tell you anything about the swords"

argos: "it is seen that he wants to keep what happened in the morning a secret"

silvy: since the boy told us his story, what can you tell us, tamy

tamy: my story has nothing special, i grew up in the elf kingdom and lived a quiet life until one day while playing in the forest i was kidnapped and taken to the human kingdom where i was rescued and met kuro

kuro: what can you tell us, argos

Argos: I grew up in a minotaur village, which was very quiet until one day the humans attacked us so the adults stayed to fight while the women took us children to a safe place.

In the end, only two warriors survived, my father being one of them. Knowing that this place was no longer safe, we began to look for more villages where we found out that they were all being attacked, so a single village was created where all the minotaurs were. where they began to train the new generations to protect our home, of course in some attacks they managed to take children or women, but in the end they were recovered.

Over time we were labeled as a violent race in the eyes of humans of course. luckily the elves and some races did not believe this and continued to trust us. Over time there were more attacks on other races so I decided to become part of an organization to save the kidnapped races and repair our reputation. That's how I met Silvy and we started doing various missions together until we were captured.

silvy: who told you that you could call me that

kuro: so this is not just the work of cold, but for years this has been happening

argos: as far as i know, yes, but this intensified as soon as cold became captain of the knights and it is said that there is a group behind all this, which wants to dominate over all races

kuro: so this is much more serious than I thought

tamy: and you silvy, what is your story?

silvy: I'm afraid it's not as sweet as yours. Believe it or not, I was born in the human kingdom due to the adventure of a corrupt nobleman, who had bought my mother on the black market. Despite being born that way, my mother always protected me and gave me the best childhood I could wish for. but the damned nobleman had other plans and apparently he wanted to wait for me to grow up to start using me with his friends, since apparently the succubus genes were stronger than the human ones, so I am 100% succubus. In the end, my mother objected, so she began to be tortured until she died.

Precisely the day he planned to give me to one of the nobles, an assassin killed him, so when he saw me there he decided to take me with him and train me.

tamy: must have been hard for you

The elf stood up and then walked towards Silvy, to whom she gave her a warm hug.

kuro: so we all have suffered in our life. By the way, what kind of magic do they use?

argos: my race is based on brute force, but i can use some lightning magic

tammy: that's so weird

argos: the bad thing is that i don't control it completely and sometimes i end up hurting myself

kuro: and you silvy

silvy: I like that you call me that

The succubus gave Kuro a seductive look making him blush.....so Tamy quickly went to her side and then took her hand and gave Silvy a death glare.

Silvy: Don't worry, I'm not going to take it off, but if you want to share, I'm more than willing to do it. the ability of my race is to be able to seduce anyone without however my magic is unique, since apparently I am of a rather strange type, which is a tracker. apparently I can feel the presence of beings that have magic in their body.

kuro: that explains how you felt that the leader of the knights had escaped and how you found tamy

After having told his stories and getting to know each other better, dinner came eating everything that Tamy had prepared. causing Argos and Silvy to congratulate her on her cooking skills.

kuro: it seems that it's already too late because they won't sleep while argos and I stay to watch

silvy: I think it's a good idea, I'll let you know if I feel something... by the way, be a good boy and don't spy on us.....kuro