4th Creations Fight With Me

One stepped back, waving her hand. A handheld mirror materialized in front of Tyra. Tyra gasped, looking at her eyes. They had taken on a bizarre form that she found quite exotic.

The whites of her eyes had completely turned black. Golden v-shaped symbols had appeared in her eyes. Her purple pupils were positioned between the v. The mirror vanished.

" These are called the Eyes of Destruction. And they are in no way weaker than your Eyes of Creation. "

One stepped to the side, turning around to look out into the world of light.

"You just in time to see Zukie finish her chaos dragon dance. "

" Look, Xena, finishing her dance too! " the twins exclaimed together.

Everybody became on edge. The showdown was about to begin.


Chaos's massive body was coiled around Zukie as she danced on her Sword of Destruction. Her chaos dragon dance was quick and sharp. Her arms swept out like swords while she rotated her hips in the most seductive dance. Her Draconic spirit energy and primal chaos nether energy were intertwining together.

Everywhere her arms passed left nether runes bound like a chain. One by one, dragon spirit orbs materialized within the chain to be empowered by her nether runes.

This way of making dragon spirit orbs came from countless years of practicing her dance till it reached perfection. It was a much faster way than Xena's, allowing her to catch up in no time. Eight dragon spirit orbs had already been formed. Just one more and she would assume her most powerful form.

Her divine nether scimitar, Space, hovered above her head concealing her presence. If not, her dragon dance would have caused a phenomenon no different from Xena's.

Its blade was sparkling platinum and engraved with nether runes that touched on the laws of space and time. It was thanks to this sword that she was still alive. She had displaced Xena's attack into another dimension, forming a tunnel within it, while still making it look as though Xena's attack had killed her.

Xena wasn't fooled though, due to her extreme dragon senses she had to remain alert.

" Are you still going to continue this farce? I know you're still alive, go ahead and show yourself! " Xena roared.

Zukie didn't see any reason to conceal herself any longer. From out of thin air, Zukie and Chaos appeared leagues away from Xena. They brought forth a dragon that resounded through the domain. Hundreds of illusionary dragons materialized, adding their heart-pumping roars to this beautiful song.

Anyone could tell the difference between Zukie and Xena's illusionary dragons by their colors. Xena's dragons were always bright colors, while Zukie's dragons were always deep colors. As they flew around, they viciously clawed and bite at one another.

Zukie finally ended her dance. Her last dragon spirit orb came to be. She stood in a web of nether chains with a smug smile. Her dragon spirit orbs began to glow extremely bright. Her voice was a cold touch of death, whispering into the world of light.

" Lowly creation, once I take my most powerful form your destruction is imminent. "

Xena rolled her eyes, she was sick and tired of Zukie calling her a lowly creation. She brought her hands together, forming her last dragon spirit orb. It floated up to circle her primal spirit. One by one her dragon spirit orbs became blindingly bright.

"You're always running your stupid mouth. Shut the fuck up already and show me! " Xena roared.

The space around Omni and Xena warped. Omni, Xena, and her primal spirit twisted around each other, morphing into countless sparkling colors that soon formed a beautiful egg. From within the egg, a dazzling multi-color light shined. Rippling and twisting, as if it was alive.

It shimmered, morphing into dual purple pupils. Slowly, twin golden crescents divided the pupil. This symbol was the final form of the Eyes of Creation. True indeed, the dual pupils were the Eyes of Creation, but they were a lesser form. Only those who have reached the Super Creator Stage could evolve their eyes to an even greater form. A majestic creation aura swept outwards.

Meanwhile, Zukie's Sword of Destruction had reverted to its original size. Space rippled and distorted as Zukie, Decimo, Chaos, and her primal spirit warped. Their bodies spiraled into a black vortex, dragging the nether chains, along with the dragon spirit orbs inside. The vortex morphed into a beautiful black egg speckled with sparkling dark colors.

Like a ghost flame, a v-shaped symbol wavered into being at the center. A burning purple pupil burst into existence between the symbol. A tyrannical destruction aura exploded from the egg.

The two auras, creation, and destruction, slammed into one another trying to overcome the other. Both eggs began to bend out of their natural state, slowly shaping into serpentine forms. Next, their forelegs and hind legs grew out.

They weren't very big, but what they lost in size they gained in power. Small crevices chipped away where their arrow-shaped heads had formed, to eventually reveal their divine eyes and maws. They had yet to fully hatch. Still, they were ready to fight to the death.

" Now you die! "

Zukie roared, exhibiting rows of razor-sharp teeth. Her Eyes of Destruction were aglow, flashing with nether runes.

[Primal Chaos Spell Totem Dark Trinity Array]

Darkstar manifested above Zukie's head, pulsing with dark matter and primal chaos. Her will of destruction empowered her sword, suddenly splitting it into three identical swords. They enlarged into sword spears, assembling in a triangular formation around her. Zukie soared forward with her swords.

Of course, Xena could not be outdone. Her pride as the first creation couldn't stomach it.

[Omni Spell Creation Almighty Dragon Claws]

Xena's Eyes of Creation were aglow flashing with firma runes. Her will of creation became tangible, fusing with her heavenly omni firma energy. There was a triple flash of platinum light and three armored dragon claws materialized around her, also assembling in a triangular formation.

Like a spring, Xena's body twisted back and blasted forward. To the naked eye, Xena and Zukie seemed to have just vanished. But really, they moved with incredible agility, ramming into each other in a shocking collision.

Their bodies tangled around one another, clawing and biting, voracious to tear a chunk of meat out of the other. All true dragons had incredibly powerful bodies and used them to their advantage to overpower their enemies. Just the might of their simple claw attacks was collapsing space around them. Since they still had their eggshells protecting them they gave up on defending and dodging. They fought within a black hole relentlessly attacking each other.


In that pocket of space, Tyrin was embroiled in a war with his will of creation and another mysterious force that sought to overpower it. He wasn't exactly sure what it was, but he believed it to be his will of destruction. For the moment they were evenly matched. Nether runes and firma runes were like a cyclone manifesting around him.

He fought to keep his powers under control, while he watched his precious creation and beloved destroyer battle it out.

" Stop it. Zyena, Zukie, stop it, " Tyrin screamed, " please! "

He knew they couldn't hear him, but his urge to scream was just too overpowering. He was beyond frustrated.

" Why can't I break her sword seal? It shouldn't be this strong! "

Zukie was powerful, but not to the extent of being able to seal his powers.

" How far you've fallen son. "

One stepped out of thin air with a frown.

Tyrin was shocked to see her.

" Are you just going to let them kill each other? " One voice was devoid of emotion like she didn't even care what she was doing to her son.

It infuriated Tyrin how she was so calm.

" Don't talk to me as if this is my fault! You did this! "

His voice became little more than a whisper.

" You took Zukie from me. What did you do to her? Why does she hate me so? Tell me, mother! "

One shook her head.

" None of that matters now. Only you can fix this. And, you better fix it fast. You should know by now that they're evenly matched. No one will win this, it will only end in tragedy for both of them. "

One began to fade out of existence like a ghost.

" Wait, mother! Help me, please! You have to stop them "

One reached out touching his regalia. A surge of divine power slammed into it flinging his head back.

"I'm sorry son I can't do that. You must overcome yourself. If you lose control, you'll die and so will they. "

Those were the last words Tyrin heard before darkness engulfed him. When he opened his eyes again, he stood in a world divided by light and darkness. To the left was the world of darkness, a frigid suffocating darkness.

The Eye of Destruction burned like cold fire in the sky above. Its terrible destructive will was unstoppable, tyrannical. All that it sought to destroy would cease to exist before it. Nether runes circled it like halos, partially lighting the world in a rainbow of dark colors. He could sense that numerous nether energies had gone into forming those rings of destruction.

To the right was the world of light, and the Eye of Creation hovered high in the sky in all its majesty. Its fiery holy aura permeated the air. All that was good was it and nothing evil could stand in its presence. Firma runes were like orbs of colorful lights floating around them. He could sense different types of firma energy within each one.

" Where the hell am I? "

Suddenly the rings of destruction and the orbs of light began to merge into their eyes. Two Tyrins had appeared, one was a destroyer and the other was a creator. Destroyer Tyrin stood atop a black cloud. He was much more muscular than Creator Tyrin. He had the aura of a tyrant with the look of a devilish warrior.

His skin was cherry red. Black horns protruded from the top of his head elegantly curving upwards. His dreadlocks were pulled back into a ponytail that hung down past his waist. Black leather pants fitted his legs, tucked into stylish leather boots.

His Eyes of Destruction were aglow, flashing with nether runes. Sword totems were materializing all around him.

Creator Tyrin stood atop a white cloud and wore the same clothes as Tyrin, but not for long. There was a triple flash of silver light. Xena, Xekris, and Xekrin appeared for just a second before they morphed into his weapons and armor.

" You gotta be fucking kidding me, " Tyrin said, preparing himself for his greatest battle yet.


Now that Tyra had awakened her Eyes of Destruction, she saw Tyrin as clear as day. His physical appearance constantly kept changing from Creator to Destroyer. While his forms changed, his wills clashed. It wasn't just his appearance, even his primal spirit changed.

It was as though, he had two souls and they were fighting to possess the same body. She felt the connection between their primal spirits only when he was in his destroyer form.

She tried to speak to him through their link, but he never responded to her. She looked to the only one who could give her answers.

" Mother, what's happening to Zufarein? "

" It's exactly as you see. When I sealed his powers it split his soul. And now, they're at war with each other. He'll have to find a way to merge them back together. I've given him the opportunity. It's up to him to grasp it. If he can, he'll grow to be even more powerful than he was before. "

" But what if he can't? He'll die, right? " Tyra asked.

One sighed.

" He'll die a true death. "

Tyra clenched her fist. A true death was when your mind, body, and primal spirit were destroyed. There was no way to bring you back to life and your primal spirit would never join the divine cycle of reincarnation. No matter what her mother said, she just couldn't see any reason why she did what she did.

" Mother, did you know this was going to happen? "

" I did. It was either that or your brother's death. What would you have had me do? "

A black cloud hung over Tyra. How could her mother have been put in such a difficult situation? Where was their father when all this was happening? What did their father do about Infinite kidnapping Tyrin? He most definitely retaliated, but not out of love for Tyrin. There was no doubt, he cared about his image more than his children well being.

" Why is it always you, brother? " Tyra said, clenching her fist.

Zekryin suddenly jumped in front of Tyra.

" Hey cheer up! Don't forget your brother is the Supreme One. Something like this is as easy as taking candy from a baby. Watch, he'll be good as new in no time! "

Xekris stepped up beside his brother to boost Tyra's spirits.

" What has Master ever failed at? As far as I know, nothing. He'll get through this just like he always has. Trust me, I'm his creation. "

Azaria had to say something after everyone else did because it just didn't feel right at this moment not to. She gave Tyra a nudge with her elbow to get her attention.

" You are so overly dramatic right now. Your brother going to be fine, so chill with the hysterics it's embarrassing, " Azaria said with a smile, " he is the Supreme One, after all. "

Azaria words of comfort did it for Tyra. The sincerity in their words touched her heart. She found herself smiling and believing once again that Tyrin could overcome anything.

" Your right. He'll get through this because he's the Supreme One. There's nothing he can't do. "


Tyrin gazed up at D.Tyrin( Destroyer) and C.Tyrin (Creator). He felt no fear, just anticipation.

" So this was what mother meant when she said I'll have to overcome myself. "

Looks like I'll have to go all out.

His pupils spilt as twin crescents moons divided them. Firma runes flashed in his pupils.

" I'll show you what it means to be the Supreme One! "

A circular gateway manifested in front of Tyrin. The Eye of Creation was a dazzling light show on the face of it. His Heavenly Firma Jewel emerged from his regalia in a radiant beam of sliver light, merging with his Gates of Creation. It morphed into Tyrin's creation formula, creating billions of microscopic firma runes in an instant. At each point, a disc materialized with an emblem.

The north point was a luminous sword within a black sun. A beautiful black fox was leaping over the sun.

The last point was a resplendent golden halo hovering over an enchanting golden fox. Beneath its paws was a golden triangular mirror.

Lastly, was a horde of divine gems surrounding a sapphire-colored fox. Its features and pose were both exquisite and noble as it lay among its treasure hoard. Bizarre creation runes were engraved on each disc, flickering with multi-color immortal light.

Tyrin read them like a chant. This time was different from the last time at the X- Vault. For some mysterious reason, he couldn't say the first name. He knew it though, but it was extremely odd that he had no will to create him.

" I will create Mirror and Sapphire! "

The east point and the west point disc emblems became blindingly bright. The Gates of Creation split down the middle and slid to the sides. A spiraling vortex of colors twisted within. Twin foxes rushed out of the vortex and hovered beside Tyrin.

A primal instinct to serve and protect him burned eternally within their souls. Tyrin petted them as they rubbed their heads against his palms.

Mirror's shimmering coat was smooth like burnished gold. Her beautiful eyes were opalescent mirrors.

Sapphire's crystalline form was the most dazzling. A deep blue radiance shined from every part of her body, it was very bright and clear. Her luminous red eyes were a lucid glow.

Both foxes had tails that were longer than their bodies and swayed behind them like ribbons in the wind. They were divine and unique in a way that couldn't be duplicated. Truly, one of a kind. The emblem of the Eye of Creation could be seen sparkling on their tails.

" Finally my 4 creations have been born. Fight with me! "

Tyrin figured that these duplicate Tyrins would know all his techniques, so he decided to create new spell creations and creations to fight. It was the only way he could win. The Gates of Creations slammed shut and vanished.

Tyrin's eyes were aglow, pupils flashing with firma runes.

[Tri Spell Creation: Boots of the Tempest God]

A tornado of aero, meta, and lightning firma runes spiraled around Tyrin's boots, fusing into them. Instantly his boots transformed. Silvery blue wind twisted around his new platinum boots. Small white wings extended from the sides of his boots, crackling with golden lightning. With a flap of his boot wings, he shot up into the sky like a bolt of lightning.

In an instant, he appeared above D.Tyrin and C.Tyrin.

[Tri Spell Creation: Swords of the Tempest God]

Meta, aero, and lighting firma runes joined together, creating beautiful winged swords. The feathers were as thin as a razor and supernaturally sharp. Just a touch could take an Immortal finger off.

Tyrin's sword might empower his wing blades, outlining them in a sharp platinum glow.

[Aero Firma Manifestation Tempest Strike]

He slashed down with both swords. Two hurricanes of gleaming feathers burst from his blades in deadly twisters. The Sword of Destruction manifested in D.Tyrin's hands.

[Destruction Blade]

With a swing of his sword, his will of destruction burst from his sword like a red-hot blade and knifed through one of the twisters. D.Tyrin's black cloud flew up with uncanny agility following behind his attack.

At the same time, faint dragon roars could be heard coming from C.Tyrin's body. Nine illusionary dragons materialized, coiling around C.Tyrin's limbs and abdomen. He and his cloud phased out of existence, avoiding the twister.

C.Tyrin's heavenly cloud shoots up through the twister. His sword might empower his blades in a sharp platinum glow. The glow was much brighter than Tyrin's because Xekris and Xekrin excelled in the sword dao, which made his sword might much stronger.

Seeing their master in danger, Sapphire was the first to take action. A red diamond-shaped gem sprouted from her forehead. Blazing within her immortal ruby was a sparkling gold dao rune that touch upon the very essence of fire.

[Immortal Ruby Transformation Immortal Ruby Fox]

Sapphire transformed into a luminous ruby fox. Deep red flames exploded from her body, flickering with immortal pyro runes. She blasted passed D.Tyrin and C.Tyrin, leaving a burning trail of runes that disappeared just as fast as they appeared. And by this time, she was already in front of Tyrin to protect him.

[Immortal Ruby Manifestation Explosion Ruby]

A massive ruby appeared with a mighty explosion, blowing D. Tyrin and C.Tyrin back. Thousands of flaming ruby fragments bombarded them like fireballs as waves of creation fire engulfed them.

D.Tyrin's will of destruction erupted from his body, enveloping him in a reddish-black aura. Upon coming in contact with D.Tyrin, Aura of Destruction, the waves of fire were immediately destroyed, but the ruby fragments weren't. Destructive nether runes marked the ruby fragments before gradually grounding them down to nothingness.

C.Tyrin was encircled by all nine of his dragons, protecting him in a massive barrier. The ruby fragments had punched small holes in his barrier, but couldn't fully penetrate through.

Tyrin was astonished at how strong Sapphire's manifestation was. She had just been born, but she was already able to perform such a devastating attack. This had to be due to him using the Heavenly Firma Jewel.

The results of his 4th creations may have surpassed his 1st and 2nd creations. His 3rd creation, the Heavenly Firma Jewel, wasn't counted in this because he didn't create it to help him fight, but to create.

Suddenly C.Tyrin will to create burst from his body, causing an aurora. His nine dragons separated and hovered around him. The ruby fragments could still be seen logged in their bodies.

Firma runes were flashing in C.Tyrin's pupils as they manifested around his dragons. The fragments began to gradually dissipate. His swords lit up. A massive yin-yang symbol materialized behind him.

Xena, Xekris, and Xekrin primal spirits appeared within it. Tyrin's eyes constricted in fear. He blasted towards C. Tyrin to interrupt him, but D.Tyrin quickly intercepted him.

D.Tyrin's sword might surge into his Sword of Destruction. Nether runes flashed in his eyes, while he quickly gathered all his power into the tip of his sword.

Tyrin sensed he was in mortal danger, but if he didn't stop C.Tyrin now they really might die. Left with no choice, Tyrin called on Mirror.

Mirror could sense her master's plea for help. A dazzling golden halo materialized above her body, lifting her off her feet, as an enormous mirror appeared beneath her paws. The screen of the mirror was a rainbow-like play of colors framed in a golden chain link. Within her divine mirror was an innumerable amount of divine runes floating aimlessly around.

A grand dao rune appeared in Mirror opalescent eyes representing the daos in her divine mirror.

D.Tyrin let loose an explosive thrust. Tyrin was immediately bound in place by D.Tyrin's destructive pressure.

[Primal Chaos Manifestation Annihilating 1st Thrust]

His sword erupted forth with an unstoppable will to destroy. A massive dragon bursts from the tip of his sword.

Mirror finally took action.

[Heavenly Spell Creation Halo Mirrors to Destroy]

Two massive halos manifested. A thin screen of golden glass filled each halo. One appeared in between Tyrin and D.Tyrin, absorbing D.Tyrin Annihilating thrust.

At the same time, the other appeared high above C. Tyrin, unleashing a monstrous black dragon. Destructive nether runes spiraled down its sinuous body as it crashed down on C.Tyrin. Tidal waves of dark primal chaos exploded outwards.

Tyrin quickly spun around, unleashing another Tempest strike at D.Tyrin. They smashed into him, flinging him away like a ragdoll.

Tyrin fled as fast as he could calling on his creations.

" To me! ".

Mirror merged with space, vanishing to instantly reappear on Tyrin's right side. At the same time, Sapphire burst into flames. Elemental warping to reappear on Tyrin's left side.

Sapphire immortal ruby sunk back into her forehead. Next sprouted a divine emerald.

[ Immortal Emerald Transformation Immortal Emerald Fox]

Sapphire's body turns a luminous emerald green. A tiny tree could be seen within her divine emerald. Each of its leaves was engraved with golden Dao runes. Immortal energy surged into her emerald.

[Immortal Emerald Manifestation Divine Aegis Emerald ]

Tyrin and his creations were imprisoned in a grand divine emerald, flickering with terra firma runes. The tidal waves of dark primal chaos engulfed the Divine Aegis Emerald. Hundreds of destructive nether runes appeared, relentlessly pressing down on the emerald.

The destructive pressure of all the runes combined was more than enough to crush a Saint Immortal to nothingness, yet it couldn't destroy Sapphire's, Divine Aegis Emerald. Its resplendent green glow outlines the surface like a protective barrier.

Tyrin kneeled, hugging Sapphire.

" That's my girl. You exceeded all my expectations! "

Since she couldn't speak yet, Sapphire rubbed her head against his to let him know she loved him. Mirror whined, nudging his shoulder. Tyrin wrapped his arm around Mirror's neck and kissed her on the nose.

" Relax Mirror, master hasn't forgotten about you. You were just as amazing as your sister. Both of you have exceeded my expectations. "

He stood up gazing out into the destructive darkness. Destructive nether runes floated aimlessly about, besides that, he couldn't see anything else. It was as if D.Tyrin and C.Tyrin had just vanished. He knew they weren't dead, most likely, one of them was blocking his sight.

Suddenly rays of immortal light penetrated through the darkness. C.Tyrin came into view, rising like the sun. White immortal flames wrapped C.Tyrin in a blazing barrier. He had taken on a whole new form. An elemental created from white immortal flames. His already flawless features had somehow become even more refined. His heavenly and devilish features stuck out more now due to the drastic change. Two halos hovered above his head, intertwining around each other. One was black and the other was white.

Thick, black horns curved out of his forehead. His trident-forked tail was black and slender, swaying behind him. He held a double-bladed scimitar engulfed in white flames. The blades were the same colors as his halos and represented yin and yang, heaven and earth.

Sword runes were engraved from the tip of the blades, running down to the hilt. Tyrin's eyes widen in shock because that double-bladed scimitar was Xekrin and Xekris.

He was absolutely certain that they didn't have a form like this.

A luminous white dragon emerged from the flames. Of course, this was Xena and she had also taken on another form.

Her arrow-shaped head was crowned with immortal flames that ran down her spine to the tip of her tail. Her Eyes of Creation were aglow, pupils flashing with firma runes.

[Yinyang Spell Creation Heaven and Earth Dragon Guard]

Yin, yang, and meta runes twisted around Xena's body, transforming into black and white armor.

The flames on Xena's back flared even brighter. Tyrin was astounded by his creations. This was why creations were better than immortal treasures. Their never-ending evolutions would allow them to forever grow in power and adapt to anything.

" I see now. I don't have these abilities. "

Tyrin thought about it for a quick second, analyzing C.Tyrin with his Eyes of Creations.

" They also have my talent. This is a fusion of an incredible signia and my creations. He also must have combined immortal energy with firma energy to make new abilities and techniques."

Suddenly, Tyrin's hair stood on end. He sensed an overwhelming will to destroy. Mirror and Sapphire growled, beating the air with their tails. Like all creations, they had a primal instinct to hate destroyers and their repugnant will of destruction.

A vortex of dark primal chaos came into being beside C.Tyrin. Rivers of darkness from all over the domain were being pulled into the vortex. Destructive nether runes gathered around it, pulsing with immortal energy.

Covered in wicked black armor from head to toe, D.Tyrin stepped out of the vortex Every piece of his armor was elegant and sharp like a sword. Only his Eyes of Destruction could be seen.

Immortal and nether runes were engraved across the cheeks of his mask. Crimson sword wings unfurled behind him as a black dragon emerged from the vortex with a terrifying roar. This dragon was Zukie and her appearance had also changed from her original form.

Immortal sword runes flickered on every one of Zukie's scales. The Sword of Destruction stuck out of her head like a crimson horn and had grown to an enormous size. If one looked closely enough you could see Zukie's primal spirit, performing a graceful, but deadly sword dance within it.

Sword-like bone spurs wildly protruded from her back to the tip of her tail. Crimson sword wings stretched out behind her, pulsing with black immortal lightning. She was just as terrifying as she was beautiful.

"It's just as I thought, they've also learned to control immortal energy, " Tyrin said clenching his fist, " It really sucks right now how awesome I am. Oh well, no matter. I'll defeat you two no matter what it takes! "

Tyrin and Mirror shot out of the emerald with breakneck speed. Sapphire's divine emerald surged with immortal energy as Mirror's halo and divine mirror materialized.

[Immortal Emerald Creation Heavenly Emerald Tree]

A majestic emerald tree grew from the top of the emerald. It was small, but the immortal energy contained within it was boundless. Its golden leaves flickered with immortal runes and terra firma runes. Hundreds of emerald branches burst out of her grand emerald and grew to a monstrous size, shooting past Tyrin and Mirror to attack their foes.

D. Tyrin flew up and stood on Zukie's head. Zukie blasted forward, wings surging with immortal energy.

[ Immortal Sword Tottem Crimson Sword Reaper]

A crimson glow bubbled on Zukie's sword feathers, rising her wings like smoke. A ghastly reaper appeared behind her holding a bloody curved sword. Her sword feathers became extremely sharp, curving into crimson scythes.

Zukie weaved through the emerald branches, severing them with every flap of her wings.

Meanwhile, D.Tyrin. pupils were aglow.

[Immortal Totem Fusion Asura Sword Immortal]

Zukie's primal spirit stepped out of the sword of destruction. Immortal runes twisted around her as they flashed in D.Tyrin's pupils. The crimson reaper merged with Zukie's primal spirit. She came into being no longer just a spirit, but flesh and blood. Her devilish appearance was terrifying, yet somehow still breathtakingly beautiful.