Heavenly Creations

Tyrin exploded.

" Hey, I told you already my name is Tyrin! I've never seen you a day before in my life! "

Xena was about to yell back at him, but one of the twins cut her off. He gazed at Tyrin with the most serious expression.

" Xena, relaxed something has happened to master's memory. He could never forget us, after all, he is our creator. "

Xena's face brightens. " Sorry, your right, Xekris."

At this point that was the only thing that could be the case. The last creation introduced himself.

" Master, I'm Xekrin. "

Tyrin nodded his head as Xekrin continued to talk.

" Do you know what era this is? "

" We're in the tenth era. The era of Divine Rebirth. "

" Ohh no we've been sealed a million years! What happens during the war? " Xena asked.

"What war are you talking about? " Tyrin asked.

Every hundred thousand years, the Infinite Wheel of Time, a natural divine treasure created by the universe, would bring in a new era. Since they were sealed for a million years they had to be from the first era, the Golden Era of Divinity. During that era, Supreme Immortals were like stars in the sky.

The Infinite Realms were filled with primal chaos, realms were being created in the blink of an eye, and the myriad of immortal races was at war with the gods for every reason possible. The most famous was, The Calamity God War, which ended the Golden Era of Divinity.

Xena glared at Tyrin, his memory lapse was pissing her off. She never thought their reunion would be like this. She had imagined a magnificent reunion with countless Supreme Immortals praising her for her beauty and valor.

" I'm talking about the Heavenly Firma War between the Supreme Creators and the Thirteen Immortal Monarchs. "

" That war was real! " Tyrin retorted.

Unlike the Netherworld, it was extremely hard to travel to the Firmament. It sat above the Mortal World, while the Netherworld was beneath it. Immortals who traveled to the Firmament were never heard from again. Only legends and myths were spoken about the Firmament, some immortals even doubted its existence. Xena was seething, she couldn't take it anymore.

" Of course it was real you tall idiot. You were in it!"

" Calm down Xena, " Xekrin said softly.

Xena burst into tears, the master she knew was gone. She buried her head in Xeykris's chest with a sorrowful expression.

Tyrin was at a loss for words. Nothing was making sense to him.

Is she telling the truth? What if I am this Zufarein guy?

Her dramatic display of emotions almost made him believe he was this Zufarein guy for a second. He kneeled in front of her and spoke in his most lovable voice.

" Xena, I don't know if I'm this Zufarein guy, but I do know that I would love to be your master if you'll have me. "

Xena peeked her head up, sniffling like a child. She was just the cutest.

" Really? "

Tyrin smiled.

"I'm currently in need of a pretty little thing yourself. "

Giggling, she stepped out of Xekris's embrace.

" Who are you calling little? I only look like this cause you are a weakling. I've reverted to my tyro stage I need to devour immortal treasures and firma crystals to become a Supreme Creation again. "

Tyrin was confused.

" So you're not an immortal treasure? And what do you mean by you've reverted to your tyro stage? "

Xena giggled. She found Tyrin's stupidity funny. How could a creator not know what a creation was, it had to be the most hilarious thing ever.

" No Master, I'm a creation," She beamed," your first creation. Let me explain. There are six stages of creation: Tyro, Adept, Expert, Master, Super, and Supreme. Nine grades divide each stage. I'm a First Grade Tyro Creation.

" And we're your second creations! " Xekris beamed.

" And we've also converted back to our Tyro stages, " Xekrin made sure to add.

Tyrin stood up with a nod. It didn't matter what they were because he intended on becoming their master. He was very intrigued though about what exactly creations were. How were they any different from immortal treasures?

" Master, can you tell us anything about the Heavenly Firma Wars? " Xena asked with a solemn expression.

She mainly wanted to know who was defeated. Maybe it would explain what happen to her master's memory.

" Well, the story goes, the four Supremes challenged the rule of the Thirteen Immortal Monarchs causing a catastrophic war that engulfed the Firmament for a hundred thousand years. All of the firma races were forced to pick a side or die. In the end, the Thirteen Immortal Monarchs killed the Supremes and cast all the firma races who sided with the Supremes out of the Firmament into the Mortal World. Afterward, the Thirteen Immortal Monarchs sealed the heavens from the Mortal World lest the descendants of the Supremes rise again. "

Xena exploded in anger.

" That has to be the worst lie I've ever heard in my life! Those despicable Monarchs were the true usurpers. We have to kill them master they changed the whole course of history. "

" Wow, slowed down Xena. Why would I ever want to do that? This has nothing to do with me! "

Xena sighed. She knew he would not believe what she was about to say.

" Master this has everything to do with you. You're the Supreme One, AlRuler of the Nine Heavens of Firma, First son of the All and One."


Tyra held a small figurine of the most beautiful demoness as she hurried to find Tyrin. From its breast and curves, you could tell it was a female. Made from Inferno Firma Mithral, an extremely rare and divine firma metal found in the mines of Infris, caused the statue to glow a deep rosy red. Her eyes were like molten orbs of lava. Purple firma runes were etched into her limbs and wings in an elegant display.

The demoness radiated a rich purple blaze, indicating that it was a bloodline immortal treasure. A very powerful one at that. Tyra had found it beside three other figurines. All of them were bloodline immortal treasures, which corresponded with an immortal's firma energy. Meaning these bloodline immortal treasures had yet to be bonded to a bloodline.

Anyone who had the right firma energy could bind them to their bloodline and become their master. The one she held resonated perfectly with her Hell Inferno Firma energy, which was shocking because her Hell Inferno Firma energy was unique. It was what allowed her to fight immortals levels above her.

There was another one that matched Tyrin's heavenly omni-firma energy. If he could get it would be like giving tiger wings. She would have grabbed it as well, but she couldn't take it because a barrier was protecting each figurine. Only someone who resonates with them could pass through the barriers and remove the figurines.

Their primal spirits were connected by a spirit chain, so no matter where he was she could always find him. She followed it and eventually found her brother, as well as Keora. She stifled her giggles, suppressed her immortal aura, and crept up behind her. Keora was so focused on Tyrin that she didn't notice Tyra standing behind her.

Tyra was looking over her head. Watching Tyrin talk to three treasure spirits. She spotted a codex in his hand, but couldn't see through it. She was intrigued and wanted to know where he found it. Her eyes roamed around the platform noticing the massive cubes and the lifeless spirits. The whole scene was weird and interesting.

You could always trust Tyrin to be in the thick of things like this. He seems to attract the paranormal. She had enough of hiding and wanted to go out, and of course, Keora had to come as well. She whispered in Keora's ear.

" Now what do we have here."

Instinctively, Keora jumped away. Tyrin immediately looked at her as Tyra was stepping out from behind the statue with an impish smile.

" Tyrin look what I found hiding behind this statue. She was so focused on spying on you that she didn't notice me."

" I wasn't spying on him, " Keora blurted.

She was so embarrassed. Her face was as red as a chili pepper.

" Then what were you doing behind the statue then? " Tyra asked playfully.

" I was looking at the statue to see if I wanted it, till you scared the firma outta me! " Keora exclaimed.

" Yeah right and I'm an angel, " Tyra said with a laugh, " She's as adorable as Princess Blue."

Tyra jumped up on the platform.

" You always seem to attract the innocent shy girls. One day they're going to steal you away from your poor sister."

She placed her hand on her forehead with a sorrowful expression.

" Firma, whatever shall I do."

Keora giggled. Tyra's dramatics seemed genuine, but she knew it was all an act. With Tyra's noble bearings, Keora would have never thought she was so playful. As far as she knew, Tyra didn't have any friends and she rarely spoke, it was quite a surprise to see her act like this.

" Nafareah, is that you? " Xena said in shock.

The last time she had seen her was at the last meeting of Supremes.

One of Tyra's eyebrows lifted. " Who? "

Xena pulled her dreads." It's me, Xena!"

Tyra looked at Tyrin, who shrugged, she didn't know if he had tricked these treasure spirits and wanted her to play along. It's not like they haven't done such things in the past.

" Not you too! " Xena whined.

Keora jumped up on the platform. Since Tyra had exposed her, she didn't see any reason to act like a stranger. After all, they were all going on a quest together.

She stood beside Tyra as if everything was normal.

" What's going on, Tyrin? "

" If I told you you wouldn't believe me, " Tyrin handed her the codex," take a look at this. "

Tyra opened the codex expecting to see realm-shacking spells. She quickly flipped through the pages and was shocked that there wasn't a single spell. She looked up at Tyrin puzzled why he gave her a codex with no spells.

" Is this supposed to be a joke? There's nothing here."

" Of course, there's nothing there," Zena said.

" It's a Regalia Codex. It expands your spell mind and allows you to use any spell no matter the grade. Every Creator has one. "

Tyra had never heard of any codex doing something like that.

" Well, little miss know it all. How 'bout you tell us how to use it? "

Tyrin stayed silent since he already knew what Xena said to be true, he wanted to know exactly how that happen. He figured it had something to do with their gems.

Xena smacked her teeth.

" Fuse it with your Regalia. "

" And what the hell is that? "

" The gem between your eyebrows, stupid! "

Tyra friendly expression turned cold.

"Just tell me how to use the damn book little girl. "

The twins had to stifle their laughs. After a million years, Nafareah was still as fiery as ever.

" Your Regalia is linked to your mind. All you have to do is think that you want the codex and it will fuse with it. "

Is that why I absorbed the codex? Did I instinctively react to it?

Tyra was about to do just that until Tyrin spoke.

" What if we want to unfuse it? "

"Just think what you want to master and it will appear. "

Tyrin did just that, holding out his hand. The Regalia Codex materialized in his hand. All the spells he had remembered were forgotten. He opened the codex and grinned. Firma runes were inscribed on the pages, glowing in various colors.

" This is unbelievable. Tyra try it. "

A beam of golden light shot out of her regalia, striking the codex. It vanished along with the beam.

" Now what? "

Tyrin handed her his codex. She opened the book and scanned the first page. Firma runes flashed in her eyes as the spells were locked in her mind.

" This is amazing. "

She closed the codex and handed it back to Tyrin. She didn't want to copy all of his spells they had different fighting styles and many of his spells didn't suit her. A beam of silver light once again fused the codex back into Tyrin regalia. He walked away from them and stepped in front of the cube. Several beams of sliver light burst from his regalia and struck the creations embedded in the cube.

In a flash, they vanished into his regalia. Tyrin spun around to face everyone with a triumphant smile. In the blink of an eye, the mask was molded to his face and the magnificent set of armor covered his body like a second skin. The swords appeared in his hands; Tyrin unleashed his immortal might. Nine immortal rings manifested around him.

All of them were illusionary and glowed a brilliant white. He had never felt so powerful in his life. As long as he was equipped with these creations, he could defeat Saint Immortal easily. Even Celestial immortals would have to fear him.

Tyrin's immortal pressure pressed down on Tyra and Keora. Tyra gritted her teeth and unleashed her immortal rings. She barely managed to resist it, but Keora was brought to her knees. Tyrin was so powerful that he suppressed Keora to the point that she couldn't unleash her immortal rings. She was defenseless. If he wanted to kill her, it would be as easy as killing an ant.


Asunin saw a brilliant immortal light, shining in the depths of the X-Vault. Since he was the headmaster his senses were linked to the X-Vault, so everything that transpired within it was known to him. He was shocked that Tyrin and Tyra's origins had been from an Ultra Race, the Creators. And they weren't descendants, but the son and daughter of the One Immortal and the All God. Legendary existences paved the way for all divine beings in the Infinite Realms. Without them, there would be no gods and immortals.

During the Golden Era of Divinity, the demi beast and god beast were at constant war with humanity. One and All battled the most powerful of these beings alone because humanity had yet to grow.

" To think I was lucky enough to pull two Supremes to our side, Zero. "

He sighed. Great karma was tied to them, especially Tyrin. He was supposed to be the strongest immortal beneath his mother. They had countless enemies and since they somehow managed to survive the Calamity God War who's to say their enemies hadn't as well? If Tyrin was the Supreme One then Tyra had to be the Supreme Dual. It was the only way to explain their heaven-defying power and abilities.

" Looks like this era will belong to those monsters of the Golden Era Of Divinity. "

He hoped Tyrin and Tyra could survive.


Tyra was stunned speechless. She was aware of how powerful her brother was. This newfound power was because of those immortal treasures. A rich rainbow of colors blazed on them, so she couldn't determine what grade of immortal treasures they were.

" Hey, what grade of immortal treasures are those? " Keora suddenly asked.

She was just as curious as Tyra and didn't mind asking.

Xena sneered.

" How many times do I have to tell you, people we're creations! Immortal treasures are nothing, but food to us! "

Xena dash forward and disappeared into Tyrin's armor. There was a flash of silver light and Xena reappeared. She stood naked beside Tyrin without a hint of shame. She felt quite proud of herself. She had once dominated the Infinite Realms with her master and she could now relive their glorious past.

Xena was as tall as a dwarf with the same deep blue skin as Tyrin. Curly dreadlocks draped down her back and were the same colors as Tyrin and Tyra's. Her breathtaking figure and plumped breast would make any man want to possess her. Sliver horns protruded from her forehead and barely managed to curve over her head. Beautiful silver wings were stretched out behind her. Each feather was fine, sleek, and tipped with a deep blue shade. Her slender tail was forked at the end like a trident.

Tyrin spotted the tattoo on her back. A large golden eye with dual purple pupils. An irresistible force slammed into his mind. He cried out grabbing his head

" Ahhhhhhh! "

Xena spun around.

"Master what's wrong! "

An ancient spell long dormant in Tyrin's mind suddenly activated. Memories buried deep resurfaced in a flash of images in Tyrin's mind.

His swords fell from his hands and he dropped to his knees.

Like smoke, everything around him vanished into a world of white. A melodious voice sounded from all around him.

" The Supreme One on his knees. Now this is shocking. "

Tyrin recognized that voice and quickly stood up. He frantically looked around.

" Jezebel! Where are you? "

" Behind you my love. "

Tyrin turned around laying his eyes on the most beautiful creator. She was petite in height with an hourglass figure. Small silver horns protruded from her forehead curving gracefully over her forehead. Her regalia was a blend of white, blue, and silver. A white dress hugged her figure like a second skin. A split in the dress revealed one of her sexy legs.

Thick golden dreadlocks draped in curls over her shoulders and down her back. Her lustrous pale blue skin was tattooed with firma runes and swirling vine-like designs, that ran up her legs, and arms. Her forked tail swayed behind her as she smiled. Tears came to Tyrin's eyes.

" Jezebel, is it you? "

" Who else could it be darling? I missed you, " she cried.

She leaped into Tyrin's arms with tears rolling down her cheeks.

" I warned you my brothers were not to be trusted. Why didn't you listen to me? " she cried.

Tyrin held her tightly. Her brothers had been his best friends. Never would he have thought they would turn against him. For his foolishness, his siblings had been dethroned and cast into the mortal world.

" I'm sorry, Jez. Your brothers were like mine. I never thought their ambitions were so diabolical. "

Tyrin sighed. The pain he felt was immeasurable. Countless firma races had stood with him and for their loyalty, the thirteen Monarchs had either exterminated them or cast them into the Mortal World.

" With your brother possessing the Nine Heaven Firma Jewel, it will be nearly impossible to stop him. "

" Well, it's a good thing he doesn't have it."

She stepped back out of Tyrin's embrace. Her regalia lit in a dazzling light. A sparkling white gem manifested in front of them. Its immortal light was rich in colors. Tiny firma runes formed a halo around the gem glowing a rainbow of colors. An extremely pure firma aura radiated off the gem.

" How did you get this? "

This gem was his most precious creation, he named it the Nine Heaven Firma Jewel. It was his 3rd and greatest Creation he ever created. It had yet to mature and was still in an embryonic stage at the time he was dethroned. Now it had fully matured.

" Well, when my brother so-called killed you. I stole it from him and hid it. Sorry for sending you a million years into the future. Is Nafareah okay? You know I've always been terrible at time spells. "

Tyrin chuckled and grabbed the jewel, pushing it into his regalia. In a heartbeat, it fused with every fiber of his being. Firma runes appeared over Tyrin's head like a chain and formed a beautiful silver halo.

" She's fine. Why didn't you fuse with it? You would have been unstoppable. "

" I don't want to be unstoppable. I want you to be, my husband. "

Tyrin felt an ache in his heart at the mention of their marriage. She had stated before all of the nine heavens their divorce and how much she hated him. He watched as her brothers and their friends slaughtered his most loyal companions and servants. Jezebel wore a gloomy expression.

" Do you hate me? I only said that stuff so that I could save you. I swear on the nine heavens that I didn't mean any of it! "

She began to cry.

" I just wanted to save you. "

He wanted to believe her, but he could never forget what she did. It was a scar that would never be healed. He steeled his heart and smiled, without her he and his siblings would have died.

" Thank you, Jez. You've done more than enough for me. I'll handle the rest. " He smiled lightly. " I see your regalia has turned to a crown, you've finally reached the Supreme Stage. "

Jezebel felt a stab at her heart. She didn't feel like Tyrin had forgiven her, but what could she have done in those circumstances? She wiped her tears away, but her sad expression wasn't that easy to get rid of.

" I have, but so have my brothers and the rest of them. They have 100 Super Creators under them now. Too much time had passed. I had no idea my spell would throw you a million years into the future. "

Tyrin wore a solemn expression. Super Creators were just a stage beneath Supreme Creators. Only one in a million creators could become super creators. It took an extensive amount of knowledge and one must create a Super Creation.

" It's fine. I figured after so long many new geniuses would come along. Does your brother still believe we've died? "

" He does and so does everybody else. "

" That's great. I have time to grow and that's all I need. I'll surpass all of them once again and get my throne back. "

Firma runes flashed in Jezebel's pupils as they manifested around Tyrin. He didn't try to stop her or rather he couldn't, even if he wanted to. He could sense that her power was immeasurable.

All of the firma runes came together forming a super creation. It solidified into an emblem that resembled the Eyes of Creation, which every creator had. The only difference was that one of the pupils was white and the other was black. Tiny hearts could be seen in the middle of them. She grabbed it and stepped forward, pushing the creation into Tyrin's regalia.

Tyrin regalia lit up and the super creation vanished inside. Since she was more powerful than him, he couldn't resist her intrusion into his regalia.

" I've named this creation the Eye of Heart. As long as you have this nobody who harbors evil thoughts in their hearts will be able to fool you ever again.

" Thank you, Jez. Words can't describe how grateful I am to you. Because of what you did, me and my family have a second chance. This is a debt that I will repay one day. "

Suddenly Jezebel slapped Tyrin and grabbed him by his dreads, wrestling him to his knees. Fury burned in her eyes as tears flowed down her face. She would not stand for this.

" Don't talk to me as if I'm not your wife. Your empress. You don't owe me anything, I must see you safe! Do you think if you had died I would have let my brother live for so long? I've waited a million years for you. Don't treat me like I don't love you! "

She passionately kissed his lips, swapping his spit with her own, When their lips finally parted, Tyrin felt a sense of loss. He gazed into her eyes. An evil glint could be seen among a smoldering heap of love. It was this glint that made him remember that she wasn't so sweet.

Jezebel whispered in his ear.

" Remember who you belong to. I hate to have to kill anyone."

With that said, she kissed his cheek and vanished. He blacked out to wake back up once again.