
Chapter 2: X-Vault

Asunin led them down a narrow hallway aligned on both sides with portraits of previous portraits headmasters. All of them, like Asunin, had exquisite feyish features that matched Asunin's features. It was obvious to tell that they all derived from the same bloodline, but the previous headmasters were fair-skinned, and blue-eyed with silky hair, Asunin was the opposite. His lustrous skin was a bar of deep chocolate. Compared to humans he was a giant among men.

Crimson cat-like eyes peered out from under long eyelashes with a piercing gaze. Nothing seemed to be able to escape his sharp gaze. A thick mane of crimson hair tumbled down his back, turning a deep purple as it reached the tips. One of his pointy ears was pierced at the earlobe with a fine gold chain.

As he walked, a triangular red gem swung from it. The number one was engraved on it. Only monoliths who had awakened their Ultras could wear the ultra mono earring. It signified their ranks among those who had awakened the Ultras. On his middle finger was a golden ring. Engraved on the face of this elegant ring, in a row, were three purple Xs.

He wore a tailored black T-shirt. The Tri-X emblem was largely on the back of his shirt going across his shoulders. Black leather pants fitted his legs and tucked into stylish black boots. Tyra walks beside him, eyes roaming up and down his body. Asunin paid her no attention. There were other things on his mind.

Keora walked beside Tyrin stealing glances at him. She had already been caught staring at him and she would just die if it happened again. She liked his sense of style very much, but they were Tri-X students and they were only supposed to wear their school uniforms at the academy.

Does he not feel he belongs here?

She wanted to ask him if was he really from Helleon. An evil city full of monoliths, devils, demons, and fiends. There was no law there, so everything was ruled by power alone. He seemed to pay her no mind, which irritated her. No matter where she went she had always been the center of attention. Back at home, she had countless suitors wanting her hand in marriage, but she turned them all done.

She thought herself to be wholeheartedly focused on the pursuit of her Sword Dao until she saw Tyrin, and now, the man she wanted most to pay attention to her wouldn't even glance at her. She turned her attention to Tyra. She was magnificent in every way.

Is it because I'm not a demon or a devil that he doesn't like me, she couldn't help but think.

She vainly wondered if was she as beautiful as Tyra.

Of course, I am! I'm a Fairy Angel, the most beautiful of all!

She looked back at Tyrin to see him staring back at her. She failed to notice that Asunin had stopped and crashed into him. It felt like she had smashed into a brick wall. She fell straight back on her little booty. Tyrin reached down to help her up. As Tyra giggled.

" Are you okay? " Tyrin asked.

Asunin turned around. "Careful Keora. I don't want you getting hurt before you even begin the quest, " he teased.

Keora wasn't paying him any mind. She only had eyes for Tyrin and finally, he was speaking to her. She looked up at him with dreamy eyes.

Do I have to hurt myself for him to pay attention to me?

" I'm fine, " Keora replied as Tyrin pulled her up to her feet, " Thank you Rin. "

Her expression was bashful and extremely cute. Her charms seem to not affect him though. He released her hand and turn his attention to the massive door in front of them. It was a smooth metallic black. Firma runes and nether runes were inscribed on the door glowing in various colors, spiraling and twisting around each other.

There were two types of immortals: Firma Immortals and Nether Immortals. It was clear that both had worked on this door at some point in time. In the center of the door was a keyhole shaped to resemble an x.

Asunin reached into his pocket and pulled out a metallic golden x. He held it up to the door and it shot into the x, twisting in a full circle, the door split down the middle and slowly opened inwards. They stepped inside a cavernous chamber filled with immortal treasures. There were all types of codexs, weapons, armor, shields, and jewelry on top of platforms or pedestals, positioned in neat rows. Keora darted away to find her immortal treasures.

Tyrin's and Tyra's eyes turned gold their pupils split into two smaller purple pupils. They stood still looking around the room. Unknowingly to everyone else their dual pupils granted them several divine abilities. One of these abilities allowed them to gauge immortal treasures. With just a look they could discover all its abilities and true power.

There were six types of immortal treasure. All of them radiated a unique aura that allowed them to identify what type they were, the richer the aura the more powerful the immortal treasure: Mortal/red, King/green, Saint/blue, Empyrean/gold, and Supreme/platinum. Mortal was the weakest and Supreme was the strongest.

The last was Bloodline Immortal Treasures and their aura was purple. Only immortals with a specific bloodline would be able to wield these immortal treasures, which could be said to be the best immortal treasures.

As their master grew in power so would their Bloodline Immortal Treasure. The X-Vault radiated every color in a rich blaze. They were stunned speechless by so many powerful immortal treasures.

Unfortunately, they were too weak to even think of wielding Saint treasures and above. Once an immortal treasure reached that level they all had immortal spirits and were very picky about who they allowed to wield them. They only had a surefire shot at obtaining Mortal treasures. King treasures were a bit difficult because they had spiritual intelligence. Neither Tyrin nor Tyra knew what race or bloodline they belong to, so they doubted they would find a bloodline treasure in the X-Vault.

" What are you two waiting for? Have you changed your mind? " Asunin asked.

Tyrin looked at him with an indifferent expression.

" Headmaster just because we're from Helleon doesn't mean we don't have any honor. If we've already agreed to do it then we will. Understand I nor my sister goes back on our word. "

Tyrin swaggered away to find a suitable immortal treasure.

Asunin chuckled. "Nicely said. "He turns his head to Tyra.

" Don't mind him, headmaster," Tyra said.

" Ow, I don't. "

" I know it seems like he doesn't like you, but we've been through a lot, so it's hard for him to trust anybody. We're really thankful for you saving us and allowing us to join your academy. Sorry, we had to break a few rules here and there. As you know Helleon is a lawless city, so we've gotten used to doing what we want when we want. "

Asunin waved his head. " No harm done. If you two weren't so talented I would have expelled you long ago. I'm curious though, how did you know I was the one that saved you? "

" You know in Hellion everyone refers to you as the King of Hell or Hellking. After we killed everyone in the Hell Pits, Devil Prince Black wanted us executed. He feared we would grow too powerful for him to control and threw us in the dungeons. On the day of our execution, Prince Red came to my cell and told me that the King of Hell had struck a deal with Devil Prince Black. Shortly after we were released. When I came to the academy I found out from a group of monoliths that you were the Hellking. "

" It's a good thing I did. Prince Red, Princess Blue, and Old Man Omega were about to start a full-scale war if Devil Prince Black didn't release you. You just don't know how terrible that would have been. "

Tyra shrugged. " I can imagine. Is that why you saved us? "

" Partly, I've never seen anyone as powerful as you two at your age, especially Tyrin. The Tri-X Academy is all about cultivating legends. It would have been a shame if I had let you die knowing that I could have saved you. "

Tyra floated up and pecked Asunin on the cheek.

" Thank you, Headmaster. I can assure you that Alpha will get the Ultra Idol and anyone that stands in our way is as good as died. "

She floated back down and sashayed away to find immortal treasures. Asunin was mesmerized by her swaying hips and voluptuous booty. It was safe to say she had a rump like a prized stallion. He could see why Prince Red had fallen in love with her.


Tyrin wandered through the X-Vault looking around as if he was lost. In just a short time, he had come across several interesting immortal treasures, but all of them had been Saint grade so he didn't even attempt to wield them. He wanted something unique. Something realm-shaking.

He headed deeper into the chamber and veered to the right, walking down a row of elegant stands with books placed on top of them. All of them were codexs. Codexes were immortal treasures that contain firma or nether spells. They couldn't contain both. How powerful the spells were depended on the grade of the codex. He was a firma immortal, so nether codexes were useless to him.

He didn't need to open them to see the spells inside, or study and practice them to perfectly be able to use them. Spells came as naturally as breathing to him. Firma runes flashed in his pupils as his eyes swept over the codexs. He memorized every spell he liked and switched them out with old spells that had lost their usefulness. The old spells were immediately forgotten. All immortals had spells minds that determined how many spells they could remember.

His spell mind could harbor thirty spells, which was fifteen more than the average Earth immortal.

His eyes settled on a white crystalline book, sparkling like gems. On the front cover was an emblem that matched his dual pupils. For a second, he doubted it was an immortal treasure since it had no aura, and almost skipped over it.

That's strange it doesn't have an immortal aura.

He narrowed his eyes, shocked that he couldn't see the spells within.

He walked over to the stand and picked the codex up. He opened it and was once again surprised. There wasn't a single spell on the first page. He flipped through the book searching for spells and didn't find a single one.

There's nothing here. Why would a codex have no spells?

Frustrated, he slammed the book back on the stand. His intuition told him that there was something special about this codex.

Suddenly the gem between his eyes unleashed a brilliant sliver beam and struck the book. In the blink of an eye, it vanished.

"Oh no not again," In his fury, he repeatedly smacked the gem," Put it back! "

Of course, the gem didn't listen, it never did.

" Burn it to nether! Why do you keep doing this to me? "

His luck was so shitty. The codex would count as one of his immortal treasures.

Stomping away, he noticed another codex identical to the one that disappeared. He couldn't help, but glare at it like an archenemy.

"Useless piece of junk! "

As he walked by, his eyes scanned over more codexs. His mood brighten when he noticed several spells that he wanted and started to memorize them. Shockingly, none of his old spells were forgotten. His thirty spells had become forty. Seeing as he couldn't do this before, he put two and two together.

Maybe my lucks not so bad, he thought with a smile.

" Looks like the book wasn't useless after all. I wonder how many spells I can have now? "

Tyrin rushed away, running up and down the X-Vault, searching for more codexs. Every firma codex he saw he memorized the spells within regardless of their grade.100,200, 300, 400, 500, 600... A joyful smile spread across his face. 700, 800... He could feel his mind growing heavy now, but he had yet to reach his limit. of 900,1000... After reaching a thousand spells he could no longer memorize any spells without forgetting some.

Tyrin felt overwhelmingly satisfied like he just ate a feast. The majority of his spells were so powerful if he attempted to use them the backlash could kill him. Only ten percent of his spells were usable, but he didn't mind this. As he grew in power, he would naturally be able to use the other spells. He retraced his footsteps back to where he first started and picked up the other crystalline codex.

Tyra's going to love this, he thought with a grin and walked away.

Unknowingly to Tyrin, Keora had suppressed her immortal aura and was watching him. She stepped out from behind a statue, holding a longsword sheathed in a white scabbard. She followed behind him, periodically, hiding behind things.

I'm not spying on him. I'm just making sure he doesn't steal anything, she told herself.

Keora told herself this lie and accepted it so she could follow him. His every movement had her mesmerized, she couldn't pull her eyes off him if she wanted to. Tyrin finally stopped in front of a platform, marveling at two massive white cubes on top of it.

Embedded within the stone-like cubes were two sets of full-body armor. Above each chest plate was a beautiful metallic mask with elegant twin swords. Both sets of armor and swords were magnificently crafted, but that wasn't what drew his attention. Hovering above each cube were three spirits. Each one of them was a dull grayish color and sat crossed-legged, eyes closed. Tyrin walked up the steps of the platform and stood in front of one of the cubes.

From the shape of the armor and mask, it was made for a male. Every piece was a combination of white and deep blue crystal, sparkling like diamonds. He turned his attention to the twin gladiuses above. They were also made from the same glittering crystals. One of the blades was white the other was a deep blue. The mask had no eyeholes, but for him, that wasn't a problem. His dual pupils would allow him to see through the mask.

He wanted the set of armor, gladiuses, and the mask, but he couldn't help but wonder if he was making a mistake. None of these immortal treasures radiated an immortal aura, yet he doubted a mortal could make such things though. Only the hand of an immortal forger could make immortal treasures and whoever made these immortal treasures had reached a level he couldn't fathom.

The spirits lingering over the cube was the strangest thing he had ever seen.

In Helleon seeing spirits was a natural occurrence for him, but these spirits were different. They weren't aimlessly floating around like most spirits.

He stepped back and took a good look at them. They looked like demons, the one in the middle was a girl and the other two were identical twin boys. Their aristocratic features spoke of their noble bloodlines. All of them were naked with thick dreadlocks that fell to their waist.

" Hey, wake up! Aye, can you hear me? "

The spirits remain motionless.

Keora watched from afar behind a massive statue of a stone gargoyle.

" Who is he talking to? " she whispered.

Tyrin gave up talking to them, floated back down to the cube, and tried to pull out one of the gladiuses. It didn't budge an inch. He finally released the hilt, it was impossible to pull the sword out with his strength, but he still didn't want to give up.

He had a feeling that the spirits were connected to the immortal treasures in some way. He slammed his fist into the cube with all his might, causing it to shake a little.

" What the hell type of stone is this? " Firma runes flashed in his pupils, as he conjured a Firma spell.

Terra Firma Spell:Transfigure

His hand ignited in a blaze of green magic. If one looked closely they would be able to see colorful firma runes dancing within the blaze. He touched the stone deciding to turn it into mud, but the moment he did his magic winked out. His eyes narrowed in astonishment.

The cube had negated his magic, that alone was realm-shacking.

No wonder why I can't see their immortal auras. The stone is suppressing them.

He desired to possess these immortal treasures more than ever now, yet he had no way of doing so.

" Asunin might know how. "

Tyrin shook his head. He figured if Asunin knew how to get them he would have done it already.

Maybe I'm not looking hard enough, he told himself.

He focused his sight on the cube, delving into its depths. Bizarre runes were infused into the stone, glowing a brilliant red. They weren't firma runes or nether runes. Oddly, he felt a sense of déjà vu. As far as he knew he had never seen these bizarre runes before, but his instincts told him that he had. He turned his eyes to the immortal treasures, noticing that they also had bizarre runes hidden within. They looked different from the ones within the cube and glowed vivid blue. What surprised him was that he could read them. He said each word like a chant: " Zena, Zekris, Zekrin. "

The gem between his eyebrows lit, glowing a rainbow of colors. Immortal auras burst from the treasures, spewing out a multicolor blaze.

Tyrin quickly took a few steps back and looked up just in time to see the spirits come to life. Their ghostly bodies turned a rich silver and were outlined in a golden glow. Their eyes popped and they stood up, looking down at Tyrin with catlike eyes. Now that they were so full of life they were extremely beautiful and gave off holy firma auras.

Keora's eyes nearly popped out of her head.

" Treasure Spirits."