From the shadows came a person with a tunic completely covering her body and face.

???: you're just a fucking piece of trash that needs to know its place and not bite the hand that fed you, now tell me where the things I gave you are

leader: what do you care

cold: answer as it should .... or do I have to remind you that thanks to them we are here

leader: they are destroyed. I had to use the light stone to escape and the invisibility stone was broken during the battle

cold: in a nutshell you lost our prisoners, all your men died and you lost two very important stones for us, right?

leader: n-it's not that captain, I... I... just

???: basically a failure of mission and man

leader: YOU! DAMN FOOL!

cold: ENOUGH!. you're right it was a mission failure, besides it was your last chance to go back to being what you were .... so disappear

that person extended one of his hands and then a black fire began to appear in his palm.

???: that which burns everything, fulfills my orders and disappears my enemies

At the end of reciting that spell, a black circle formed under the leader of the knights and then he began to be surrounded by fire and be consumed by it.

leader: you guys...just.....used me

those words were the last ones he could say before that fire completely consumed him....and ended his existence

cold: in the end it was just a hindrance

???: but it will not be a problem that it has disappeared like this because yes

cold: don't worry about anything, he already had his replacement ready

???: in that case, leave it to me what that useless man couldn't do

cold: in that case I expect good results

without more to say that subject began to sink into the ground and then disappear.

cold: "that dark magic is too dangerous, so I'll be more careful from now on when I talk to those people"




all this was seen by 10 subjects who are gathered and sitting around a table, which has a crystal ball in the center of it through which they saw everything that had happened.

???1: I'm not liking this at all. we have to do something fast or all these years of effort will be thrown away

???2: I agree, not only do we no longer have the holy sword but also the dark sword has awakened and the alliance between races is about to resurface

???6: we have to take down its bearer

???10: It will be better if they calm down and don't lose their cool. I won't let anyone get in the way of our plan to bring back the demon race so we can rule over all races.

???5: it's a great plan yes, but having to depend on those dirty humans to break the seal and be able to return is a bit humiliating

???10: remember that we are only using them for our own good, and that their souls will serve to revive those who died in the last war and to strengthen us

???8: in that case contact him and tell him to eliminate the bearer of the swords

???3: right away!




???: you have to kill the bearer of the swords and eliminate any evidence

???: Just enough to recover the swords and eliminate anyone who gets in the way, right?

???: that's right, complete your mission and you will be rewarded

In his hand he has a crystal ball which went out implying that there was no more to talk about.




the makeshift team finds themselves trekking through the intense desert in order to reach the dwarf village.

argos: despite being rescuing races for years I never saw a dwarf

silvy: well you're doing well, they're just some old perverts

argos: it will be that or you will have provoked them

silvy: ha! I never provoke anyone unless it's for a mission....or a very rare case in which I like the person....such as kuro

Silvy's words had managed to make Kuro blush so he tamy quickly took the boy's arm and buried it between his bust.

silvy: don't worry dear I plan to share it with you

Tamy: I still can't take my eyes off you

argos: it seems that you have problems friend

kuro: so it seems

the group began to get along with each time they spent together.

silvy: guys I feel several presences approaching us

argos: we must protect tamy

silvy: don't worry, there are a maximum of 10. you and kuro can handle them, I'll take tamy with me

At the words of the succubus, Tamy approached Kuro and then kissed the boy on the cheek.

tamy: take care of yourself and come back to me safe and sound

When he finished speaking, Silvy took Tamy and then took her to a safe place.

So Kuro and Argos continued on their way to meet the presences that Silvy felt, since it is better to be safe than sorry, so they decided to protect Tamy before risking her.

argos: if you feel bad about killing someone of your own kind, don't worry...you leave them knocked out and I'll take care of them

Kuro knew perfectly well that from now on the battles would be deadly and he should not have mercy against his enemies ... or else he would end up dead.




The two continued on their way, but being alert since the enemies or presences that Silvy had felt could appear at any moment.

The atmosphere began to be tense, since until now there had been no change, so at any moment they could be attacked.

From one moment to the next a sand storm appeared making them unable to see anything so they both stood back to back to cover more space. While Kuro had his sword in his hands, Argos finds himself with a double-edged axe.

little by little the storm began to fade so now they could see much more, but above all what had happened.

since in front of them there are 5 subjects with a tunic completely covering their bodies and faces.

???: but how aggressive are you two, no.....friends?

argos: not every day you are walking through the desert and from one moment to another a sandstorm takes away your vision and when you leave there are 5 very suspicious guys

???2: but if we are not suspicious at all, we only come here to make friends

kuro: well we're not here to make friends, so please just let us through

???5: Of course we'll let them pass, but first give us those swords of yours

argos: swords?

??? 5: perhaps you don't know, this boy has in his possession the two most sought after, important and powerful swords in the world

argos: as far as i know the only swords that are lost today and that were very important during the war are the holy and the dark sword

??? 5: same as he has ..... in fact in his hand he has the dark sword

Argos was surprised at the news he just received, since these swords are currently the most sought after in the world and the most important.

kuro: I swear that if we get out of here alive I will tell you the whole truth and why I have these swords

argos: I hope this time it will be like this

???5: honestly I would not trust someone who lied to me about something so important

argos: I owe him my life so... I don't have to distrust him

Before he could continue speaking, a mysterious man appeared.

???: stop wasting time and finish them off

???5: how do you order sir

After that order, the 5 subjects took off their tunic to reveal their identity.... making Argos and Kuro surprised at what they were seeing.

In front of them are neither more nor less than 5 lycanthropes of the werewolf race.




There are two types of lycanthrope races in this world. The first is the race of werewolves, that is, wolves with human appearance or with two legs: which means that they walk on two legs, which are too strong, since it helps them run, jump and move much faster. than a normal human without using magic. long arms and extremely sharp claws being one of the fastest and deadliest races.

the second race is the okami or giant wolves: that is, wolves that go on 4 legs from 2 to 3 meters high, being very dangerous if you come across them in the wild.

This began in ancient warfare, as humans began experimenting on soldiers to give them the strength, agility, and speed of wolves, so these two races came to life.

Unfortunately, those who were used for the experiments did not control their new form or strength, so they were locked up and the experiment remained there.

although one day they simply escaped from where they were becoming a dangerous race for others by being very aggressive.

but cases began to occur where people attacked or damaged by one of these "werewolves" became one without knowing the reason.

that is why there are two races one similar to humans to make them soldiers perfect, since with their form similar to that of a human they would be the perfect weapon in war. on the other hand the other breed was made more for tracking or heavy work.


