Forced Transformations

Tyrin followed his sister's directions and found what he was looking for. He and his creations stood in front of a platform, marveling at the figurines that were placed upon three pedestals. The pedestal on the far left was shrouded in emerald green and gold firma energy. A figurine of a beastly devil sat on top of this pedestal, striking a fierce pose.

On the far right, sapphire blue and silver firma energy surrounded another pedestal. A beautiful mermaid lay on top of this pedestal. Tyrin's eyes became glued to one in particular, it was placed between the other two.

The firma energy around it constantly change colors appearing in swirls, strips, or one solid color; It was quite dazzling. The figurine that resonated with his heavenly omni-firma energy was sculpted to resemble a female angel.

The craftsmanship was perfect. There was nothing he didn't like about her. Just from one look and he could tell she was forged from the most precious materials. He could sense a terrifying sword aura radiating from her as well. Tyrin looked down at his creations.

" You guys stay here I'm going to check it out. "

The twins looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They weren't worried at all about him going in alone. Xena's expression turned sour. Tyrin stepped away, but Xena couldn't bare to see him go. She grabbed his shirt.

" Master, what if she attacks you? I should come with you. Xekris and Xekrin can watch over us just in case it's a trap. "

He rubbed her head with a smile. Xena had always been clingy and a million years couldn't change that.

" Fine, come protect master. " Tyrin said, walking away.

Xena's face brighten and she fell in behind him. Tyrin and Xena passed through the barrier of firma energy. At this moment, the figurine enlarged. Every feature came to life before their eyes. Nether runes manifested over her head into a black halo. She had an intoxicating appearance.

A rare beauty behind a screen of white-blond dreadlocks that dangled to her waist. Her naked figure was petite and shapely. Tyrin was enchanted by her light ebony skin. Tattoos of golden firma runes intertwined with vine-like designs of various colors, climbed up her arms and legs, spiraling around a golden double edge sword between her breast and sternum.

Every one of her tattoos emitted a soft glow. The terrifying sword aura he sensed earlier was coming from her sword tattoo. Her black wings unfurled, stretching out behind her.

" What do we have here? "

She had the voice of succubus, soft and seductive, despite her angelic appearance. Her delicate fingers lifted the dreads from her face, smoothing them back over her head.

Tyrin was stunned. She had a striking resemblance to Xena. She had a face that could stop a man's heart and make it beat again. She batted her long eyelashes at Tyrin and smiled.

He nearly became lost in her beautiful eyes. They were a rainbow of colors, swirling around slanted gold pupils. He felt a sense of familiarity from her that shocked him.

" Master, you finally come for me. "

" Have we met before? "

" Of course. Technically, I'm your first creation. "

You dare! Im mastered first creation!

Xena couldn't hold back her fury; She attacked. There was no reason for her to say anything. Her fist would do all the talking.

I dare you try to take my place. In his first creation. There's no place for you here anymore!

She rushed the girl. Heavenly Omni firma energy surged Into her fist. She swung with herculean strength holding nothing back. The angelic destroyer didn't fear Xena's punch.

Her sword aura became extremely sharp as a thin golden veil of sword might outline her body.

Her pupils morphed into golden swords. Black nether runes encircled her sword pupils. For a split second, time slowed. Xena's eyes constricted, but she was far too slow to do anything else. The angelic destroyer swiftly chopped down, unleashing a terrifying sword beam. Xena was instantly obliterated.

The sword beam carried on heading straight for Xekris and Xekrin. They quickly dashed out of the way. The floor was split in two. Everything in the path of this terrifying sword beam was destroyed. She didn't stop there. Two fingers thrust forward tapping Tyrin on the forehead.

" Sword Seal! "

A tiny golden sword encircled with nether runes appeared on Tyrin's forehead, sealing his movements and firma energy. He immediately felt the restriction and tried to overpower it. At the same time, Xekris and Xekrin were rushing over.

The destroyer vanished and reappeared behind Tyrin. Time slowed once again.

Twin golden swords blasted out of her eyes and shot toward them. The swords pierced straight through them, pinning them to the ground. The laws of time and space took effect freezing them in time. She appeared back in front of Tyrin.

Golden swords appeared all around them warping time and space. She formed a separate dimension, her domain, and dragged Tyrin with her into it.

Soon after, tiny dragons made of heavenly omni firma energy agglomerated and formed Xena. She stood where Tyrin once was with a furious expression.

If not for her Infinite Omni Dragon Body she would have been killed. Her anger had got the better of her and she had underestimated her opponent. She didn't come down on herself too hard, however, she made a note to refrain from doing such things again.

Xena was more worried about how she had such heaven-defying eyes, it allowed her to manipulate time and space.

She didn't have those eyes before.

Divine eyes were extremely rare and those who had them were one in a billion. Divine bodies were even rarer. Tyrin had the All Heaven Firma Body, and with it, he was able to derive a way to make her Infinite Omni Dragon Body. There was no such thing until he created her.

Xena didn't want to admit it, but the destroyer body wasn't normal either. Immortals and gods with divine bodies could sense other divine beings with divine bodies.

A rare few could even determine how strong someone's divine body was. For her to have divine eyes and a divine body was unbelievable, it made Xena a little jealous of her.

" Why did you have to show your ugly face again? "

Could Master have created her first?

Xena felt overwhelming sadness towards this. She took pride in being his first creation more than anything. She shook her head in disbelief.

" Get it together. She was just lying trying to seduce Master. "

She looked back noticing Xekris and Xekrin. With one look, she was able to deduce the situation. Judging by the destroyer power it would cost her a great amount of firma energy to break those swords and unseal them.

There were already faint cracks in the swords, which led her to believe that they were already trying to break free. It was only a matter of time until they did.

This is my chance to destroy her once and for all!

Her skin turns completely golden. Platinum color firma runes appeared on her skin with colorful dragon-like designs. Her tattoos emitted a soft glow, spiraling up her limbs, and twisting around her breast and abdomen.

Once it reached her face, her eyes morphed into colorful orbs of power. Her dragon tattoos were majestic and fierce, changing her whole persona. She gave off an irresistible charisma of a warrior goddess that would impel one to want to praise her.

This was the true form of Xena's Infinite Omni Dragon Body. Boundless firma energy surged through her body; She felt unstoppable.

Xena pulled her dreads back into a ponytail and wrapped one of her locks around them. Next, she clawed through time and space, ripping a hole in the destroyer's domain. Without any hesitation, she rushed inside.


In a world of fire, Tyra watched her creations suck Azaria's blood off their fingers. If she didn't know any better she would think they were vampires and they enjoyed the taste of her blood. Blood covered their handsome faces and stained their clothes.

" How did she taste? "

" She was a rare delicacy, " Dava said playfully.

The twins nodded their heads.

" If we run into any more destroyers we should eat them immediately," Dago told her.

He licked his lips to get his point across.

" Thank you, Nahnah, " Dialo said.

He took the liberty of hugging her and grabbing her voluptuous butt cheeks. He buried his head in her bosom with a smile. Tyra didn't mind blood getting on her dress. She kissed him on his forehead and hugged him tightly

" No need for thanks, Dialo. It's my job to feed you. How else will you grow big and strong enough to protect me? "

Dava frowned and shoved Dialo aside. He quickly hugged Tyra, gripping her butt cheeks. The twins immediately became jealous. They grabbed Dava by his tail, snatching him out of Tyra's embrace.

Dava spun around and punched Dago flying. Dialo swung Dava around by his tail, hurling him away. He looked at Tyra, cracking a crooked smile, and then rushed away to knuckle up with his brothers. Their bodies seem to vanish as they fought at supersonic speeds.

Tyra watched everything with a smile; butterflies were fluttering in her stomach. To have three boys fighting over her made her feel loved. They were her creations and would love her unconditionally. No matter what she did, good or evil, they would stand beside her.

" Boys! "

In a flash, her creations appeared in front of her. They kneeled and looked up at her with fervent eyes

" Your will is our command," they said as one.

Tyra loved their dramatics. Ever since she created them they always did this when she said ' boys '. They knew how to make a girl feel loved.

" Enough playing guys. We should get out of here. Tyrin should have found the other figurines by now. "

She looked around wondering how they were going to get out of there.

" I believe we should have been released when Azaria died. Unless we have to be here for a certain period. What do you think Dava? "

The brothers stood up. Now that Dava thought about it, he found it strange that Azaria died, but they were still inside the flame sphere. They should have been released by now. A sense of dread took hold of his spirit. It was a primal fear that made his spirit shiver.

" She's not dead! "

Azaria's voice suddenly whispered in Dava's ears.

" Foolish creation, you've just now realized this! It's far too late now! "

Azaria's ghastly spirit appeared in front of him. Time seemed to stop for everyone, but these two. Dava tried to attack, but his body wouldn't move.

" You know how a destroyer says are vows. "

Her hand phased through his chest and yanked out his primal spirit. She held Dava's primal spirit by the throat in a vice grip and slug him to his knees, gazing down into his eyes with a dreamy expression.

She did think Dava was such a handsome man. Well, it was more like she wanted to possess him. All of him. If he survived this he would make for the best slave.

What else would marriage to a destroyer mean?

" This is called till death do we part. "

She kissed him, pouring her will of destruction into his primal spirit. Nether runes formed chains that drilled into his spirit and Azaria's, binding them together. She grabbed his face deepening their kiss.

Nether runes were like bacteria infecting his primal spirit with a terrible will to serve her. The ground split and a bonfire of flames burst from the hole. More nether chains burst from the flames.

Be my husband Dava and I'll make you a king.


No, this is a curse!

He could sense a malevolent aura radiating from the pit. To enter it would be suicide.

Well, suit yourself. It's not like you have a choice anymore. This will be our little secret husband.

The nether chains wrapped Dava's primal spirit and dragged him down into the hell pit

Suddenly, Dava's real body let out a heart-wrenching scream. He grabbed his chest, falling to his knees. Terrible pain contorted his face, bringing tears to his eyes. He tipped over like a fish out of water, flailing about. Nether runes appeared all over his skin glowing like hot coils.

A ghastly image of Azaria rose from Dava's body. Her sinister laughs sent chills down Tyra's spine. Terror gripped Tyra's heart. The twins rushed to Dava's aid, but Tyra was faster.

" Get back! "

The twins were reluctant to step away, but the look on Tyra's face let them know she wouldn't tolerate any disobedience. Her pupils flashed with firma runes. Small portals manifested around Dava, shooting out chains to restrict him.

She kneeled peering into the depths of his body. What she saw twisted her face into a grimace. Countless nether runes had invaded his mind, body, and, primal spirit.

" What the hell did you do to him? "

Azaria's smile was as evil as her laughs.

" He did it to himself. He was so eager to eat me now his death is certain. I want you to see his last moments. Watch now, Nahnah. "

Starting from his feet, Dava's body began to deteriorate at an extremely fast rate. Dava tried to suppress his screams, but the pain was truly excruciating. It was as if he was destroying his very existence.

The twins became terrified because they had also eaten Azaria, yet they felt just fine. The chains disappeared allowing Tyra to hug him as tight as she could. Dava pressed his head into her chest stifling his screams.

He didn't want to look like less of a man in front of Tyra. If he was going to die he was going to die with dignity.

After being separated from her creations for millions of years, Tyra was terrified of living another day without them. Dozens of firma spells came to mind that could heal Dava.

Her pupils were flashing with firma runes. She cast spell after spell, fusing them into a multi-color healing pool.

She named it Heavens Pool of Life because the vigorous life energy within seemed boundless. She had cast her best spells nearly draining away all of her firma energy.

"It's useless, Nahnah. You can stop his destruction. "

She looked at the twins and smiled.

" Nor theirs. I will erase their very existence. "

The twins clutched their chests and screamed out in agony. They tumbled to the ground. Nether runes soon appeared on them. Tyra had dreaded this.

She hadn't expected Azaria to be poison to them. She wanted to attack, but she knew that would be useless. Azaria was just an illusionary image. Tyra was sure the nether runes inside of them were Azaria.

She quickly picked up her creations and placed them in the Heavens Pool of Life. Their bodies immediately stop deteriorating. She couldn't help, but give Azaria a smug smile. All she had to do now was find a way to expel her from their bodies, which was only a matter of time.

" What are you smiling for? " Azaria said coldly.

More nether runes suddenly appeared accelerating their deterioration. Sadly, the Heavens Pool of Life had only slowed down the process. Azaria had wanted to give Tyra a false sense of hope. Now it was even faster than before. In seconds, their legs had vanished into nothingness. The screams of her creations had yet to cease.

" I told you it was useless. This is the true power of destruction. Unless you can recreate them as fast as I can destroy them, they'll undoubtedly die. " Azaria stated coldly

" Shut up! " Tyra screamed.

Her signia activated, transforming her body once again into hellfire. Flames spewed out of her hands, engulfing Azaria. When the last bit of her firma energy drain away, she fell to her knees, weeping for her creations.

There was nothing she could do for them. More than half of their bodies were already gone. She buried her head in her hands. She couldn't bare to see them die, it would haunt her for the rest of her life.

They had just been reunited and she had already led them to their death. If she had her Flames of Rejuvenation then she could most defiantly heal them.

" They don't have to die. "

Tyra looked up at Azaria.

" What do you want? "

" Isn't it obvious, I want you to become my chief? The power we'll wield will be unstoppable. "

" I thought I was unworthy. Why change your mind now? "

" Does it matter? Either become my chief or watch them die...your choice. You better decide fast. "

Tyra looked at her creations; Only their heads remain. They were still alive just gravely injured. If not for the nether runes utterly destroying their very existence they would naturally regenerate.

" This was your aim from the start. " Tyra said.

She finally realized that everything that transpired had all been a trap to make her become a destroyer. Azaria just smiled, in truth it was, One had told her that Tyra would not accept her.

So she had made this scheme millenniums ago. She had played on Tyra's arrogance and dependence on her creations. From the very beginning, everything had been under her control.

Tyra's heaven-defying strength made it all the more easy, it shocked Azaria that she was defeated so easily though. She hadn't expected Tyra to be able to challenge a Saint immortal in the Spirit Immortal stage. Her firma energy had to be extremely pure and vast to do something like this.

" Fine, you win. I'll become your chief. "

" Your fingers aren't crossed this time are they? " Azaria asked skeptically.

One would not be happy if she killed Tyra's creations and still couldn't make Tyra her chief. She hoped her daughter wasn't that stubborn. She couldn't bare to kill Dava for selfish reasons of her own, but the other two would surely die.

Tyra showed her hands, frantically waving them about.

" No, no, I promise. I'll be your chief! "

" Don't resist. "

Her creations suddenly began to heal. All of the nether runes were flowing out of them into Tyra regalia. Waves of pain beyond anything she ever could have imagined went through her body. She threw her head back, screaming in agony. Her body began to transform from creator to destroyer.


Tyrin was pulled into a twilight world. Countless golden swords were like stars in the sky giving off a brilliant gold radiance. The floor was crystalline and etched with nether runes that glowed numerous different colors. The angelic destroyer stood in front of him with a frown.

" You don't remember me? "

Tyrin frowned.

" No, I don't, but im hundred percent positive that Xena was my first creation. "

" Wrong, you created me first then her! "She shouted in Tyrin's face.

The destroyer walked away as her pupils once again morphed into swords. In her fury, tiny golden swords appeared around Tyrin. They whirlwind around him slicing deep into every part of his body.

" I dare you to say that again! "

Tyrin gritted his teeth. This level of pain was nothing to him. The swords vanished and she looked back at him with a furious expression. His clothes were ripped to shreds and drenched in blood. His wounds were hideous yet they were healing at a visible rate. Within seconds, Tyrin had regenerated.

She thought about it after seeing his miserable appearance. She didn't mean to hurt him, but she was a destroyer. Her nature was vindictive and sometimes, like now, revenge was what she wanted most of all.

Tyrin had hurt her, so she wanted to hurt him back.

" Technically, she is your first creation since I'm a destroyer. How about I just kill her since you think you made her first? Then regardless, it wouldn't matter. "

Tyrin chuckled.

"I see what it is now. You're jealous of my creation. "

Indeed, she was. She turned away so Tyrin couldn't see the tears in her eyes. She didn't expect their reunion to be so terrible, but then again he had sealed away his other half and let his mother take her away.

Her power had suddenly plummeted a million years ago. She was useless to One in her current state, so there was no need to be with her, it would only hold One back.

She was forced to think of circumstances long forgotten that only brought her stress and heartache. Nevertheless, her worry for her master had plagued her mind with gruesome images of his death. At the end of the day, he was her master, and she could never abandon him no matter what he did.

She begged One to let her return to him. Whether this was a good or bad thing she would find out shortly.

She harden her heart and turned around to face Tyrin again. He stared back at her with a baleful gaze. The Eye of Heart that Jezebel had given him had been giving off soothing warm sensations. Everything that the angelic destroyer was saying was true and she carried no real malicious intentions, towards him at least, but Tyrin was still too angry to care.

" None of my creations would ever hurt me. There's no way I would ever create a monster like you! "

She stomped over to him and grabbed the cheeks of his face in a vice-like grip.

" No, you're the monster! You abandon me for those weaklings you call creations. I'll let you watch as I erase them. Only then will you realize you were a fool to give me away? "

She mushed his head to vent some of her anger. Tyrin was confused by her last statement. If he had created her then he would have never given her away. He calmed down and thought about everything that was happening.

" What's your name? "

" Don't worry about it since I wasn't important enough for you to remember. Just call me Angel. "

" I must have been very foolish to create such a petty woman like you. On second thought, it doesn't even matter. "

" Oh, and why is that? " Angel asked.

Tyrin gave her a smug smile and looked up into the sky.

" Your about to find out. "

Angel looked into the sky just in time to see a massive hole appear in her domain. Xena blasted out of the hole with lightning-like speed, it immediately closed on its own behind her. In the blink of an eye, she stood before Angel.

[Terra Firma Manifestation Great Dragon Fist]

An illusionary green dragon coiled around her arm. Resplendent green firma energy gathered into her fist. She viciously smashed out.

Angel once again took hold of time, slowing Xena's mighty attack to a snail's crawl.

" That won't work this time. " Xena said coldly.

Her tattoos became blindingly bright.

[Time Firma Manifestation Dragon King Roar]

An illusionary platinum dragon materialized around Xena, letting out a terrifying roar, shattering time and stunning Angel.

Xena's fist plowed forward, smashing into Angel's chest. Another dragon roar resounded as a majestic green dragon exploded from Xena's fist, carrying Angel away.

Tyrin was astounded by Xena's divine power. A million years had passed since he had seen her martial prowess and it still shocked him greatly.

Xena's Infinite Omni Dragon Body granted her countless abilities of all types of dragons and allowed her to use all forms of firma energy. The firma runes on her body were not just pretty tattoos, they maximized her senses to their most optimum state and tremendously boosted her strength and speed.

Many supreme-grade materials had been invested to create her tattoos. Anyone below the Saint Immortal stage would be hard-pressed to beat her.

" Gauging Angel's strength, she shouldn't be any weaker than Xena. She could be slightly stronger. "

He could tell she had a divine body and divine eyes that could wrap time and space. Not to mention the firma runes on her body also maximized her senses and gave her strength and speed a great boost.

Now that he was focused on Angel's nether rune tattoos, he realized that they perfectly matched Xena firma rune tattoos. His eyes morphed and he peered deep into her primal spirit.p

Countless nether runes and immortal runes formed a profound formula, which was the very core of who and what Angel was and it perfectly matched Xena's. The only difference was the divine runes used were not firma runes, but nether runes.

How is this even possible? Unless I did create her. But she's a destroyer, not a creation.

He found this strange because when creators made their creations a unique formula of firma runes was chosen. No creator would have the same creation formula, it was like a signature that could never be duplicated.

As a creation grew the creation formula planted within their primal spirits would gradually evolve becoming stronger, which allowed them to constantly keep evolving.

Even though Tyrin had lost his Supreme Immortal status, his creation formula was still supreme. He could still create supreme creations, but due to his immortal stage, their abilities will still be at the tyro level until his power increased.

Could I have created her? How could I have no memory of doing this?

Xena rushed over to Tyrin, hugging him with all her love.

" Master, are you okay? "

" I'm fine princess. Hurry and help the master break this sword seal! "

Xena nodded her head, but before she could act time slowed. Angel appeared beside her with a furious expression. She held a beautiful black scimitar, Nether runes were etched into the blade from the hilt to the tip. She had named this sword Chaos.

Primal chaos energy lit up her blade in a dazzling purplish-black blaze.

The platinum dragon once again manifested around Xena, shattering time. She instantly circulated her firma energy, performing a firma manifestation.

[Meta Firma Manifestation Heavy Metal Dragon Scales]

Thick metallic dragon scales instantly covered Xena's whole body like a second layer of skin. She went into a completely defensive posture by crossing her arms in front of her and curling her body.

[Primal Chaos Manifestation Chaos Havoc Slash]

Angel slashed down, unleashing a mighty sword beam. The massive sword beam dragged Xena away, tearing the ground asunder.

Angel looked at Tyrin and waved her hand. Golden swords materialized around him, forming a pocket in time and space. To the naked eye, Tyrin had vanished.

He could still hear and see everything they just couldn't hear or see him.

" Stay right there, Master. I'll show you how wrong you were for abandoning me. "

Xena was still being dragged away. She came out of her defensive posture, bursting with tremendous strength. She grabbed the massive sword beam and crushed it. The scales on her body vanished and she rushed away. Soon after, she stood a few feet away from Angel.

Her killing intent became extremely thick when she couldn't find Tyrin. There was something about Angel that irked her very soul. She wanted nothing, but her death.

" Zukie! What The hell did you do to my master? " Xena snarled.

Angel's malicious intent was no less than Xena's. She hated Xena and wanted to erase her very existence. This was a primal hatred to destroy all creations.

" So you do still remember me, sister. Master, fine. You should be worrying about yourself. One told me about how Master created your Infinite Omni Dragon Body. "

[Nine Nether Sword Fall Formation]

Zukie's tattoos became very bright. Nine different sword totems manifested around Zukie and then morphed into nine beautiful nether swords. Each one was heaven-defying and could channel a different power. Darkstar appeared in her other hand. A silvery black scimitar of death.

This sword allowed her to harness dark matter.

" I wonder which is stronger? My Primal Myriad Sword Body or your Infinite Omni Dragon Body. "

Xena was not to be outdone. She used her most powerful firma manifestations.

[Omni Manifestation Nine Dragons Shake the Heavens]

Xena's tattoos lit up, glowing brighter and brighter. Faint dragon roars could be heard coming from her body. Nine illusionary dragons: red, sky blue, green, gold, platinum, bronze, white, black, and purple manifested, coiling around Xena's body.

Xena radiated a majestic draconic aura that even the most ancient dragons would revere.

" There's only one way to find out, " Xena replied sharply.

Her fist smashed out, unleashing Great Dragon Fist. Angel vanished and reappeared beside Xena. She swung her swords tempestuously with lightning-like speed. All nine of her swords slashed and stabbed at Xena with perfect coordination. It was like watching a sword dance; deadly and elegant.

Xena had a gift of instincts. In her eyes, everything slowed. She saw the path of Zukie's sword strikes before they ever came and dodged with godly speed, leaving afterimages of herself. She revealed her supreme martial firma techniques.