X Class Quest

Asunin sat behind his desk waiting patiently for three of his most talented students. One of them was a Primordial Immortal, which was the first generation of immortals created by the One Immortal. Her clan was one of the oldest and most prestigious clans in the Mortal World. The other two were shrouded in a mystery that he couldn't unravel. He tested their bloodlines himself, but couldn't find their ancestry. The Tri-X bloodline database had every known immortal bloodline in the Tri-Immortal Realm.

There could only be two reasons why it couldn't find their ancestry: one their race was extinct or two their race was so ancient there was no data on them. Either one could be highly possible, but Asunin believed the latter over the former. Suddenly the door to his office swung open and a goddess-like faerie walked into the room.

Asunin stood up.

" Keora Uni, please take a seat," he said and gestured towards the three armchairs that had just recently been placed in front of his desk. Keora closed the door behind her and sat down in the middle chair with a posture befitting a princess. She was petite with a curvaceous body and rich caramel skin. A dazzling white halo hovered over her head. Her fine white-blond hair was extremely curly. The edges of her hair were smoothed out around her forehead. Colorful freckles dotted her exquisite face in a pretty display. Her ears were pointy and pierced with big golden hoops.

She looked up at him with lovely pink eyes sprinkled with red, blue, green, and lavender spots. Butterfly wings the same color as her eyes extended from her back. They were small and transparent. Her exotic appearance was extremely beautiful that any immortal would be enchanted by her. She wore a mini, white shirt that hugged her perky breast and white leggings with three strips: red, blue, and green running down the sides of them. This was the school uniform that all female students were obligated to wear when attending classes. They came in four different colors: white, red, blue, and green. Keora had every color, but white was her favorite.

The Tri-X emblem, three x's in a horizontal row, was imprinted on her shirt over her heart. Since her clothes were skin-tight, even though they were normal, her voluptuous body made her very alluring. A small triangular badge engraved with the number 3 was pinned on her collar, which indicated that she was a third year. Upon passing the entrance exam every student was given a Tri-X badge.

" Am I in trouble? " Keora asked in a soft voice

Asunin sat back down and gave her a sly smile.

" Should you be? Is there something you wish to tell me, Keora? "

" No! " She blurted. " Umm, I mean I have nothing to hide headmaster. " Her face turned red, she felt so embarrassed.

Get yourself together girl! He doesn't know you snuck into the boys' dormitory.

" Headmaster, since I'm not in trouble why have you called me to your office today? " She started to get scared and scooted her butt up to the edge of the seat. " Has something happened at home? " She held her breath in dismay.

Asunin waved his hands to stop her lest she get carried away. " Relax, Keora. Nothing has happened. I have a question for you if you're willing to accept it. "

She inhaled in relief. " Don't scare me like that headmaster," She smiled, " I'll accept any quest headmaster offers. "

Asunin chuckled. Keora was overdramatic most faeries were. She had scared herself and then blamed it on him.

" Don't be so quick to accept. The level of danger in this quest is beyond your imagination."

His words did not detour her. She felt excited and eager to go on a quest such as this. There was nothing she love more than a dangerous quest. She lived for the thrill of it. She wanted to become a legendary heroine like the Supreme Dual, one of the most powerful immortals to ever live. Becoming a Supreme Immortal was her dream.

" Fine, I'm all pointy ears. Tell me about this ohh so dangerous quest, " she teased in a voice dripping in sarcasm.

" Well, if you don't mind I'd like to wait till the other two students show up. If they accept you all will be going as a team."

" I don't mind headmaster, " Keora replied and then scooted back into her seat.

It didn't take long for the other two students to show up. In just a few seconds, the door once again swung open. Curious to see who it was, Keora looked back. She quickly turned back around.

Holy firma it's him! He's going on a quest with me!

Asunin stood up to greet them. " Tyrin, Tyra, please take a seat. "

Tyra stepped away from Tyrin as he closed the door. She sat to the right of Keora, posture straight, and crossed her legs. Keora couldn't help, but look at her. Tyra's devilish beauty was flawless. If Keora was a princess, Tyra was a queen.

Her demeanor was fierce and elegant. She was tall and shapely with immaculate cherry-red skin. Golden dreadlocks draped down from her head to her waist in stylish curls. Peeking out between her dreadlocks were sharply pointed ears. Several golden hoops pierced her ears to the tips. Another golden hoop pierced her nose. Elegant golden horns protruded from her forehead and gracefully curved back over her head. Her most dazzling feature was the multi-color gem that sat between her eyebrows. It was oddly shaped and sparkled like diamonds in the sun. The top half was a three-point crown that slanted into an arrowhead at the bottom.

A sexy black dress hugged every curve of her voluptuous body and left her shoulders bare. The neckline plunged to her belly button, showing off the curves of her breast. Tyra was the only female student that refused to wear the school uniform. For the first three months she and her brother, who also refused to wear the school uniform, were punished and confined to the Shadow Grave Forest.

The Shadow Grave Forest was a training ground where demi beasts and other savage creatures called home. Numerous divine resources could be found here making it a very popular spot for third years and up to come train and test their luck. It was forbidden for first and second-year students to enter without at least a third year.

Of course that didn't stop them from doing so, which in the end had cost them their lives. After so many deaths, students finally realized that it was suicide to go into the forest without the help of a third year or above. The whole school had been in an uproar when Tyrin and Tyra had walked out of the forest unscathed and more powerful than ever.

Tyra just so happen to look over at her and caught her staring. Keora was stunned by her golden cat-like eyes. They were strikingly beautiful and seemed to peer into the depths of her soul. It was too late for Keora to act like she wasn't. She wanted to say something, but she found it hard to speak. She was extremely shy and didn't really know what to say, so she just smiled. Tyra smiled back and spoke.

" Your princess Keora, right? " Her voice was friendly and eased the tension in Keora's heart. n

Keora nodded. Tyra was just as famous as Keora among the first-year students.

" Nice to meet you, Tyra Inferno. "

Tyrin filled the last seat as Tyra giggled.

" You don't have to be so formal. Call me Ty. "

She gestured with her hand in Tyrin's direction. " An this is my brother, Tyrin. Since you are so pretty you can call him Rin."

Keora blushed and looked over at Tyrin. Platinum cat-like eyes looked back at her. They were just as striking as his sisters and stirred her heart with emotions. Their eyes locked for just a moment, but it felt like an eternity for Keora. He gave her a nod and turned his head to Asunin. Keora was still caught in a daze unwilling to pull her eyes off of him. He was wickedly beautiful like an Infernal Prince out of the Netherworld to taint the hearts of every woman who laid eyes on him, and she, like countless others, had fallen victim to his devilish charm

Tyrin was tall and muscular with deep blue skin. Platinum horns protruded from his forehead and elegantly curved back over his head. His golden dreadlocks were thicker than his sisters and dangled past his waist in beautiful curls. Platinum hoops pierced his pointy ears to the tips. He had the same gem between his eyebrows as his sister except his was a swirl of white, platinum, and various shades of blue.

He wore a white, v-necked T-shirt and tattered blue jeans that showed his kneecaps. His clothes fitted his muscular physique as if it was tailor-made for him. On the front of his shirt were twin dragons entangled in each other's embrace. One was awake and seemed to be roaring. Rows of its sharp teeth were on display, the fury in its eyes was terrifying. The other dragon was in a deep slumber; It looked majestic and docile.

Keora thought it was a perfect illustration of him. As beautiful as a sleeping dragon, but once awakened his rage was unstoppable. Her eyes wandered down to his arms, noticing faint pale blue scars. She could tell that these had once been terrible battle scars. Immortals could regenerate. Only the most serious wounds would ever leave a mark, and even then, time would eventually cause them to disappear.

Asunin cleared his throat, snapping Keora out of her daze. She looked at Asunin as Tyra laughed in her hand. Keora had never felt so embarrassed. It was obvious to everyone that she had been ogling Tyrin. She clapped her hands together with a laugh.

"Well, everybody here headmaster! How about you tell us about that quest now? "

Asunin gave them a quick inspection and was greatly impressed. The past year at the academy had increased their powers considerably. He was quite surprised by this even though he shouldn't be. There were ten immortal stages that were divided by immortal ring levels from 1-9: Earth Immortal, Sky Immortal, Spirit Immortal, Lord Immortal, Sage Immortal, Saint Immortal, Celestial Immortal, Prime Immortal, Empyrean Immortal, Sovereign Immortal.

For every immortal ring an immortal acquired their strength would double. Once they reached the ninth ring they must condense their rings into one to break through to the next immortal stage. There were countless cultivation arts with unique ways to condense immortal rings.

There were other immortal stages, but the Mortal World couldn't house such immortals just a wave of their hands could obliterate a country.

Keora had reached the first ring of the Saint Immortal stage. Two years ago, she had been at the first ring of the Spirit immortal Stage. Tyrin and Tyra had reached the peak of the Spirit Immortal stage. They had less progress, but they were overwhelmingly more powerful than Keora.

He knew it was due to their mysterious bloodline. Asunin's expression turned solemn.

" I'll get right down to the matter at hand. What I tell you is confidential and if exposed it could jeopardize your life. "

Everyone nodded and gave him their full attention." Have you ever heard of the legendary Mono Zero? "

" No never, " Keora replied. Tyra shook her head.

Tyrin spoke: " I've heard of him. He was the first and last Immortal Emperor of the Chaos Monolith Dynasty. He was also the first Ultra Monolith and created the Ultra Circle."

Asunin was surprised. Tyrin's knowledge was extensive, Mono Zero was shrouded in mystery few immortals in the Mortal World had ever heard of him. He wondered how he was able to find this out.

" Correct. Mono Zero had an immortal treasure that could awaken a Ultra in any monolith, no matter their bloodline, it came to be known as the Ultra Idol. With it, he was able to form the Ultra Circle and dominate the Netherworld. One day Mono Zero suddenly vanished. For 100,000 years there was peace among the monoliths. Up until they realized he was never coming back. And then a terrible war engulfed the Netherworld. This came to be known as the War of Chaos. During the War of Chaos, that fractured the Chaos Monolith Dynasty, the Ultra Idol was lost, so we believed. Its whereabouts have recently been discovered in the Nether Cage on the Islands of Viahyti. The Chaos Monolith Empire was fractured into six nations: Heavenly Chaos, Chaos Moon, Chaos Inferno, Chaos Flood, Holy Chaos, and Empyrean Chaos. The nations were named after the six royal chaos bloodlines that continue to rule to this day. I am a part of the Heavenly Chaos Nation. I hate to admit it, but we are the weakest among the four chaotic nations. In the past the Heavenly Chaos bloodline was the strongest, causing us to be targeted relentlessly during the war. Our bloodline was nearly exterminated. Fate has once again put us in a deadly situation. The Nether Cage is located within the Heavenly Chaos Nation and there was nothing we could do to stop the other five nations from invading us and taking the Ultra Idol. We had no choice, but to open our borders to them and also give them a chance to acquire the Ultra Idol. Luckily, a mysterious Immortal in ancient times had placed a barrier around the islands, stopping anyone above the Saint Immortal stage from entering it. Also, only the royal bloodlines and their minions can enter. We only have one immortal who meets these requirements. Tyrin you fought him on your first day at the academy."

Tyrins eyes widen in shock." Do you mean Alpha? "

He could never forget about him. Their fight had been the hardest he ever had, nearly ending in his defeat. There wasn't a student at the academy that didn't hear about Tyrin and Alpha's meteoric battle

Keora gasped. "Alpha's a prince!"

Tyra looked at Tyrin." No wonder why he was able to fight you like that. "

Asunin nodded. " He's the youngest and the most talented prince our bloodline has ever had. He refuses to act like a prince though and doesn't tell anyone of his status. He got tired of his princely life and came to the Mortal World. As you know the Tri-X Academy is the most powerful sect in the Sinfora region and has strong ties to the Netherworld. All of the royal bloodlines send their sons and daughters here to train and gain experience in the outside world. Alpha is my nephew and came here to live. I know he wishes to be free of his princely duties, so I allow him to do what he wants, but now since the Ultra Idol has been discovered we need him more than ever. I want you three to be his minions and help him get the Ultra Idol. I have personally selected you three for this quest because I believe no one else has a better chance of helping Alpha succeed. I am willing to give you ten million gold crowns now and ten million more upon completion of this quest. Also before you depart all of you will have a chance to enter the X-Vault and choose one immortal treasure no matter the class. "

Asunin sat back in his chair with a piercing gaze waiting for them to make their decision.

" What rank is this quest? " Keora asked.

" There are too many variables in this quest what you face is unknown. I've decided to make this an X-class quest. "

Keora was astonished. X-class quests were extremely dangerous and only fourth years could accept them. The academy was very strict on students taking quests. This question led Keora to another.

" Will a senior accompany us on this quest? "

" No, but technically Tyrin and Tyra are seniors. Both of them have completed the X-class quest and earned titles. When they did I wanted to promote them to seniors, but they refused. "

Of course, Keora had heard of them taking on X-class quests, everyone had, what she didn't know was that they had the opportunity to become seniors. Tyrin's title was Heavenly Destroyer and Tyra's was Asura Inferno. Since the founding of the Tri-X Academy, no first-year had ever earned a title or completed an X-class quest as a freshman.

Why would they refuse that? Keora thought.

As students moved up, the academy would pour more resources into them. It wasn't easy to nurture so many immortals so only the best would get the best resources and the most attention. Resources were fought over resulting in countless deaths. There was nothing the academy could do about this.

Those who fell behind would be forgotten. This was the cold world of immortals. Keora was in deep thought. Twenty million gold crowns to the average immortal was a vast amount of money, but to her, it was just pocket change that she spent at her leisure. A chance to enter the X-Vault though was a once in a lifetime opportunity that she couldn't pass up.

With Tyrin and Tyra there they should be able to handle anything. Not to mention Alpha, he was just as strong as Tyrin. Honestly, she was the weakest on the team, but that wasn't because she was really weak. Her teammates were just unbelievably powerful. It didn't take her long to come to a decision.

" Headmaster, I'll agree to go on this quest if you let me choose two immortal treasures. I don't need the crowns. You can give them to charity under my title: Heavenly Sword Fairy. "

'Heavenly Sword Fairy' was the title that she came up with. Since she was so popular it spread like wildfire and became an unofficial title for her. Once she completed this X-class quest it would become her official title.

Asunin smiled. " Done. "

Keora had done exactly what he had expected. He was more than glad to give her an extra immortal treasure.

" What about you Tyra? " Asunin asked.

Keora turned her attention to Tyra with a hopeful expression.

" I will go if Tyrin goes, headmaster, " Tyra said simply.

She had been on many dangerous quests and had lost the excitement she use to have for them. Asunin had figured it would come done to this. Tyra would of course feel more comfortable on this quest if her brother was there. Tyrin stood up.

" Sorry headmaster, but you need to find somebody else. Come on, Tyra."

With that said, Tyrin headed for the door without a backward glance to see if Tyra was following him.

"Sorry headmaster, " Tyra apologized and immediately followed behind her brother.

Asunin didn't try to stop them, Keora panicked. She knew most likely they would be replaced. The only reason why she agreed was cause she thought they would. She didn't feel comfortable going on this quest without them. They were a must-have, especially Tyrin. She had been present that day Alpha and he fought. No matter what Alpha did he couldn't overcome Tyrin.

He always seemed one step ahead of him. She jumped up, spun around, and turned on her princess's voice.

" Hey, Rin! I would have never believed that you were a coward. You are unbefitting of the title Heavenly Destroyer. "

Tyrin was just about to walk out when he heard Keora. He stopped and turned around.

" I've never once called myself that and I'm not a coward. I would be a fool to jeopardize my life and my sisters and the rewards don't outweigh the risk. Not all of us were fortunate to be born into royalty."

As if on cue, Asunin stood up.

" So what will make it worth it? "

Tyrin thought about it for a moment and responded firmly.

" We want five hundred million gold crowns. Half now and the other half after the completion of the quest. Also, we want to pick three immortal treasures from the X-Vault. "

Keora was stunned speechless by his absurd demands. Five hundred million gold crowns was a king's ransom and not even her family would give this away so easily. Every immortal treasure within the X-Vault would be extremely powerful and most likely legendary. Just being able to pick one of them would be a dream come true for any immortal. There was no way the headmaster would agree to such ridiculous demands. As a hopeless expression twisted Keora's face, Asunin spoke.

" Done. "

"Are you serious? " Keora blurted. She realized then that he had wanted them just as bad as she did, but didn't show it.

Tyrin grinned. " Perfect. When do we leave? "

" At once, " Asunin walked from behind his desk, " Follow me to the X-Vault. "