When the old man left the cell, it changed again, so Kuro was released from that cross made of stone.

kuro: now we just have to wait and see what the result of this will be




Just as the old man had said, he is walking towards a gigantic tree in which the elder elves meet to talk and solve problems or other issues that the kingdom has. Of course, the kingdom has a leader, who is elected by all the inhabitants of the kingdom, but even so, the elders have a say in some decisions. (this was created by the elves to stop some leader who gets out of control or wants to ruin the kingdom)

The old man arrived at the tree being received by some guards, who were surprised to see how he has the holy sword in his hands.

guadia1: Mr. Silver has returned.....that's...

silver: that's right ... they're all gathered

guard2: they are waiting for you sir

Without more to say, the great doors of the tree were opened for the old man to pass through, so when he was already inside they were closed.

guard1: it seems that this boy is more special than previously thought

guard2: all that remains is to wait for the decision of the others




Inside the big tree there are several stairs by which the old man began to climb in order to reach the meeting.

with every step he took it could be heard all over the place.

When he finally climbed the last step he could finally see that round table where the other elders are already gathered, in addition to being several elves of the elite and the leader of the elves.

leader: you finally arrive silver ... how did it go?

The old man walked silently towards the table, placing himself in front of it so that he could then hold the holy sword....making everyone surprised by this act.

old man1: were you able to take it off

silver: rather he gave it to me

old man4: you tortured him?

silver: none of that

old man2: how did you get it then?

leader: let him talk ... tell us silver

silver: some time ago I received a message from the father who is in the human kingdom

old man3: the one who is dedicated to saving those who are kidnapped and sold?

silver: that same one.....he told me that he had a very special boy, since he can't use magic, besides that cold bastard made his life impossible, because this boy had attended to become a knight, but he was humiliated by this scum, in addition to murdering the people he considered his family, since he had grown up in an orphanage where he found his maternal and paternal figures along with his teacher. This boy looked for him for help, so I told him that I could help him, so the father sent him with Tamy to bring her safe and sound along with the holy sword as a secondary mission. During their adventure they lived several sad and happy moments, in addition to meeting and rescuing the rebels and then arriving here where they met Belder and Hilda. where they were attacked by a very powerful enemy

leader: that explains a lot...but you should have warned us about this earlier

elder2: the leader is right...but we have a problem

old man3: the boy can't stay in the kingdom any longer

silver: but why?

Leader: Half of us are upset that a human....has been....with the princess of the kingdom.....and the other half aren't too sure about accepting it.

silver: so it would be a risk to have him here

leader: let's appreciate his actions ..... but I can't let us divide just to protect him

old man5: it seems that your daughter did not like the decision

leader: she has to learn one way or another that she has to make decisions that affect her life

silver: in that case i will tell you your decision

leader: if you want to help him ... you can do it I will not prevent you from anything

silver: thank you very much

Without further ado, the old man bowed and then started down the stairs.

elder1: he believes that he told us the truth?

leader: silver has served us for years and would never even think of betraying us, besides that with his powerful magic it would be very difficult to deceive him

elder5: "I just hope we're not making a mistake by not giving that guy a chance"

leader: "this will bring me a big problem with tamy .... I just hope that she and her mother understand why I do it"






Kuro is sitting in his cell waiting for the old man to return so he can know the outcome of his stay in the kingdom.

kuro: "if it takes so long it's because nothing good will happen"

hinoken: "you don't have to worry ... once an elf has given his word, he will give everything to fulfill it ... so he will surely help you with your problem"

Kuro: "Although I am very sorry to leave Tamy and not say goodbye to her, besides I still don't know how the others are"

hinoken: "it is most likely that silvy and argos will return or meet with the rebels who are in the kingdom while belder and hilda meet with theirs"

kuro: "at least they are now safe and with their loved ones"

before kuro continued in his thoughts talking to the being that is in his sword ... he began to hear footsteps so the old man finally returned from the meeting and finally knew the decision they had made about him.

with slow but sure steps. The old man came to his cell, standing in front of its bars, so Kuro got up from where he was and then stood on the other side.

kuro: .....well...how was the meeting?

silver: ........the elders and our leader appreciate your actions.....but you can't stay in the kingdom...

kuro: .....I see.....in that case.....when will my release be?

silver: that's all you have to say? .... you will not fight?, you will not claim?

Kuro: I don't have to. His kingdom has been kept in peace for years and it is not fair that just for wanting to help me this peace is ruined, also Tamy and the others are finally safe. so that's enough for me

silver: "this boy is more mature than he had thought". what will you do when you get out?

kuro: I will let myself be carried away by the wind and wherever it takes me

silver: if so...let me give you this

kuro: what is this?

silver: it is a map in which a location is marked in which they will help you with your problem

Without further ado, the old man opened Kuro's cell so he came out of it.

silver: come with me, I'll guide you to the exit

Kuro began to follow the old man, who took him to a room in the same prison they entered. place where Kuro saw various symbols engraved on the floor.

silver: this is a portal. I'll help you activate it so you can get to the place on the map faster... I just need you to stand in the middle of the room

Without more to say, Kuro stood in the middle of the room and then the symbol began to shine.

kuro: could you give a message to tamy

silver: clear

kuro: just tell her that someday we will see each other again.......and when that day comes I will be much more powerful than now to be able to protect her

silver: don't worry, I'll give him this message

Without more to say, the symbol began to shine more and more, making Kuro cover his eyes due to the intensity of the light.






when he was finally able to open his eyes, he was no longer in the realm of the elves. but in a huge meadow so he took the map they had given him in which he marks his current position and the place he has to get to.

kuro: well, that portal worked.......now all that remains is to follow my new path....I know that one day we will see each other again......and when that happens i will show you the fruit of my training




