Forced Transformations pt 2

[Three Dragons Circle The World]

Xena three dragons : platinum, gold, and bronze circled around her like shields, blocking Zukie swords.

[Tri Dragon Obliteration]

Xena hands moved in a swirling motion fusing the red, green, and sky blue dragons into a massive sphere. Each dragon represented a firma element: red was pyro, green was terra, and sky blue was aero. Within the sphere was a shining multi color dragon. The might of the tri-dragon sphere instantly shattered the ground around them.

Zukie knew she would be killed without a corpse if Xena attack hit. She immediately retreated as Xena was pushing it forward.

" Don't run now! " Xena roared.

Xena gestured with her hand, sending the tri-dragon sphere chasing after Zukie.

Xena warped time and space, appearing in different locations in a instant, but she still couldn't shake it; the tri-dragon sphere was hot on her tail. Meanwhile, Xena was pouring tremendous amounts of heavenly omni firma energy into her platinum dragon.

Xena waited for the perfect opportunity to launch a fatal counter attack. Zukie once again warped time and space to escape. Xena would not allow Zukie to flee so easily this time.

[One Dragon Stops All Of Time]

The platinum dragon unleashed a mighty roar; time immediately stopped.

Zukie was frozen in place. Of course, Xena's tri-dragon sphere had not. It zoomed forward with blurring speed and slammed into Zukie.


The Tri Dragon Obliteration lived up to its name. A terrible explosion shook the world, forming a immense elemental pillar that connected heaven and earth. Three dragons twisted around the pillar, soaring up into the heavens.

Xena eyes narrowed. The sky was suddenly ripped open and Zukie bursted out. Tears of blood were flowing down her cheeks. Zukie had over exerted her warp sword eyes to break through Xena time stop and escape into another dimension.

" My turn! "

[Nine Nether Swords Rend The Heavens]

Zukie nether swords instantly became gigantic, blazing with primal chaos. All nine swords swept out, unleashing a flurry of sword waves. The swords were so powerful that numerous spatial rifts wildly appeared and expanded.

Xena first thought was never one to run; her pride just wouldn't allow it.

[Nine Dragon Grand Barrier]

Xena clenched her fist, causing all nine dragons to instantly wrap around her forming a massive barrier. She shot up, charging through the sword waves.

Wave after wave smashed into Xena's barrier splattering cracks across the surface. Xena was constantly being pushed back down, but her dragon barrier held strong.

" Your underestimating me! " Zukie yelled.

Zukie assumed a sword stance, holding down her nether sword while drawing Darkstar back as if she was about to thrust it.

[Darkstar Ray]

Dark matter spiraled around Darkstar, gathering and compressing into a nine point star at the tip of her rapier. She swiftly thrusted her sword down, firing her darkstar ray. It tore through space, leaving a trail of dark matter, and pierced through Xena dragon barrier.

Xena instincts were screaming danger. Her body bent back at an unbelievable angle barely dodging it. Her eyes followed the beam till it smash into the ground.

The weight of this tiny star was heavier then a planet, on impact, the ground within a hundred meter radius just vanished. A gaping hole with an immeasurable depth was the result. Xena eyes constricted in fear.

I can't let her hit me with that!

" Let's see how many you can dodge! " Zukie roared with laughter.

By this time, Zukie nether swords had reverted back to their original size and circled around her. Darkstar became a blur in her hand as her arm thrust back and forth, firing darkstar rays. Even with Xena gift of instincts, she could barely see them.

Xena weaved through the barrage of dark star rays, but they were truly too fast. It was only a matter of time till she was hit, and the results may end in her death. If not, she would be grievously injured. She focused all her attention on speed since that what she needed most right now.

Xena utilized her fastest movement technique. Her finger blurred, as she drew aero firma runes to empower her sky dragon. She gave them a gentle push, fusing them with her sky dragon.

[One Dragon Soars Through the Heavens]

The same runes appeared on everyone of its scales aglow. Her azure sky dragon went beneath her feet, carrying her away with shocking speed. Xena circled around Zukie getting closer and closer with each ray she dodge.

Xena needed to shorten the range between them and engage in close quarters combat. With her supreme martial arts and firma techniques, she didn't fear Zukie deadly sword.

Zukie had impeccable precision and forth sight thanks to her warp sword eyes. No matter how fast Xena was she never lost track of her. Of course, with her rich battle experience she could tell what Xena intended, and she wasn't going to make it easy.

Zukie assailed in close and long range combat. When she mixed her combat expertise; she was unstoppable. Now was the time to show Tyrin how inferior his so called first creation really was compared to her.

One of Xena nether swords resembled a thunderbolt, she had named it Blue. Deep blue nether lightning flickered and crackled across the surface her blade. This was a unique type of lightning known as Tyrant Nether Lightning.

When she traveled the Netherworld, with One, she had a fortunate encounter and manage turn this rare vicious element into a sword totem. She created a extreme offensive nether technique with it.

[First Sword Blue Tyrant Sword Fall]

With but a thought, Blue shot into the sky at her command. There was a blinding flash of light, and then waves of lightning exploded from Blue turning the sky above into a sea of tyrant nether lightning. Lightning swords rain down like thunderbolts, bombarding Xena in a endless barrage.

Xena thought quick. She did Three Dragons Circle the World, Heavy Metal Dragon Scales, and added another firma technique.

[Yin Yang Dragon Shields]

Xena white and black dragon morphed into two scaled shields. Majestic dragon emblems and firma runes were imprinted on the face of the shields. Xena grabbed the shields, shooting straight up for Zukie. She pushed her speed to the limit and remain vigilant. She was taking a risk, but she couldn't remain on the defensive end.

The lightning swords attacked Xena from all angles. Xena dragons were streaks of colors as they flew around her, blocking as many as they could. For the lightning swords that manage to slip through her dragons, she easily dodge them. Her yin yang shields rotated in front of her, deflecting darkstar rays.

Zukie switched her chaos nether sword out for another sword in her sword formation. The blade seemed invisible, but if one focused on it you could see a thin curved blade. She had named this sword, Slicer, and it was her sharpest sword.

Zukie empowered all her swords with her will of destruction. She saw an opening in Xena defense and dove down like an eagle.

Zukie eyes warped time and space. Instead of targeting Xena, she targeted herself. She hasten her movements, in a flash, Zukie appeared behind Xena. Zukie stabbed forward with Darkstar, unleashing a darkstar ray.

At the same time, Zukie nine swords slashed and stabbed at Xena vitals with deadly precision. Xena purple dragon finally took action. Her body phased out of reality for just a brief movement, avoiding Zukie darkstar ray.

Xena body solidified, while her shields and dragons kept Zukie swords at bay. Zukie pressed forward with Slicer, slashing at a diagonal angle.

This time Xena wasn't fast enough to completely evade Zukie sword. Slicer severed Xena arm like a knife through butter. A minor injury such as this, Zena should have healed instantly. Instead Xena felt Zukie sword might and will of destruction wrecking havoc all over her body.

Nether Runes appeared on Zukie chest and quickly spread to her abdomen. Zukie was able to suppress it with her heavenly omni firma energy.

" Bitch, I'll lose an arm to kill you! "

Xena throw all Caution to the wind.

[Dragons Rage Through the Realms.]

Xena body enlarged, swelling with veiny muscles. Her arm was immediately restored. In a flash of light. The earth shattered around her as her dragons empowered her body.

A powerful force blew away Zukie nine swords. Xena black scaled dragon shield reverted back to a dragon, coiling around her arm. Desolate energy surged into her hand. Instead of retreating, Xena stomped on air and blasted forward with a ferocious expression.

[Desolation Dragon Palm]

A grayish black energy engulfed Xena palm before she slammed a large hole into Zukie chest. Zukie coughed up blood and was blasted straight into the ground. On impact, Zukie felt her life force draining away. The desolation energy had invaded Zukie body, corroding her life force. Her body was withering away at a visible rate.

Xena chased after her, rushing down through the endless lightning swords. Her heavenly omni firma energy surged into her heavy metal dragon scales, causing firma runes to appear on each one. The firma runes were aglow, fortifying her scales.

The lightning swords couldn't penetrate through them. Unexpectedly, Blue shot down like thunderbolt and struck Xena from the side.


Shockwaves from their collision tore the ground asunder. Numerous spatial rifts appeared shredding through the domain. Their battle was literally ripping the domain apart.

Xena was flung back, a few of her scales had crumbled, but she was fine. Blue interference given Zukie enough time to recover. Zukie stood up sending all nine swords swirling forward.

[Primal Chaos Manifestation Chaos Sword Twister]

Primal Chaos exploded from her swords, twisting around each other into a deadly vortex.

Xena was pulled off her feet, spiraling within the twister. Her body was being crushed and sliced apart. More nether runes were appearing all over her body.

Xena curled into a ball. Her nine dragons rushed inside her fusing together.

[Nine Dragons Become One]

Heavenly omni firma energy exploded from Xena body, destroying the chaos vortex. A majestic dragon rose up over Xena, glowing a rainbow of colors. Xena was its center and its massive body revolved around her, stretching across the sky in coils.

All of Zukie's swords vanished. She held up her hand summoning her most powerful sword totem.

" Sword of Destruction! "

A golden sword totem manifested above Zukie head, radiating a potent aura of destruction.

Everything around Zukie was being erased from existence. Countless spatial rifts appeared and expanded in all directions. She rose up as her sword totem morphed into a double edge sword. It was massive and slowly revolved her.

" Let's end this! " Zukie shouted. Her voice resounded through the world.

Xena voice boomed right behind hers.

" I was just thinking the same thing. "


Tyrin was watching the fight with a heavy heart. Their battle had finally reached its climax. It was obvious to him by now that he created Angel, no not angel, Zukie was her real name.

A few of his memories had come back to him during their epic battle. Tears were flowing down Tyrin cheeks. There was a ache in his heart for Zukie that felt unbearable. How was he ever going to make this up to her?

" Mother why did you take Zukie from me? "

He couldn't fathom why his mother would take Zukie and altar his memories of her. Many adventures he thought he did with Xena were not with Xena, but Zukie. Only his mother could have gotten close enough to him to alter his memories. She had sealed his destroyer side and stole Zukie away, filling her head with lies.

Nothing was making sense to him. He found it to convenient for Zukie to show up now when he needed her most. He had a feeling that there mother was planning something, and their father had something to do with it. It wouldn't be the first time their had did such things.


Asunin had return to the X-Vault and stood outside a flame sphere. He was surprised by the chaos nether flames. They were one of the hottest flames in the netherworld and extremely rare. To his knowledge, no immortal treasure in the X-Vault could harness or control them. Which left him with one question, were did they come from?

He couldn't sense Tyrin, Tyra, nor their creations anywhere. He couldn't see within the flame sphere, but he could tell that it was more then meets the eye. He figured they were inside.

" It's about time you returned. "

Suddenly Tyra emerged from the sphere with Azaria by her side. Purple bat like wings flapped behind her, keeping her afloat. Together they flew down to stand before Asunin.

Asunin was stunned by Tyra's new appearance and aura. Tyra catlike eyes were like amethyst and had a faint glow to them. She radiated a fiery nether aura. Her features were different and her charms were akin to a succubus.

A intoxicating fragrance hovered around her. Temptation to posses every part of Tyra boiled Asunin blood. He barely manage to suppressed his carnal desires.

" What happen to you? "

" What, do you not like my new look? " Tyra question, and then placed her hand on her hip, akimbo style.

" No, actually I find you irresistible. "

This new form of hers had a more devilish and seductive look to it. The points of her regalia had increased to six and resembled obsidian now. A curtain of curly black hair hung down to her waist.

Small purple horns protruded from the top of her head, gracefully curving upwards. Her skin glowed like hot coals. Her hour glass figure had plumped up in all the right places, especially her breast.

Her hips were thicker spreading outwards to sharply curve back into long sexy legs. Her pitchfork tail was longer and the tip was ablaze with chaos nether flames.

Tyra had switched out her black dress for a sexy black leather corset with matching thigh boots. A satiny black thong concealed her private area.

" Am I now. So I wasn't before? " Tyra said, stepping closer to him.

Asunin embraced her loving the feel of her soft body against his. Her fragrance assailed his nostrils stimulating his senses.

" Your as beautiful as you are now then you were before, but something about you know makes my blood boil. You seem to have tapped into your inner devil. "

Tyra blessed him with a smile. She gently push herself out of Asunin embrace. He had a way with words and he was extremely handsome. A man like that would be able to woo any woman with ease, but she wouldn't make it so easy for him.

She was the Supreme Dual and gaining her favor should be a life long goal, besides, it was every woman nature to tease.

" I'd like you to meet my friend, Azaria. "

Asunin looked at her with a curious expression. She was just as alluring and beautiful as Tyra.

Azaria was still completely naked. No matter how many times Tyra had told her, Azaria refused to wear clothes. Being naked to her was like being free.

The chaos flames dancing on her belly button were very eye catching. If he didn't know any better, he would swear they were sisters. Her aura was completely different from her other creations.

" Friend. Is she also a creation? "

Azaria sneered.

" Im a Destroyer! And we love to kill creations. "

Asunin frowned and cut his eyes to Tyra.

" Where are your creations. Don't tell me she destroyed them. "

Azaria smiled.

" No, but I almost did. My lowly brothers are rehabilitating at the moment, so your stuck with me for the time being. You don't have a problem with that do you? "

There was and edge to her sweet voice that couldn't be mistaken. Asunin liked these type of fierce woman the most.

" Should I? I've never heard or seen any being like you before.

Azaria smile was breathtaking.

" As long as you don't cross me, get in my way, or try to harm my chief we'll get along fine. "

" Understood, same here." He turned his gaze back to Tyra. So you know where Tyrin is? "

Asunin had actually intended to find Tyrin first. Since he wasn't with Tyra. where else could he be?

" As a matter of fact I do. "

" Well lead the way. "

Tyra walked away with Azaria by her side. Their hips swayed as there butt cheeks jiggled. Asunin was paralyzed, eyes glued to their backsides.

Tyra and Azaria suddenly stopped and looked back at him with teasing smiles.

" Asunin,are you coming? " Tyra asked.

" I was under the assumption that you were in a hurry, no? " Azaria added

They turned around and sped away

Asunin chuckled. These little she devils were teasing him.

Be careful who you play with, Tyra.

Asunin rushed away following behind them.


The golden swords that pinned Xekris and Xekrin to the ground, and frozen in time, were on the verge of shattering. They laid parallel between were Zukie had split the floor with her sword might.

Tyra, Azaria, and Asunin came upon this scene. Tyra rushed over to the twins. Asunin had noticed them before, but decided to not free them. They would be more willing to talk to Tyra then him. Besides, he wanted to know what exactly they had been doing here. It was quite strange because there was nothing here.

" Looks like Zukie got a hold of them, " Azaria said with a snicker.

Asunin looked to Azaria. " Who's Zukie? "

" You'll find out soon enough, " Azaria replied.

Azaria loved to keep people in suspense. Out of all the destroyers she befriended, Zukie was the strongest. She doubted Tyrin would so easily be able to tame her.

Tyra had grabbed the golden swords and sent her will of destruction into them. Instantly, the swords were erased and the twins were freed. They jumped up, frantically looking around. You would think their first words would be concerning Tyrin, but when they saw Tyra's new look, they were stunned speechless.

Tyra's old look was noble and exquisite, like a empress who sat above the Firmament. She had given off an air of superiority that made her seem unapproachable.

Her new look was the very image of temptation and seduction. With one look, Tyra captivated the eyes, stimulated the mind, and ensnared the heart in her devilish beauty.

" Where's Tyrin? "

" We were just about to ask you the same thing? " Xekris replied.

His eyes roamed over her curves.

" Nahnah, this new look of yours... I like it. "

" Yeah, me too, " Xekrin included, and then looked at Azaria.

" So is this what every destroyer looks like? "

Azaria rolled her eyes.

" You creations act like you've never seen a beautiful woman before. Don't tell me all the creation woman are fat and ugly."

Xekrin chuckled.

" If my sister heard you say that she would rip your head off and eat it. "

" Would she? " Azaria asked with a devious smile.

" I doubt I would sit well in her stomach. "

She sashayed over to Xekrin and thrusted her chest out.

"How about you take a bite of me yourself! "

Xekrin found her suggestion very appealing. She was very sexy and smelled so good that his mouth was watering. She had to taste delicious.

Tyra shoved Azaria away.

"Stop tempting him! We're all on the same side! "

Tyra looked at Xekrin with a stern gaze.

" She's poison to creations, if you eat her you'll cease to exist. An there's nothing Tyrin or I could do to save you. At least, not right now. "

Xekrin was stunned.

" Wait, so can they eat us? "

For to long creations been the alpha predators. Once they reached the supreme level they could devour anything and fully possess everything beneficial that person or thing once had. They were immune to poisons and diseases, and would never die of old age as long as there masters were alive.

If the destroyers could devour them and possessed the same abilities as them, it wouldn't be long before creations were exterminated

Tyra wanted to know this as well. She gave Azaria that look to spill the beans, but Azaria ignored her by looking the other way.

" Well can you? " Tyra prompted.

She looked back at Tyra.

" Of course not! They'll uncreate me, " Azaria spat and walked away.

She hated being demanded to do anything and it showed on her face. Tyra didn't care about her feelings. Now that she was the chief destroyer, Azaria had to listen to her.

" Get away from me! This queen doesn't want to talk to a lowly creation. "

Xekrin ignored her as he continue to run his mouth. Tyra thought the scene was just comical.

So the opposite sex attracts them as long as they don't have the same master. Tyra seriously paused to think about it.

Maybe my creations are just too jealous of Azaria to see how magnificent she really is.

Tyra had to admit Azaria beauty was flawless. She couldn't imagine anything or anyone not liking her. Then again, Azaria had a bitchy personality.

She looked to Xekris and slapped him on the neck. He was too engrossed in Xekrin one sided conversation and wasn't paying her any attention.

" Hey! What was that for? "

" Pay attention! Did my brother manage to awaken his destroyer? "

Fucking bitch! Its not like you were paying me any attention either, Xekrin thought, but knew not to say.

" Obviously, and she was pissed! She blew Xena to smithereens! "

Xekris pointed at the split in the floor.

" By the way that's were this came from? "

Asunin walked over to them.

" Why did you guys come here though? There isn't any immortal treasures or codexs here."

" Are you blind or something, " Xekris asked, scrunching his face up.

He pointed at a specific area in front of them.

" Can you not see the platform with the figurines? "

Asunin looked to where he pointed and couldn't see anything. His finger blurred as he drew nether runes in the air and chanted a spell.

" Reveal what I can't see. "

Suddenly his nether runes exploded and he vomited a mouthful of blood.

Tyra was shocked.

" Asunin, are you okay? "

Azaria snickered.

" Your an idiot. With your feeble power did you really think you could uncover something One wants hidden. You should thank the nether the backlash didn't kill you outright. Only her children, and of course their creations and destroyers, can see the platform and figurines. Unless your an Infinyht, which your not, its impossible to see them. Its as simple as that. "

Tyra shot Azaria a glare.

" If you knew that! Why didn't you warn him? "

Azaria shrugged her shoulders. Why should she? Asunin saw that Tyra was about to explode. He quickly spoke.

" It's fine, Tyra. I shouldn't have been so hasty. So its really true, your mother really is the One Immortal."

Tyra nodded.

" And All is my father. "

" The god of gods, " Asunin said utterly shocked.

All and One paved the way for gods and immortals, it was safe to say, without them there wouldn't be any gods or immortals.

" You two are really blessed by the heavens. "

Tyra's beautiful face twisted from anger to sadness.

" You would think that, but its a blessing as well as a curse. We have countless enemies who want to kill us just because who our parents are, and none of them are any weaker then us when we were at our peak. A few are even stronger. During the Golden Era of Divinity, we were suppose to be perfect, unstoppable, and above all others. Our father would send us on the most suicidal quest to prove ourselves to him and the Infinite Realms. Many of my brothers and sisters died because of my father standards. He was cruel, sometimes I didn't even think he had a heart. Mother would always secretly help us, without her, I know I would have been died many times over. "

Feeling a chill run down her spine, Tyra walked away. She looked back at Asunin with a solemn expression.

" I've been getting this feeling that we've once again become father chess pieces and mother is helping us. "

Asunin stepped up behind her and wrapped his arms around her.

" Whatever it is. I swear on my honor as Mono One I'll help you through it all. "

Tyra turned into his chest and looked up into his eyes. She could hear the confidence in his tone. His eyes burn with passion to protect and keep her safe. How many times over the years have valiant immortals promised to protect her and dedicated their life to her, to many to count, their faces flashed through her mind.

Most of them had met their doom because of her except the strongest, Shadow happen to be one of them. His last words echoed in her mind.

Remember, I will never betray you.

Tyra stepped out of Asunin arms.

" We should find my brother. "

Azaria took the lead.. Chaos nether flames lit up her hand. She clawed at the air, ripping and burning a hole in time and space.

" Follow me if you wanna find Zufarein. "

Azaria rushed into the hole, followed by, Xekris and Xekrin. Tyra turned her head to Asunin.

" Asunin, I know you think you can protect me, but you can't. You'll die if you get involved in my affairs. I know Tyrin thinks you can help us, but the price will be too high. Once we complete this quest for you. I'll convince my brother that we should leave your academy. "

With that said, Tyra rushed into the portal. Asunin chuckled, he found it adorable how she tried to discourage him. He didn't care what Tyra said. Once he made a pledge he lived or died to uphold it.

" So your one of them type. I'll have to show you what it means to be Mono One."

Asunin walked into the portal eager to see what awaited him on the other side.


Azaria had led everyone through the portal, bursting a hole into Zukie domain. They blasted out into a twilight world, hovering in the sky, their eyes took in a terrifying sight. The whole world was collapsing, there was countless spatial rifts shredding space.

A majestic dragon seemed to fill the sky. All of its colorful scales were aglow. Below was a magnificent golden sword. It's destructive aura was erasing everything around it.

" That's Xena Omni Dragon! " Xekrin exclaimed.

Azaria looked back at Asunin.

" An that's Zukie. Her sword of destruction going to erase that dragon. "

Zekrin frowned.

" I doubt it, Xena has never been defeated before."

Azaria turn her head to Xekrin with a smug expression.

" If she's never been defeated before, how did you all in up in this predicament then? " Azaria asked, in her most sassy tone.

Xekrin didn't mind her tone. He realized by now she just had a bitchy personality and he kinda like it.

" She never had a chance to fight. We were sealed before we could. "

Azaria had no response to this. One had spoken of her children creations on numerous occasions, especially about Xena. She was suppose to be the most outstanding creation to ever be created. She still had her bets on Zukie though.

" I can't sense Tyrin anywhere? " Asunin said, looking around.

" Me neither, " Tyra said.

Their spirit link had vanished when Tyra had become a chief destroyer.

" Hey you two! You can't sense Tyrin anywhere? "

" You think if we could we would still be standing here," Xekrin replied.

Azaria looked around and spotted an anomaly in space a good distance away. She had been with Zukie for hundreds of thousands of years and she had become sensitive to when she tinkered with time and space.

Azaria thought about it and decided not to say anything about what she discovered; most likely it was Zufarein. Whatever Zukie had done to him it was nothing detrimental. Azaria wanted to see who was really the most powerful, Zukie or Xena.

Asunin on the other hand was finally fed up. His nation depended on this quest and they had to hurry to Alpha.

" We don't have time for this, " Asunin said, " I'm going to put a stop to this and find Tyrin! "

He shot towards them with breakneck speed. Suddenly, Asunin was hurled back by an invisible force. A ebony skinned woman appeared, walking out of thin air.

A triple ring halo hovered above the woman head. One was gold, another was platinum, and the last one was bronze. Elegant white horns protruded from her forehead and curved slightly over her head. Platinum white hair cascaded over her shoulders and down her back, gradually turning gold as they reached the tips.

She wore a transparent white dress that pressed against every curve of her alluring body with voluminous sleeves. Her face was enchantingly exquisite, like a rare piece of art that was solely meant to be admired, but never touched.