Forced Transformations pt 3

Anyone looking at her would feel a sense of inferiority. Her beautiful catlike eyes were a swirl of gold, platinum, and bronze. They leveled on Asunin. A boundless might suppressed him. He couldn't even breathe, let alone talk or move.

Her eyes pulled his soul into an unfathomable pit of hell. Demons, devils, and archfiends were lurking in hellish flames, towering over him like titans. Their sinister eyes were aglow, peeping through the flames at him. He was like an insect compared to their awesome powers.

Just a thought could obliterate him. A bewitching voice spoke to his very soul.

Don't interfere with my plans. Your life and death and the well-being of your Netherworld depend on my children's safety. Don't disappoint me.

Asunin immediately collapsed, falling from the sky. With a thought from her, he vanished. For just a moment, Tyra was stunned. The mysterious woman smiled and open her arms.

" Come here Nahnah. "

Tears rolled down Tyra's cheeks. She rushed into her mother's arms.

" Mother! " she cried, holding on to her mother as if her life depended on it.

Tyra nestled her head into One shoulder. She always felt that nothing could harm her as long as her mother was there, and a million years later, she still felt the same.

One placed her hand on the back of Nafareah's head and squeeze her tight. She didn't like to think she had favorites among her children, but Nafareah was indeed her favorite daughter. Let her kids tell it though, she had no favorites. She wanted to keep it like this to prevent her children from killing each other in her favor.

Sad, but true this was how a family of immortals and gods are, always chaotic and divided.

" I'm sorry sweetie I didn't arrive sooner. I know it's been hard on you. "

She looked up at her mother, rushing to speak.

" Mother you didn't hurt Asunin did you. He's been really good to me and Rin. "

" No, and that's the only reason why I didn't. He isn't worthy enough to be in my presence or yours. "

Tyra couldn't argue with her mom. Even supreme immortals kneeled when they met her in the past. She couldn't be so arrogant now though, it would only make her look foolish. She got to the matter at hand.

" Mother we were overthrown. Lufarein and Sufareah are missing. I believe they've died, but I don't wanna tell Zufarein! "

One affectionately rubbed her head.

" Calm down, Nafareah. "

Tyra took a deep breath and calmed down, seeing her mother just let lose all her pint up emotions.

" I'm calm mom it's just... Tyrin missing and his creations. "

Her beautiful face twisted into a grimace. The severity of the situation was dire.

" Mother... I mean, Zufarein...creation and destroyer are about to kill each other. Xena going to kill her, but destroyers never die alone. Even if Xena beats her I believe Zukie will somehow manage to drag Xena to her death too. Only Zufarein can stop them from killing each other. "

One sighed.

" Listen to me Nahnah, Zufarein is fine. I need them to fight each other so your brother can awaken his true power. "

" I know you want him to become a destroyer. "

One shook her head.

" No, and yes. I'll explain everything after the fight. Do you trust me? "

Tyra nodded." Yes. "

One let her go and turned around.

" Then let's enjoy the show. "


Xena gazed down at Zukie with a lofty expression. With a thought, her dragon, Omni, raised its colossal claw and smashed down. Zukie shows no fear against Xena's fearsome claw attack.

Zukie shot up into the sky, and her sword of destruction, Decimo, soared up beside her. She reached a state of unity with her sword and fused into the blade. Her primal spirit could be seen hovering within like a flame.

Zukie's will of destruction and sword might empower Decimo. Decimo's sword aura had become tyrannical, its oppressive might alone could crush a normal Saint immortal.

[Primal Chaos Manifestation Dark Primal Destruction]

Decimo emitted a dark multi-color light. In the blink of an eye, the blade turns as dark as night. Suddenly destructive darkness exploded from her sword, spiraling around the blade. Nether runes were scattered within the darkness glowing in various dark colors.

Space shattered and Decimo vanished. Immediately after, a massive hole was blown through Omni's claw. Decimo shot up over Omni. The destructive darkness spread through her claw-like poison turning her scales jet black.

Her flesh and bone were visibly crumbling at an alarming speed. Only a second had passed and Omni's claw, as well as her arm, had completely disappeared.

[Chaos Manifestation Dark Primal Domain

Decimo instantly enlarges, splitting the sky. Waves of destructive darkness erupted from the blade enveloping the world. Nether runes were like eerie ghost lights drifting through the darkness. There was no air or heat. Just an endless void of suffocating darkness.

[Primal Chaos Manifestation Dark Primal Cage]

Nether runes crowded around Omni, forming a chain sphere. The destructive pressure of her nether runes pressed down on Omni from all sides. Omni's scales were gradually turning black. Particles of her flesh and bone were breaking away at an extremely fast rate.

Omni struggled clawing and smashing her body against the cage. Her roars were deafening. Meanwhile, Xena's body was also corroded by Zukie's destructive darkness. Xena kept calm trying to think of a way out of her dire situation.

Every second that passed, the cage tighten and the destructive pressure increased. Xena sat down, crossed her legs, and closed her eyes. Her primal spirit emerged from her body, pushing back the darkness with a blinding golden light.

She drifted into a deep meditation, while her dragon continued to struggle.


One emitted a soft immortal light keeping the destructive darkness at bay. Due to One's power, Zukie and Xena couldn't see or sense their presence.

" Nahnah, do you think Xena will defeat Zukie? " One asked, glancing over at Tyra.

" Of course! "

" And why is that? "

" Because Xena is Zufarein's first creation. She was created from many infinite-grade materials, his martial dao, and an Omni Dragon egg. Her ability to grow is unbelievable. For right now, it looks like Zukie has her beat, but she's about to awaken Xena's dragon spirit.

" An when that happens, Xena and Omni will become one. They will evolve into an Omni Creation Dragon. She'll be able to create as if she was a creator. Should I keep going... "

Tyra was confident in Zukie's defeat. Her arrogance when she spoke these words infuriated Azaria. Destroyers were the most powerful beings in the Infinite Realms. Even All Archenemy is a Chief Destroyer. She had to say something.

" What's so special about an Omni Creation Dragon? It's not like Zukie can't become a dragon too. And when she does she'll be even more powerful than Xena. "

" I doubt it, " Nafareah retorted.

" Nahnah, Zukie is not as simple as you think she is. She is also Zufarein's first Destroyer. " One said.

" I know, but he made Xena. You made Zukie, so whatever her powers are... I know their heaven defying, but I'll still say that Xena going to kill her. "

" So are you saying Zufarein is a better Creator than One? " Azaria cut in.

One was an Infinyht. How could Zufarein do anything better than her, it was absurd.

" Shut up, Azaria! You know damn well that's not what Im saying. Say another word and I'll beat you to a pulp. You belong to me now. Unless... you feel like you wanna be the Chief Destroyer. "

Tyra had no faith in destroyers. Even now that she had become one herself, she was still a Creator at heart, and that right there was what Azaria couldn't tolerate.

" Well, act like Chief Destroyer then! " Azaria shot back.

One suppressed her urge to laugh, Azaria had maneuvered her daughter right into a corner. Technically, that's what she was saying. Tyra couldn't out-talk Azaria, forcing her to exert her authority as Chief Destroyer.

Tyra's will of destruction pressed down on Azaria, sealing her movements. In a flash, Tyra had Azaria by the throat. She lifted her with chaos nether flames spewing from her eyes. She was extremely furious at Azaria. She dared to speak after being threatened by her.

She didn't place Tyra in her eyes at all and that had to be rectified

" You must have thought I was jesting when I told you I'll beat you to a pulp if you said another word? "

Azaria glared down at Tyra.

" No I didn't, but you're not acting like a Chief destroyer, so I'd rather die than bite my tongue. "

" That's Enough, Nafareah. Put her down. " One said firmly.

Like a good daughter, Tyra released Azaria. She wasn't foolish enough to ever defy her mother face to face. Her fury was still present though.

" Say another word and not even my mom will be able to save you. You know nothing about Creations. I'm not belittling Destroyers, but Zena is the greatest Creation. During the Golden Era of Divinity, her achievements were beyond anything you can imagine. "

Azaria was about to speak until One gave her that look to shut her mouth. Tyra took this as Azaria submitting and left her alone.

" Nahnah, it's time I told you the truth. Do remember that dragon egg your brother found on his sixth birthday? "

" Of course I do. It was cold and lifeless like a rock. I took it for a mountain at first. "

Tyra spaced out and laughed. She had just imagined how Zufarein just picked the mountain up and ran with it.

" Only Zufarein had noticed it was a dragon egg. Some calamity had befallen the dragon before it could hatch. He ran back to the palace and begged father to bring it back to life, but he wouldn't do it."

Imagining those happy moments when One saw her son running to her, carrying an egg the size of a mountain, made her smile. She wished she could go back to those peaceful times.

" Indeed he did. What you didn't know was that it wasn't a coincidence that your brother found that egg. Your father put it there as a gift for his birthday. An Omni Dragon is extraordinary, but it could never reach your father's eyes. To him, Zufarein deserved something better, something only he could have. He wanted your brother to create the ultimate dragons. That wasn't an Omni Dragon Egg, but a Twilight Dragon egg. You see Twilight Dragon eggs will always have two dragons slumbering inside. In this case, your father made sure he found the best ones. An Infinite Omni Dragon and a Primal Chaos Dragon. They were long extinct then, but he was able to find a fossilized egg."

Tyra was processing everything her mother said and came to a shocking conclusion.

" Mom, are you telling me that Zufarein also created Zukie? "

" Bingo! An on the same day at that. " One admitted with a smile.

She had been so proud of him.

" Zufarein had instilled his love for the sword in Zukie making her sword dao unrivaled in the Golden Era of Divinity. Her achievements were no less than Xena's. Countless gods and immortals would travel from all across the Infinite Realms to listen to her speak her sword dao. Many Dragons saw her as their primogeniture due to her unique bloodline. Like Xena, a myriad of dragons had been her faithful followers and protectors. To speak ill of Zukie at that time would beget a swift execution from them, as well as from fanatic sword cultivators. "

Tyra was mind blown.

" How is that possible Mom? I should have known her. Xena would have known her! None of this is making any sense to me. Mom, what did you do? "

" I'm sorry Nafareah, but I didn't have a choice. Your brother attracted a calamity. "

She looked out into the darkness. It would look as though she was watching the fight between Xena and Zukie, but really she was watching Zufarein, her most beloved son. Nafareah and Zufarein were identical twins. How could the sister be her favorite daughter if her twin brother wasn't her favorite son?

" Any Creator can become a Chief Destroyer. Like any destroyer can become a creation, it could take as little as a thought. Your brother is an Omnia. The only one of his kind. Your father older brother, Infinite, kidnapped him. "

Tyra and the twins were shocked.

" Father has a brother? "

" Yes, we don't speak of him much. "

" More like you don't speak of him at all," Azaria retorted.

" With good reason, " One replied with a scowl.

" He's just a little weaker than your father. He's the most powerful Destroyer in the Infinite Realms. He's cruel and diabolical, yet fiercely loyal to those who pledge their allegiance to him. His sole reason for living is to conquer the Infinite Realms. And he will do so by any means necessary. "

" But what does that have to do with Rin? Tyra asked stepping closer to her mother.

"You see your uncle could never defeat your father. No matter what he tried, he always fell short. Tyrin holds the key to change that. He wants to experiment on Rin and discover a way to harness both creation and destruction. "

" But that's impossible! Not even a master can do that! " Xekrin blurted.

" Your right! In the past, he couldn't because I was forced to seal his true powers away. He didn't know how to control them and would have done more harm to himself and the people around him. "

The seal she had placed on his destroyer powers was unlocking right before her eyes. Nafareah had been born a Creator, while Zufarein was a bit more special. A bit more was an understatement, Zufarein was the best of both worlds, Creator and Destroyer. An Omnia, the first of his kind. To get his powers back, Tyrin would have to face his worst enemy yet, himself.


While Xena primal spirit kept the destructive darkness at bay, her real body emitted a soft blue light. With her mind's eye, she peered into the depths of her body. All of Zukie's destructive nether runes had been sealed in microscopic omni barriers.

She willed her barriers to crush them, try as she might, she couldn't destroy them though. It terrified her how resilient they were, it was as if they were indestructible.

Will they stay inside me forever?

She thought hard on it for a moment, but nothing came to mind. She couldn't think of any way to destroy them without destroying herself.

Forget it, I have to awaken my Dragon Spirit first. Hopefully, the master will be able to get rid of it for me.

She stood up, raising her left hand. Torrents of draconic spirit energy rushed into her left hand, setting it ablaze. Her draconic spirit energy dance like a flame, pulsing with tremendous spirit pressure. Next, she raised her right hand.

Heavenly Omni firma energy surged into it. The purity of her firma energy could be felt by its oppressive pressure. The richness of its color, was a rainbow of sparkling lights, shining like the sun around her hand.

She swung her hips in a slow hypnotic dance, twirling her arms like a gypsy. Xena's exotic dance brought upon a melodious dragon song that resounded through the darkness. Thousands of illusionary dragons of all sizes and colors began to appear, adding their voices to the song.

Mighty dragon roars echo within the song, fueling Omni's fury. Omni let loose a mighty roar shattering the Dark Primal Cage.

Like rippling waves of sunshine, her mighty roar banished the darkness, revealing a world of light. Xena kept on with her enchanting dragon dance. Periodically, she would come to a sudden stop and her hands would form firma symbols. With each symbol she formed, flashes of silver light would flicker around her. Simultaneously two firma runes would appear and hover over her palms.

Xena quickly brought her palms together in a swirling motion, fusing her firma runes into an Omni Dragon Spirit Orb. Though her movements started slow, they became extremely fast. Everyone, but One was put into a trance-like state from watching.

Zukie's real body emerged from Decimo with a terrifying roar. Decimo reverted to its normal size, but Zukie's primal spirit was still within the blade. Her own dragon Spirit was being stirred by Xena's Omni Dragon Dance. She rarely awakened her dragon spirit because she was simply too powerful.

At her peak, not even supreme Immortals could stop her rampage. Obviously in her weakened state, she was no match against even one. Her pride as a true dragon deemed everyone unworthy. Xena though, was worthy, she was a true dragon like herself.

" I'll show you a real dragon dance! "

" As if I'll let you! " Xena shot back.

She quicken her dance as Omni struck out with a spell.

[Omni Firma Spell Heavens Scorching Blast]

Luminous firma runes appeared, spiraling down Omni's body. Each one of her scales began to glow with a fervent light. Omni soared up, stretching out her serpentine body. She opened her maw, firing a colossal sphere of fiery holy light.

Zukie felt her blood boiling. She couldn't contain the dragon within her any longer, it had to be released.

" Chaos! "

Primal chaos exploded from Zukie's body like a tornado. In an instant, half of the world was once again enveloped in destructive darkness. From the chaos, a titanic black dragon was born. Dark nether runes twisted down Chao's snake-like body.

Zukie immediately cast her spell.

[Chaos Nether Spell Chaos Destructive Barrier]

Instantly a barrier of chaos manifested around them. The Heavens Scorching Blast slammed into the barrier with tremendous force. On impact, a bizarre rune appeared where the blasts struck. Invisible to the naked eye, thousands of tiny nether runes flowed out of the bizarre rune, wrapping around the blast.

They fed on its energy, causing the colossal sphere of fiery light to shrink at a shocking rate. Soon it completely disappeared. Primal chaos engulfed Zukie left hand as torrents of draconic spirit energy set her right hand ablaze. The pressure of Zukie's energies was just as oppressive as Xena's.

" The power of destruction is invincible! How could a lowly creation ever hope to defeat me? I'll destroy you. Then master will love me and see that I am the greatest! "

"You're delusional! Master will never love a monster like you. All you know how to do is destroy. While I'll create a beautiful world for him and his children to live in peacefully forever! "

Two more dragon spirit orbs materialized around Xena's primal spirit.

Just six more to go. I have to stop her from forming her dragon spirit orbs or at least slow her down until I can form all of mine, Xena thought.

Nine massive firma runes manifested above Omni. Their effulgent light was dispersing the destructive darkness. Like fiery rays of light, they shined down on Zukie and Chaos. They shielded themselves behind a Chaos Destructive Barrier. The rays continued their radiant blaze but to no avail.

" Foolish creation, how could you ever destroy a Destroyer! "

Xena grinned.

" Your right."

The nine firma runes fused into one colossal rune. All of the destructive darkness was banished by its radiant brilliance, however, the barrier remain strong like an impregnable fortress. Zukie felt that something was off about the colossal rune's bizarre shape and lack of aura was completely different from any firma rune had e ever seen before. Just looking at it pissed her off.

What is she up to?

" Did you think fusingether would be able to destroy me? "

" No, I won't destroy you. I'll uncreate you! " Xena yelled.

Xena's to create surged into the colossal rune. A sense of pure dread gripped Zukie's heart.

[Omni Spell Creation Creators Light]

A humongous beam of platinum light blasted out of the bizarre rune. As it shot down, golden firma halos encircled it. With each halo it passed, it grow bigger and more powerful, until finally, it slammed into the barrier. Like a sword through flesh, it pierced through the barrier, engulfing Zukie and Chaos.


Further out in the world of light, Azaria cried on the inside for her best friend. If not for Tyra and One, she would have attacked Xena long ago.

" See I told you my sister would win, " Xekrin bragged, turning to face Azaria with a proud smile. His proud expression changed to one of confusion.

" Are you crying? "

Tyra's elbow suddenly rammed into his stomach, felling him. He gasped for breath trying to speak.

" Okay... I deserved that one. "

Tyra shot him a glare and looked at Azaria. Xekris shook his head. His twin could be naive at times and unable to read the situation. Azaria hadn't noticed; She couldn't even speak. Her head hung low in defeat trying to hide her tears.

" Zukie, how could you let that lowly creation beat you? You're supposed to be the greatest destroyer. "

Tyra wanted to say something to help ease her pain, but nothing came to mind, so she refrained from speaking. They were all on the same side now and Zukie's death would hurt their cause. Though, she would rather it be Zukie than Xena any day.

" Azaria, do you have so little faith in Zukie, "One asked.

Azaria looked up at One with tear-filled eyes.

" That last attack- "

" Failed to hit her, " One cut in.

" But how " Tyra blurted in astonishment.

One chuckled.

" Zukie has a very special sword totem that allows her to displace and negate attacks. It only takes an instant for her to use these abilities. From the looks of it, she displaces Xena's attack. Xena's senses are keen, you see how she continues her dragon dance. "

Tyra looked around searching for Zukie, it frustrated her how she managed to evade her senses.

" Mother, can you see Zukie? What is she doing?"

One frowned.

" Nafareah, you disappoint me. First, you couldn't find your brother and now you can't find Zukie. How low you've fallen. "

Tyra was quick to explain herself.

" Since I've become a Chief Destroyer it's as if me and Rin souls aren't connected anymore. I can't see his spirit chain. If I could use my Eyes of Creation I could find them easily. You wanted me to become a Chief Destroyer, but it's weakened me mother not strengthened me. "

One shook her head.

" No, you've weakened yourself. You refuse to utilize the gift I've given you. You've become quite arrogant over the centuries as a creator. Instead of being open-minded and embracing your newfound power, you reject it, so your will of destruction is practically nonexistent. As you are now even a earth immortal could defeat you. If not for Azaria's fear of me, she would have challenged you already for your position as Chief Destroyer. You would have no choice, but to use your destroyer powers. The way you are now, you would have undoubtedly lost your life. Am I right, Azaria? "

Azaria couldn't help but smile.

" I couldn't have said it better myself, " Azaria replied shamelessly.

Tyra hadn't the heart to be a Chief Destroyer and Azaria would rather die than serve her, yet death wasn't an option. If One wanted you to do something, you simply did it or face her wraith, which was far worse than death.

Tyra bowed her head in shame holding back her tears. Her mother was right.

" I'm so-"

" Don't be sorry, Nahnah, " One interrupted, "Be the Chief Destroyer I know you can be... Utilize your will of destruction. Put all your rage into it and I promise you you'll rule the Firmament with an even stronger hand than before. "

Tyra straightens her back with a determined expression.

" I promise I won't let you down, Mommy. "

" I know you want. Your my child after all."

" Thank you, Mother. "

Tyra didn't know how to ask her next question, so she just came straight forward.

" Mother that's not the only reason why uncle kidnapped Rin Is it? "

One stiffen. She would rather not go too in-depth with this subject right now.

One sighed.

" I don't wish to discuss this matter as of yet. "

Tyra nearly snapped. She didn't like being in the blind about something so important.

" But mother how are we supposed to make a strategy to defeat him if we don't know what all he's after! "

Tyra really wanted to know, as did the twins, and Azaria. They all looked to One expecting an explanation.

" Infinite is an Infinyht, his powers can even rival your father's. It would be pointless to tell you as you are now. There isn't any strategy you could think of that could kill him. Believe me, I've tried countless times. "

" But mother I still wish to know. " Tyra replied with a hopeful expression.

" Drop it, Nafareah, " One said with a bit of edge.

Tyra sighed, she knew not to push her mother too far. Not even All could make her talk if she didn't want to.

"As you wish. I just want him to be safe. I don't know what I would do without him. "

Tyra was speaking from the heart. Tyrin was so much more to her than just her twin brother. He was a beacon of light that always guided her in the right direction. For as long as she could remember they had always been together and somebody kidnapping him terrified her to no end.

Seeing Tyra's hurtful expression almost made One have a change of heart. She didn't like keeping secrets from her children. She cupped Tyra's face with her hands.

" I promise you'll know when the time is right. Right now it isn't beneficial for you to know. It will do more harm than good. Trust me, have I ever told you anything wrong? "

" No, " Tyra replied childishly.

"And I never will, " One said with a smile, " Now let me give you your first lesson as being a Chief destroyer. If you still wish to see Zukie follow my instructions. Gather your will of destruction into your eyes. Remember you must have a will to dominate and destroy. Do it as if you were trying to utilize your Eyes of Creation, but instead of being calm tap into that raw anger. It's what fuels your will of destruction. "

Tyra listened to her mother thinking of Zukie and her will to want to overcome her. She felt her anger rising and building up into an unstoppable force. Her will of destruction became so powerful it became tangible, pulsing off her body in deep purple waves.

Azaria unconsciously stepped back in astonishment. The destruction pressure she felt from Tyra was overwhelming, suffocating, and dangerously tyrannical.

How is this possible? Her will of destruction was practically nonexistent before! Azaria shouted in her head.

The twins were quick to move as far away from Tyra as they could. Her will of destruction made them extremely uncomfortable, it was as if they couldn't breathe being next to her.

Only One was overjoyed, as she thought, Nafareah was a natural at this. She was always a fireball with a terrible fury when angered. Leaving her to her own devices, she would have eventually transformed into a Chief Destroyer on her own, but they didn't have the time to wait for her to do so. If she could control that fury, it was plausible for her to even surpass Infinite.

" Perfect, my sweet girl. I knew you could do it! "

Tyra beamed, she always loved to make her mother proud of her. She felt unstoppable at the moment. Her chaos nether flames reacted to her will of destruction engulfing her body in a beautiful purple blaze. She could sense that they were far hotter than Azaria's, actually, it was safe to say they were comparable to her Hellfire Flames.

" So this is the power of destruction, it's exhilarating! "