argos: werewolves

???5: Looks like they've caused Captain Cold enough trouble to send for us to exterminate them.

argos: it is a pity that such an honorable race is carried away by a few gold coins


When he finished speaking, another 5 werewolves came out behind Kuro and Argos.

kuro: they have us surrounded

Argos: It seems that they really want to finish us off once and for all. After all, these are the 10 most wanted lycanthropes of all for murders and several other things, besides that their leader is a very powerful alpha... Listen to me well boy, if we are losing, do not hesitate to escape... .....I will stop them as long as I can

Kuro: I'm not going to leave anyone behind and if we must die... so be it, but I won't let them lay a hand on these swords or on Tamy

argos: leave the alpha to me... you kill the others

At Argos's words, Kuro turned around to face the werewolves behind him.

so the boy quickly realized that they were not the same as the others because of their fur color, since the first 5 have a darker and more aggressive color. while the new ones are of a lighter color, in addition to these they look younger and without any type of wound or scar on their body.

kuro: "well, this will be my first battle to the death so I shouldn't trust myself"

The boy took the dark sword in his hands so without hesitation he launched himself towards the 5 lycanthropes to try to defeat them. After all, it is the first time that he fights against another race that is not human, so he would give his best effort to be victorious.

# wolf = werewolf #

lobo1: but look what we have here. the coward who fled the kingdom and let his family die

kuro: I don't think you guys know the meaning of family....after all you crawl for a few simple coins

lobo1: Damn!...KILL HIM!

Kuro was immediately surrounded by the lycanthropes so he put himself in a defensive position to be able to defend himself from the attacks.

kuro: "at the moment I can only defend myself until I can find a good moment and counter-attack"

the weapons that the werewolves have in their hands are daggers, one in each hand, so the boy knew immediately that his attacks would be fast and to very dangerous places, so he would have to be very careful with that.

so the tension of the environment is too much. After all, they are risking their lives in this battle.

hinoken: "don't lose focus, his strategy is to surround and confuse his opponent in order to finish him off"

if that entity within the sword, which has lived for years and been in too many battles. I was giving you these tips you should follow them.

so he shouldn't get nervous, much less let the werewolves notice him, so his defense was strengthened even more. causing none of the lycanthropes to find any flaw in his defense to attack him.

lobo1: "if none of them can do anything.....I will"

in one of the claws of the lycanthrope a small orange sphere was beginning to form.

lobo1: "this will leave me very tired, but I hope it's worth it"

The small sphere was created to later be thrown towards Kuro, who is concentrating on the other lycanthropes.

The attack reached Kuro, which exploded on his back.

The explosion caused a large crater in the place where Kuro was. so as soon as the smoke began to fade you can see the boy's injured back.

hinoken: (damn! since when can these guys use magic)

wolf1: hahahaha! look, captain cold warned us to be careful with you ... but it seems that he was just exaggerating ... you are nothing more than a very lucky boy

Kuro: "damn! I really didn't expect this.....but I can't give up now...this will be the battle that defines the future....not just for Tamy, Silvy, Argos or me .....but from all races...so I can't give up now"

Little by little, Kuro began to get up from where he was....making the lycanthropes begin to back away....since Kuro's body began to emit a crimson aura like blood. that the animal instinct of the lycanthropes warned them about the danger of that aura....but from one moment to another kuro raised his head causing the lycanthropes to notice kuro's slanted eyes, which look like those of a reptile being these red. then a great gust of air hit the battlefield making the lycanthropes back and scaring them.

In the distance that mysterious man watched the battle, surprised by what just happened.

???: "those eyes...are the same as his...those of....a dragon"

lobo1: n-don't back down, we must finish him off before...

the words were left in the air when kuro quickly arrived in front of one of the lycanthropes .... the only thing his companions could do was watch as kuro raised his sword and then launched an attack ..... ...cutting the lycanthrope in front of him in half.

lobo1: "this can't be!.....it can't be happening!....."

???: "it seems that this is more dangerous than we imagined"

the remaining werewolves could only watch in fear what was happening right now. since with great ease his partner had been cut in two and the one who had done it stands in front of him with a cold look and dead eyes.

Being still surprised by what they just saw, none of the lycanthropes could predict Kuro's next move, which quickly attacked again, but this time at two lycanthropes. which could not do anything before the attack and speed of kuro being cut in half.

wolf2: damn! I kill three of us and very easily

wolf1: we have no choice but to do "that"

wolf2: but it is forbidden

wolf1: then decide to do the right thing and die or use that technique and live

wolf2: there is no other

At the end of speaking, both werewolves took a magic stone each between their claws. This stone shines with an intense black color.

???: "so you plan to use "that" eh. without a doubt it will be a good experiment to know if it works or not"

both werewolves took the stones to their mouths and then swallowed them.

A few seconds later both began to growl in pain, in addition to changes in their bodies, as they began to grow giving them an even more savage appearance. in total they now measure 2 meters 50 centimeters, their legs are now thicker and longer so they would be very powerful, sharper claws so they would be dangerous, even wilder fur and red eyes.

kuro: "I just hope this is not a problem"

They quickly both rushed towards Kuro, who began to dodge his attacks, realizing that his attacks are strong, but not precise.

kuro: "it seems that transformation made them lose their sanity"

hinoken: "be very careful with them kuro. I've never seen that kind of transformation except demons"

kuro: "so they are also involved in this"

The boy had no more time to continue lost in his thoughts, since the lycanthropes' attacks began to be faster than before.

hinoken: "be very careful with them kuro, even if they manage to harm you, you won't become one of them... but the one you have to worry about and take care of is the alpha... I hope you get out alive boy"

kuro: "I must finish this quickly before they get used to their new transformation or it will be very dangerous"

He quickly took his sword to block an attack from one of the lycanthropes and then saw how one of them raised his claw so in a quick attack ... kuro cut off his entire arm.

wolf2: GRRRRR!

There was no time to lose so Kuro quickly tried to cut off the wounded werewolf's head, but was stopped by the other.

he knew that for now it would be a one on one battle, but he had to be quick before the other recovered.

Without thinking twice, he launched himself to attack his enemy, but he pushed himself with his strong legs and then made a great jump and was behind Kuro's back.

he quickly turned around so he could defend himself...

committing a serious rookie mistake on the battlefield, since you should never turn your back on the enemy ... if you are not sure that you have killed him or that he is dead.

Kuro was surprised by the lycanthrope whose arm he had cut off, which surrounded him around the waist with his remaining arm, in addition to biting Kuro's left shoulder causing him to scream in pain.

Kuro: AAAAH! damned

wolf1: you trust yourself...now.....die

The boy could feel how the lycanthrope's teeth began to bury themselves more and more in his skin, beginning to see how the blood came out without stopping.

kuro: "damn it! I trusted and now I'm in serious trouble"

trapped and unable to do anything, kuro began to get nervous, since the other lycanthrope, seeing what was happening, began to walk towards him.

He quickly started to move to try to escape from the werewolf's grip on him, but all his efforts are in vain, since the force that the werewolf was putting into the grip is too much, and he kept biting Kuro's left shoulder.

desperation began to seize kuro, since he could not do anything in the face of the situation in which he found himself.

From one moment to another Kuro stopped fighting so the werewolf stopped biting his shoulder only to see how Kuro lowered his head while his eyes were covered by his hair.

lobo1: what a pity, it seems that he could not resist anymore and died

lobo2: what a disappointment, I wanted to continue playing with him

little by little kuro began to be surrounded by a crimson aura again.


With that cry, Kuro freed himself from the lycanthrope's grasp, making them have to cover his ears, since the cry was causing damage to them.

but that was not the only thing since the boy also released a large gust of wind making the werewolves fly a few meters away from him.

lobo2: what kind of scream was that

lobo1: that wasn't a scream...it was a roar

???: "so he wasn't defeated, he still had some power left inside of him .... and best of all .... that roar is not any roar that was a true dragon's roar"

this time kuro's appearance began to change, since his face began to change causing a few reptilian scales to appear, but not only on his face, since they also began to appear on his hands .

the lycanthrope who was missing an arm got up and then launched himself towards the attack against kuro. which did not move from where he was receiving the attack directly.

The lycanthrope's claws made contact with Kuro's body, but instead of going through Kuro's skin...the lycanthrope could feel Kuro's skin becoming very hard.

lobo2: because he couldn't go through your skin with my attack

kuro: you can never hurt someone like me.....A


Kuro's voice had changed to a more sinister and thick as if it was someone else.

Kuro quickly took the sword from him and then in the blink of an eye the lycanthrope in front of Kuro ended up cut in half causing blood to bathe Kuro's body.

kuro: wow it seems that you are not even good for entertaining me a bit

Fear began to invade the body of the lycanthrope that was still left, so following his wild instincts, he decided to flee the place in the face of imminent danger.

lobo1: "I must get to my leader to inform him about this and flee from this place"

so he began to run to where the alpha of the group was to inform him about the situation.

As he ran he decided to look back noticing how he was beginning to lose sight of Kuro....he was so focused on losing Kuro....that when he looked forward again... ..he met kuro.....who has his sword ready to attack.....and then his sight starting to split....this being the last thing he could see... .....Before die.

so with his enemies dead...the aura disappeared from Kuro's body and then his eyes and skin returned to normal.....starting to pant and sweat for some reason, so he placed his hands on his thighs to be able to catch his breath... looking forward he could see Argos fighting against the alpha lycanthrope. which is transformed like the last two he faced .... but this one had an even more savage form, besides having completely red eyes and crimson fur.

kuro: "wow, argos has a hard time"

hinoken: "not for nothing is the alpha of the pack. I remind you that now you are very weak, so you are an easy prey"






Argos's fight was nothing to write home about, since thanks to his combat experience he easily killed two lycanthropes. since for obvious reasons he couldn't just knock them unconscious.

what was complicated were the last three, but with strategy he was able to kill two more.

until the alpha was in trouble and decided to use that strange magic stone, which had given him that strange transformation that argos had never seen.

so now with this new transformation, Argos had to be very careful, since the speed and strength of that lycanthrope had increased too much and more as he was the alpha of the pack.

argos: "I have to finish this quickly or it will get too complicated"

but the minotaur realized that the lycanthrope was not paying him any attention, so he had the luxury of turning his eyes to see what was calling his attention.

watching as kuro is catching his breath while behind him is the body split in two of a lycanthrope.

so argos smiled knowing that kuro was prepared for this type of battles.

So distracted was Argos that he couldn't stop the lycanthrope when it walked past him towards Kuro.

the boy is so tired that although he realized that the alpha lycanthrope lunged at him to attack him he could not move so he only had to receive the attack and pray not to die so he could only close his eyes waiting the attack.

but as the seconds passed he felt absolutely nothing.




so he slowly began to open his eyes.




being surprised .... since in front of him he is neither more nor less than .... argos.

having his body surrounded by blue rays, which come out of his body.

kuro: "so this is the magic I'm talking about"

but kuro was not the only one surprised, since the lycanthrope is also surprised.

lobo5: it seems that you are more special than I expected

argos: I will not let them harm anyone important to me again

After those words, Argos hit the lycanthrope with his fist wrapped in lightning, causing great damage and causing it to move a few meters away from him due to the attack.

???: "it seems that this strange magic not only gives him speed but also strength.... without a doubt, they are a peculiar couple... besides, the other two are still missing"

When the lycanthrope saw this, he smiled, revealing his sharp teeth, and then let out a howl, causing a yellow aura to surround him.

argos: this is a good opportunity to use "it"

so argos also let out a roar and then the lightning that surrounds him become even more aggressive.

Without further ado, both launched themselves into the attack in order to finish off their enemy.

so the fight started. with argos throwing punches wrapped in his magic to do more damage, while the werewolf is attacking with his claws.

Kuro from the outside could see an even battle between the two ..... but the reality was different, since even though Argos had a few cuts on his body, the lycanthrope began to back away causing Argos to begin to gain ground in that storm of attacks.

the lycanthrope, seeing that he was beginning to lose ground, decided to try to bite argos. which upon seeing what the lycanthrope was about to do covered his arm with lightning so that upon receiving the attack he felt absolutely nothing but that the lycanthrope was the one who received the damage.

so with his jaw broken he took a little distance from argos, but the minotaur knew that he had to end this as quickly as possible. so he joined his hands and then separated them little by little causing a small sphere of electricity to begin to be created in the middle of his hands.

the seconds began to pass so that small sphere began to be bigger each time until it was the size of a basketball.

You can see the effort in Argos as his face is covered in sweat. which tells us that this attack is too powerful.

so with the attack ready, Argos launched it towards the lycanthrope. which was surprised at the attack that was going in his direction so he could do nothing to avoid it having so little reaction time.

Argos, seeing that his attack would give full, turned around to be able to approach Kuro and charge him and then quickly move away from the place where they were.

Kuro, without understanding anything, could only look back seeing how a great explosion was present in that place.

so strong was that attack of argos that despite the distance at which they were the blast wave was too powerful to the point of making argos lose his balance so he covered kuro with his body so that nothing would happen to him .

When the explosion finally ended, Argos got up and then helped Kuro, who was surprised at what he saw.

since the place where they were fighting before is now nothing more than a gigantic crater.

kuro: ah f-finished

argus: oh so it seems

no doubt a fierce battle, but in the end they came out alive.




???: "DAMN! that minotaur will be a great danger to be able to recover the swords.... I must report this quickly before something else happens"