Inferno Creations

"Master are you okay," Xena cried kneeling down beside him.

Tyrin realized everything had happen in an instant. He hugged Xena.

" Little Princess forgive me for not remembering you. Master head was muddled! "

Zena was shocked. Little princess was her nickname he use to always call her. Tears instantly came to her eyes. She hugged him tightly unable to speak at first. She was to overwhelmed by everything. A second ago he couldn't remember anything about her.

" Master do you really remember me? "

" Yes I do. Master sorry! "

Tyra was confused. She stared at the halo that had mysteriously appeared over his head.

Tyrin looked a Xekris and Xekrin with a smile.

" I formed you two from two sword seeds, my sword dao, and the most precious firma crystals. Now that we have united again we will walk a new path in the sword dao. That's even more powerful then before. "

Tears finally came to the brothers eyes. They rushed into the swords. In a brilliant flash of sliver lights, the swords morphed into flesh and blood. They were extremely handsome and resembled Tyrin. The twins had deep blue skin and sliver horns that elegantly curved over their heads. Golden dreadlocks hung down to their waist in curls. They were a head taller then Zena with muscular builds. Their beautiful wings were as white as snow.

Keora turned away from them and shouted.

" Put some clothes on you two! "

Xekris chuckled. " I didn't see you saying that to my sister."

Keora nearly turned around and yelled at them again. Tyrin chuckled and waved his hand. All white Tri-X uniforms appeared on each of his creations. Xena smiled, batting her eyelashes.

" Master how do I look? "

She placed her hand on her hip, akimbo style. Tyrin kissed her on the forehead.

" Like the most beautiful girl in the world. "

Xena was blushing terribly. Tyra rolled her eyes.

" Okay enough with that. "

Tyrin turned his head to Tyra.

" Your right. Nafareah, I think its time you remember who you are. Your creations have waited long enough for you. Be a good girl and wake them up. "

" What? " Tyra was confused. " Rin what happen? "

Tyrin grabbed her hand and took her over to the other cube. The mask and every piece of the armor was black with blood red streaks. They were wickedly beautiful just the way she like it. The sabers blades were a blood red and looked just as evil as her armor. One of the blades had a razor edge, the other was ridge. The handles were black and curved the opposite way of the blades. Attached to the pommels were blood red firma crystals the size of chicken eggs.

" Go ahead. Look into the cube with your eyes of creation. I promise you'll understand everything after you get them."

Tyra nodded. She figured her eyes of creation were their dual pupils. Her eyes morphed and peered into the creations. She noticed bizarre runes within them glowing a vivid red. She was surprised that she could understand the writing. She spoke the names like a chant.

" Dava, Dialo, Dago.!"

Tyra's regalia glowed a rainbow of colors. The creations ignited in a blaze of colors. She stepped back just to be a cautious.

" Look up," Tyrin said.

Tyra looked up, marveling at how the spirits were coming to life. They turned a bright gold as their eyes popped open. They stood up and looked down at Tyra with purple catlike eyes and golden pupils. Suddenly the spirit in the middle spoke.

" Why the hell are you just standing there staring at us, Nahnah? Unseal us already! "

In a flash, several beams of golden light shot out of Tyra's regalia and transported the creations into her regalia. A brief moment later, the mask and armor were molded to her face and body like a second. She held her sabers down beside her hips. She fully unleashed her immortal might. Nine immortal rings manifested behind her. Blood red immortal light radiated off her body. She instantly felt tremendous amounts of firma energy surging through her body. She was three times as powerful as before and even a Celestial Immortal would have a hard time defeating her.

The spirit in the middle disappeared into the mask, while the other two went inside the sabers. In a triple flash of golden light Dava, Dialo, and Dago appeared in the flesh.

A violent force slammed into her mind. Followed by a roar

Wake up Nafareah! It's time for your revenge!

Tyra grabbed her head in pain and collapsed to the floor. Memories bursted into her mind in flashes that seem to last forever. Time stopped for her as the world was shrouded in darkness.

A devil walked out of darkness with a grin. He had the face of a handsome rogue that would catch any woman attention. Black horns protruded from his forehead and gracefully curved over his head. His crowned regalia was black. Ruby red cat like eyes looked down at Tyra with fondness. He was shirtless, revealing his chiseled physique, and wore black shorts with matching boots.

His skin was a cherry red and tattooed with firma runes and vine like designs that traveled up his legs and arms, spiraling around his torso. His trident forked tail reached around him and slid beneath her chin. She looked up at him with longing. Tears flowed down her cheeks, while her heart ached.

"Shadow. "

His smile widen. He brought his lips down and kissed her passionately.

" Nahnah, your still as beautiful as ever. "

His voice sent shivers up her spine and made her blood boil.

" I thought you loved me? How could you betray me? "

Shadow frowned. " No queen. I never betrayed you. I did what I had to do to save you."

His eyes morphed into the eyes of creation. His pupils were flashing with firma runes. In a instant, a red jewel manifested in his hand. A fiery red immortal light hung around it. A blood red flame hovered over top of it.

" This belongs to you. "

Shadow pushed the jewel into her regalia. The jewel fused with every fiber of her being, sending a surge of power through her body. The end of her tail erupted in two different color flames: blood red and ultramarine. These flames were heaven defying and belonged to her most precious creation, the Nine Inferno Firma Jewel. It was her 3rd creation. She remembered one of the monarchs ripping it from her regalia.

" How did you get it?"

" Obviously, I stole it," Shadow said with a chuckle.

" I would love to talk more queen, but I have to go. Remember I will never betray you. "

With that said, Shadow vanished. The world reverted back to normal and Tyrin was there kneeling beside her.

" What did you see? "

"Shadow saved me. He gave me back my firma jewel."

Tyrin sighed.

" So did Jezel. She also gave me back my firma jewel. It looks like those two are still on our side, but the rest of them must be killed. We will show no mercy to them. "

Tyrin didn't want to believe it because he was torn with what Jezel had done to him, but it was true. She had warned him more then once, and in the end, she had even saved him. How could he be mad at her.

Tyra looked at her creations dumbfounded that they were okay.

Dava was her first creation and was the one who had spoke to her. His smooth skin was a jet black. He stood in the middle towering over his younger brothers with a serene expression. Of course he had curly dreadlocks that dangled to his waist. His dreadlocks were black and gradually turned gold as they reached the tips. These two colors were the usual for all creations and creators.

Dava was devilishly handsome and muscular. His jawbone was lined with a strip of goldish black hair that connected to his trimmed mustache. Red horns protruded from his forehead and gracefully curved over his head. Red bat like wings were furled on his back. His trident forked tail was a bright red and swayed behind him. Like all creations, The Eye of Creation was tattoed somewhere on their bodies.

As her memories came back she discovered that these tattoos were actually birthmarks that all creations had, and Dava's was over his heart. It was the first thing she saw and what triggered the spell in her mind.

Standing to the Dava's left was Dialo and to his right was Daga. They were her second creations and were identical twins. These two were the worst kind of trouble makers. She couldn't help, but smile as she watched them look around. They're mischievous grins showed that they were just itching to get into something.

They were a head shorter then Dava with cherry red skin, and just as handsome as their older brother. Their dreadlocks were straight and hung pass there waist. Black horns stuck out of their foreheads, curving elegantly over there heads. Black bat like wings were furled on there backs. They're trident forked tails were twice as long as the other creations.

Dialo birthmark was on his right shoulder and Dago's birthmark was on his left shoulder. The love she had for her creations was beyond words. How could she have possibly been living without them for so long. She rushed over to them and wrapped her arms around all three of them, crying tears of joy. Keora looked back at this time. Seeing that Tyra was hugging three naked boys, she quickly turned away.

" Hey watch the wings! " the twins protested together.

Tyra giggle and squeeze them tighter, while Dialo and Dago struggled to get lose. Dava had the biggest smile. Finally their family was back together again.

" Thank you, Shadow. I won't ever forget this! " Tyra cried.

Shadow had severed her connection to them by sealing them in the null stone, but she couldnt fathom how he manage to do that. She saw him kill them right before her eyes.

Where did he manage to find so much null stone to begin with?

Null Stone was a banned of creations and could indefinitely seal them. Creators sought destroy it every time they came across it, which made it extremely hard to find. Since Creators ruled the Firmament why would they allow anyone to possess something that could harm them. She herself had made sure all of the null mines in the Nine Infernos had been destroyed.

Looks like Shadow has a few secrets. I'll have to pry them out of him when we meet next time.

She stood up and realized that her creations they were still naked. Her eyes morphed and her pupils flashed with firma runes. Dava was covered in a all red Tri- X uniform, while the twins wore all black Tri-X uniforms. A thought occured to Tyra bringing tears to her eyes? She looked at Tyrin with a gloomy expression.

"I forgot to ask Shadow about Lufarein and Sufareah? Do you think their still alive as well? "

Tyrin thought about it. Lufarein and Sufareah were their younger siblings. Lufarein was the Supreme Tri and was once the AlRuler of the Nine Firma Wilds. Sufareah was the Supreme Quad and was once the AlRuler of the Nine Firma Seas. He didn't want to believe they were dead, but they had also been defeated and captured.

" I think its best that we don't jump to conclusions until we ask Jezel and Shadow. They should know what happen to them."

Tyra nodded feeling the same way. Keora was silent and deep in thought.

Are they really Creators?

She had heard and seen everything that had transpired, but it all still seemed unbelievable to her. How could they be the Supreme Creators from the legends, it was impossible. No one in the mortal world had ever seen a creator to begin with, yet she knew they existed. Her clan had a very special connection with the Supreme One, and the heavenly creators, which were known as Celestial Demons. She had suspicions about Tyrin and Tyra long ago, but this really put icing on the cake. Stories that her ancestor told her when she was but a child came to mind.

" Master what are we to do about her? " Xena suddenly asked.

Everyone attention was placed on Keora, which made her feel quite uncomfortable. She manage to stay calm and stand her ground. She looked at Tyrin with a solemn expression.

" So let me get this straight. You two are suppose to be the supreme creators from the legends?"

They didn't answer her, but that didn't mean they didn't have any intentions to. Their souls were linked together and allowed them to speak to each other with there minds.

(Tyra)Should we trust her?

(Tyrin)Honestly I don't know. During the Firma Wars the faerie angels sided with us. If not for her ancestor, King Kyza, I would have lost the battle of the first heaven. It wouldn't be right to kill her.

(Tyra) True, but how do we know she doesn't hold resentment towards us for her race being casted out of the firmament. We should just erase her memories of this.

(Tyrin) No, our powers are not what they use to be. There's no telling what else we might erase. I'll handle this.

Keora frowned. Tyrin was just staring at her.

"Are you going to answer me? "

She looked at Tyra and fear crept into her heart.

" Don't tell me you two are planning to kill me? "

Tyrin came to the only conclusion he was willing to do. His eyes morphed and his pupils flashed with firma runes. Keora was stunned. She had never seen his eyes do that before. She had sharp eyes and she was positive that she saw firma runes rapidly changing in his pupils, while his eyes were aglow for that brief moment. It was so fast that most people couldn't even tell. In the blink of an eye, he had cast a spell.

Immediately, the legends of creators casting spells through there eyes to kill their enemies came to mind and she just knew that's what Tyrin had done. Now keora was really scared. She took a step back bracing herself to run. Suddenly Tyra appeared behind her with a smile and all the creations had surrounded her. She could feel their malicious intent, if she tried to run, she would most certainly die.

" Your not planning to run are you, Keora? " Tyra asked with a hint of edge in her voice.

Keora looked back and gulped. " No, I was just scared."

She looked back at Tyrin." What did you just do? "

" You'll find out if you lie to me." Tyrin replied firmly.

" I assume you know the legends of The Firma Wars? "

Keora nodded.

"Do you believe in them?"

" To certain extent."

" Is that right. Please explain. "

" Well, I don't believe the Supreme Creators started the war like how the legends say. Nor do I believe that they were tyrants. "

" And why is that? "

" My ancestor told me that the Supremes have always ruled the Firmament. And the Thirteen Monarchs were once called the Thirteen Apostle's and served under the Supremes as advisors and generals. That's why they had never suspected that they would betray them. They were the ones who challenged the Supremes and started the firma wars."

A thought came to mind and she steeled her heart. She needed courage for what she was about to do.

" It's the monarchs fault why the faerie angels and countless other races were casted out of our homeland and cursed to walk around with this! "

She took a deep breath, took off her shirt, and threw it in front of Tyrin. In the center of her bosom was the most hideous scar. It was black and shaped like a x, pulsing with thick red veins. Firma runes were etched around the scar. Purple maggots could be seen digging into her flesh. They were demonic parasites known as Naferis Bone Maggots.

Tears were rolling down Keora cheeks. Tyra gasped in horror, it was the most disgusting wound she had ever seer seen.

" Holy Frima Keora! What happen? "

Keora turned to Tyra. Now that her ugly secret had been revealed she felt less of a woman. Why would any man want to be with a woman with this on her.

" I was born with this just like countless others. "

She looked back at Tyrin.

" The most loyal and the most powerful races were hexed with the Curse of the Forsaken before we were casted out of the Firmament. If not for the spell circle around it, it would quickly and painfully, spread across my whole body devouring my life force in the process and eventually I would die. Many of our innate abilities were also sealed. The spell circle slows it down and eases the pain, but my life force is still dwindling away and I still have to feel the pain of parasites eating away at my bones everyday, but ill always heal just to experience the same pain all over again. I was fortunate to be born in this era because the previous ones we had no idea how to stop it. I have to train with everything I got so my life force can be regain through each breakthrough. You can't imagine how many of my race have died. We were nearly exterminated. I hate the Monarchs! "

Keora finished with a scream.

" And if you two are really the Supremes you owe it to everyone who died for you and was cursed to walk the Mortal World to set things right. "

Keora was huffing and puffing. She had never been so furious before. All her resentment and hate had come out.

" Now its your turn to answer me. Are you really the Supreme One? And If you are, will you set things right? "

Tyrin felt a soothing feeling warm his heart. Keora was telling the truth.

Heavenly omni firma energy exploded from Tyrin as his eyes morphed. The Nine Heaven Firma Jewel manifested within his halo.

" Yes I am!" Tyrin said with a solemn expression.

Keora was shocked stepping back. She had never felt anyone with a holy aura as pure as Tyrin's. It made her want to drop to her knees and worship him. She could feel every type of firma energy blazing off his body. Keora was in a daze as she watched Tyrin eyes aglow.

His whole left arm had turn platinum. Firma energy was swirling around his hand, while golden firma runes appeared on his arm. He shot forward, thrusting his hand into the Curse of Forsaken. Within the wound was a egg size black crystal, beating like a heart. This was the core of the curse. Without destroying it, the curse would last forever and would even pass on to her descendants.

Crystalline red strings branched out from the crystal to every part of her body. The Naferis Bone Maggots crawled on these webs, gnawing on her bones. Tyrin grasped the core crystal, sending torrents of Omni firma energy into it. The strings were immediately set afire.

Keora let out a horrific scream. Suddenly Asunin appeared, but he didn't stop anything. He doubted Tyrin was hurting Keora. Of course if he was, he would immediately stop him, even if he had to kill him. After all, the Uni Clan were allies with the Heavenly Chaos Nation and Keora was also a student of Tri-X Academy.

Tyra gave Asunin a sidelong glance and look back at what was happening. Keora was paralyzed from the pain. All she could do was scream. Heavenly omni firma energy was pouring into her like molten lava. The pain she was experiencing was unimaginable, it felt as If he was torturing her primal spirit. She could feel torrents of energy coursing through her mind, body, and primal spirit like fire.

What she didn't know was that the curse had fused with every fiber of her being and he was purifying her. Golden firma runes had appeared all over Keora body. Nefaris Bone Maggots emerged from her skin trying to escape just to burst in flames. The wound on Keora chest was finally starting to show signs of healing.

" Impossible! "Asunin barked.

He himself had tried everything to remove the curse from the races of firma, but nothing had ever worked. Many had even died, which made him stop his experiments. He had felt nobody, but the Immortal Monarchs could remove the curse. In just a few minutes, the Curse of the Forsaken had completely been destroyed by Tyrin.

Tyrin pulled his hand out of her chest, ripping the curse crystal from her body. Keora fell to her knees, looking down at her chest. The curse seal was gone and the hideous wound was perfectly healed. The pain she lived with for so long was gone bringing tears to her eyes. It was truly unbelievable. She looked up at Tyrin with a worshiping gaze. He smiled and showed her the curse crystal and then crushed it into nothingness.

" You are free now Keora. And now that I've returned, all of those who were cursed will be freed and will have their vengeance. "

" Thank you." Keora said weakly and fell over unconscious.

His heavenly firma jewel vanished and everything returned to normal. Tyrin picked her up like a princess and looked at Asunin.

" I assume you've heard everything headmaster? "

Asunin folded his arms over his chest.

" I have and I have to tell you I'm quite shocked, but none of that matters. You are still a student of my academy and have accepted the quest. Your enemies are my enemies its a simple as that. "

Tyrin chuckled. Asunin sure knew how to make a power move. He had basically said that he was willing to still shelter them knowing the enemies they had to face in the distant future. A soothing warm feeling radiated from the Eye of Heart, which let him know that he was not harbouring any malcious thoughts towards him.

" Are you willing to make another deal with me? "

Asunin grinned. Things were going to be fun for quite a while.

" Of course. "