she was alone again, but she knew it was for the best. since that way she could train all she wanted, besides that she does it to be able to carry out his revenge .... but now she has important people in her life whom she loves and has to protect .

so she started going through his inventory. having the permits that the father had given him to enter the villages and kingdoms, his bag in which he has the money they had given him, the box of magic stones a little empty for all the ones he had already used and finally the sword dark.

kuro: it seems that everything is in order

He knew that the road would be difficult from now on...but he knew that everything would be worth it, so looking at the map that they had given him....he began to walk in that direction.. ...where you will find someone who can help you.





After having walked for a few hours, Kuro stopped at a tree that was in the area, beginning to rest in the shade of the tree while he leans on its trunk and then took out the box of magic stones and took one of water to be able to hydrate.

While he rests, he takes out the map to find out how long it takes him to reach his destination.

Kuro: It seems that the old man was right about taking the portal in order to reach the destination faster. I don't even want to imagine how long it would take me to get there if he hadn't taken the portal

hinoken: "I wonder who or what will help you?"

Kuro: "If the old man recommended me to go with him, it's because he really helped me, how old is that old man?"

hinoken: "centuries you mean. I remind you that they can live for a long time"

kuro: "let's leave that for later. now I have to concentrate on reaching my destination"

Without further ado, Kuro put away the things he had used and then started walking again, since according to the map he is close to his destination.






as he walked he began to see in the distance how black clouds began to gather in one place. something that seemed strange to kuro, since it is very rare that the clouds gather in one place and are not all over the area.

kuro: that seems like a bad thing

The boy took out the map again to know how long it would take to get there ... being surprised to see how on the map there are two shining points. one in blue, which marks their position and the other in red, which is the place they have to get to.....the bad thing is that both points are very close to each other.

kuro: it seems that I have to go to that place

hinoken: "good luck"

Placing his cloak on her head so as not to get wet, Kuro started walking towards the place where the clouds were beginning to gather.

Being close to the place, a few drops began to fall from the sky little by little and the closer one got, the amount began to be greater.

between the rain and some lightning that fell from time to time, he could see a house in the middle of all this natural disaster.

kuro: I just hope that "person" is not so crazy

Walking towards the house, Kuro reached the door, so raising his arm, she took his hand to touch her ... but she received no answer. so he decided to play again...same thing happening, so he decided to play even harder to be heard.

???: I'm going! I'm going!

those screams that came from inside the house and that kuro managed to hear. They seem to be from an old person, because this person sounds hoarse and somewhat tired.

in front of him little by little the door of the house began to be opened noticing how old it is, since the door squeaks very hard.

when the door finally opened, kuro could feel the heat that came from inside and the light that it had.

???: if they come for work, I haven't finished it yet so come back later

Without receiving an answer, that person closed the door again ... but before it closed completely, Kuro placed his foot so that this would not happen.

???: what's up, do they need it now

the door was opened again, but this time revealing the owner of the house .... pointed ears, long white hair and finally a tunic that completely covers his body .. .....

Without fear of being wrong, Kuro could say that it was an elf .... but how many years or centuries would he have to have his face with some wrinkles as well as his hands and pale skin.

???: Who are you and why have you come?

kuro: my name is kuro sir....and I came here to help me with a problem that I have...silver was sent to me by an elder from the kingdom of the elves

???: So that brat turned into an old man huh....well I haven't seen him for a long time...it seems that your problem is important.... happens

Without further ado, the boy entered the house beginning to see jars with very strange contents and some things that he had never seen in his life, but he was brought out of his thoughts when he heard how the door was closed.

???: sit at the middle table and DO NOT touch anything

The boy saw how the "elf" walked towards another room, so in order not to disturb him, he decided to listen to him and walked towards the center table where he sat down.

while he waited for her to return he began to look more closely at what was around him, but what caught his attention the most was a shelf full of books, since he felt as if something was calling him.

???: here you have

so distracted was he that he didn't even notice the "elf's" presence until he called out to him and handed him a cup of red liquid.

???: It's a tea made with special leaves, so I hope you like it

Feeling the warmth of the cup, Kuro took it to his mouth to drink its contents, being fascinated by how delicious it is.

???: I see that you love it....but you're not here just to drink tea, are you?...tell me your story

kuro: it's a bit long

???: we have a lot of time....and tea, so go ahead

He didn't know why, but something told Kuro that he could trust this old man, so he began to tell the "elf" all his life and his recent adventures ... omitting that he has the sword dark in his power.

???: So that man keeps doing his thing and no one stops him... without a doubt he is becoming a threat... returning to your problem... what is what you want?....the power to carry out your revenge or help to be able to cure your problem

Kuro fell silent analyzing the "elf's" words. he knew that he could get power from either side and exact revenge on him, but at what cost, besides that his problem of not being able to use magic would not be solved.

kuro: I need help....not only for my problem....but also for training

???: I can help you with magic....but as you see I'm not a warrior....so I'll think of something to help you with that