Raging Battle

The crimson glow of her body pulled at the eyes making it impossible to look anywhere else but at her. A bloody corona hung behind her, dripping with blood. Souls of her vanquished foes could be seen within wailing in eternal misery. She suddenly vanished, Tyrin felt it before it happen. He screamed through their link

" Sapphire watch out! "

Asura Zukie reappeared above the Heavenly Emerald Tree. The bloody corona behind her morphed into a wicked sword.

[Asuras Guillotine]

She raised her massive sword with one hand above her head and chopped down with devastating force. A crimson blanket seemed to shroud the world, followed by, ear piercing screams of the damn.

Hundreds of crimson blade glows exploded from her blade, shredding through the grand emerald.

The divine link between Sapphire and Tyrin dwindled away. Tyrin lost all reasoning. His will of destruction overpowered his will to create, transforming his appearance.

His Gates of Creation shook the world as it came into existence, it morphed into a majestic totem. The name of his 2nd destroyer popped in his mind.

" Destroy everything in our path, Baelor! "

A monstrous two tone fox bursted from the totem like a black meteor, soaring straight up into the sky. He came to an abrupt stop. His three tails out behind him.

Starting from the crown of Baelor head, leading down his back to the tips of his tails, his coat glowed a radiant white. The bottom half of his fur was a black so deep it was as though it was actually darkness. The Eye of Destruction was a red-hot brand on his tails.

He was glorious to behold. His majesty was a quality of it's own that could never be duplicated. Upon his appearance, Mirror vanished. Tyrin took note of this, pupils flashing with immortal runes.

[Immortal Totem Embodiment : Supreme Nega Fox Lord]

Tyrin bursted into nega flames. The flames came for an instant and were gone in the same. They reappeared atop of Baelor's head, morphing into Tyrin. His appearance had changed into something even more beautiful and powerful then before, the Supreme Nega Fox Lord.

Tyrin skin had turned a sleek caramel.This new form wasn't as muscular as the other though, but the lines of his muscles were more define. His lithe body was tall and whipcord tight. Black fox like ears, tipped with glowing white fur, had grown from his head. A mane of shining white hair flowed down his back, turning black at the tips.

Motionless behind him, were three black fox tails tipped with white glowing fur.

Still aflame, Baelor glared down at C.Tyrin and Xena. The stench of their creation auras enraged him to no end. Tyrin felt his rage. His will to destroy was unspeakable. The only shred of goodness in him was that he loved his master.

Everything else was subject to be annihilated at a whim. A black sun appeared in Baelor's left eye, flickering with red, blue, and green spots.

The colors flickering in his eyes were millions of microscopic nether runes. All at once they joined together forming four multi color runes at the center of the sun. These immortal runes spelled one word, NEGA.

[Immortal Nega Manifestation Nega Sun]

An explosion of nega flames shook the world as Baelor Nega Sun came into being above him. A negative ball of dark flames, the sheer size of his sun was shocking to behold. It seemed to hang over the world. The moment it manifested gravity shifted to Baelor's will and the temperature rose to a vaporizing level. A fiery suction force dragged everyone upwards towards the sun.

As they grew closer, the temperature continue to increase. While everyone else fought against the pull, C.Tyrin and Xena went along with the flow. Baelor nega flames were special and could very much harm them if directly hit, but due to C.Tyrin divine body and Xena heaven and earth guard, they were unaffected by the heat for now.

C.Tyrin stood atop of Xena head. His yinyang sword was surging with immortal and firma energy.

[Yinyang Sword Array Heavens Smite Earths Wrath]

C.Tyrin sliced the air with two swift slashes. With his first slash, Xekris blasted from his blade in a brilliant flash of light. Endowed with immortal yin energy, Xekris morphed into a enormous yin sword. His second strike, Xekrin rushed out like a shadow. Immortal yang energy pulsed off his body in ripples before he too morphed into a giant sword.

Straight as an arrow, they accelerated upwards. Yin and yang energy formed a sharp cyclone around his blades that continued to expand as they climbed higher into the sky.

A v shaped emblem appeared in Baelor left. His Eye of Destruction was aglow, flashing with immortal runes.

[ Immortal Nega Manifestation Nega Charge]

A pillar of dark light shot down connecting Baelor and Tyrin to the Nega Sun. Their nega flames were amplified to an extreme degree, causing them to rapidly expand and blaze around them like wildfire. Destructive nether runes formed three black halos around his tails.

Baelor shot down like a comet, smashing through the swords. Upon impact, they were thrown to the sides leaving a straight path for C.Tyrin.

Tyrin dashed off of Baelor head, summoning his totem weapon.

[Immortal Totem Nega Sun Sword]

A sword shined from within Baelor's Nega Sun. Like a ray of light, it shot out of the flames into Tyrin hand in an instant. The blade was long and shaped like an arrowhead. One side was feather edge and the other side was ridge. Immortal runes went down the length of the blade and along the edges.

Before he could use it though, time suddenly slowed to a snail crawl. Super charged by the Nega Sun, Tyrin and Baelor felt how time slowed, but it had no effect on them.

A giant yin sword appeared above Tyrin. Still engulfed in a cyclone of yin energy, it chopped down on him with calamitous sword pressure. At same time, the yang sword appeared sweeping in with a devastating sword pressure. A cyclone of yang energy twisted around it.

This was the true, Heavens Smite Earths Wrath. These two attacks seemed as if they could obliterate the world and everyone in it.

Tyrin didn't frit. Being super charged by Baelor's Nega Sun allowed them to break lose from the grasp of time. The tips of Baelor's tails bursted into suns and lashed out. They smacked into the swords incinerating them in a explosion of black flames.

Tyrin sword might empowered his Nega Sun Sword. A dark, sharp, light outline his blade, and then erupted in nega flames.

[Immortal Nega Manifestation Nega Sunder]

Tyrin hacked out. A concentrated ray of nega flames formed a crescent blade glow that split the sky. The sharpness of his sword might and explosiveness of his nega flames made for a heaven destroying attack.

C.Tyrin quickly soared up, empowering his blades with his sword might. A sharp, platinum glow illuminated his sword.

[Immortal Nova Manifestation Nova Sunder]

C.Tyrin slashed out. His nova flames exploded from his sword, forming a crescent blade that was just as sharp and destructive as Tyrin's. The two manifestations clashed, causing a tremendous explosion. Nova flames and nega flames swirled around one another like dragons.

Massive shockwaves were like fiery waves sweeping out in all directions. Both Tyrin and C.Tyrin summon flame barriers to protect themselves, but were still hurled quite a distance from the explosion.

Baelor rushed through the flames and bashed into to Xena, sending her shooting back to join her master. His Eye of Destruction flashed with immortal runes.

[Immortal Nega Manifestation Nega Falls]

In an instant, a pillar of nega flames shot down from his nega sun. He had timed his attack perfectly, C.Tyrin and Xena were both engulfed in a raging inferno.

Suddenly Asura Zukie appeared above Baelor. Her sword swept down, unleashing another Asuras Guillotine. Baelor senses were divine. The moment she appeared, he had already been ready for her.

[Immortal Nega Manifestation Nega Rising]

A torrent of nega flames rushed upwards, blasting through Asura Zukie attack. She defended herself with her sword, but the flames carried her straight up towards the sun. Before she ever reached it, she was engulfed in nega flames and incinerated on the spot.

Particles of red light were like rays of light shooting back towards Zukie's horn. In a burst of black flames, Tyrin reappeared on top on Baelor head. He kneeled down, petting his head affectionately.

" You doing great, Baelor. I have a feeling you will be the most powerful destroyer to ever live. "

Surprisingly, a smooth voice answered him

" Of course master. And I will do my best to destroy everything in our path. "

Tyrin stood up with a grin. He was shocked that Baelor could already speak.

That meant that he could also assume a humanoid form. Since becoming a chief destroyer extensive knowledge of destroyers had flowed into his mind.

Usually destroyers weren't able to do that in there recruit stage, but Baelor was extraordinary.

There were six stages of destroyers : recruit, soldier, adept, maven, doyen, and empyrean. Nine small stages known as tiers divided them.

Baelor could most definitely rival first tier soldiers and he was only in the first tier recruit stage.

Not even Zukie could do that when she was born and it was all thanks to his Heavenly Firma Jewel. It was really his greatest creation enhancing all of his creations. As well as his destroyers to an extraordinary degree. The level they would one day reach was unfathomable.

" Here they come, Baelor. "

Xena emerged from the fire in a explosion of nova flames, blasting towards Tyrin. C.Tyrin was even faster, darting off of Xena head and reaching Tyrin in the blink of an eye. He slashed out with blinding speed, knocking Tyrin off of Baelor head.

C.Tyrin bolted after him giving him no chance to counter attack. His left eye flashed with immortal runes, while his right eye flickered with meta firma runes.

[Yinyang Sword Array Heavenly Nova Swords Showers Earths Prison]

C.Tyrin swiftly split his yinyang sword into two, a yin sword and a yang sword. His yang sword thrusted forward, erupting in immortal runes. They formed a formation around Tyrin, morphing into meta yang swords. Beams of yang energy and meta energy connected each one together, creating a enormous circular sphere around Tyrin.

C.Tyrin shuttled though space appearing atop of it. He thrusted his yin sword into the prison. Instantly hundreds of nova yin swords manifested within the earth prison, shooting towards Tyrin.

Tyrin agility and flexibility were supernatural. His body appeared and disappeared as he dodged them, twisting his body in all sorts of maneuvers. His nega sun sword was a blur in his hand.

Hundreds of after images would appear and deflect the swords every time he swung it, but the swords were endless and increased in speed and power with each passing second. He slashed out sending Nega Sunders everywhere, but to no avail.

He couldn't cut through earths prison.

Baelor was quick to help, but was intercepted by Xena. She spun in a quick flip, smashing her tail into him. Baelor was hurled to the side. Particles of nova energy quickly gathered in Xena maw.

[Immortal Nova Manifestation Nova Blast]

A torrent of nova energy shot out like a massive ray.

Baelor reacted in an instant.

[Immortal Nega Manifestation Nega Absorption Field]

Black and grey nega energy formed a forcefield around Baelor. Xena nova blast was sucked into it and converted into energy for Baelor. His Eye of Destruction was aglow.

[Immortal Nega Manifestation Tri Destruction Ray]

All three of his tails curved over his body targeting Xena. His will of destruction and nega energy quickly gathered at the tips of his tails and fired.

Three slender rays knifed through space. They were extremely fast

Xena managed to dodge them, but they homed in on her following her every moment. While this was happening, Zukie and D.Tyrin were shooting down from above .

[Second Sword Black Tyrant Sword formation]

All of her sword scales had elongated, curving straight forward. Amplified by her immortal energy, Zukie tyrant nether lightning had turned black. Her lightning super charged her sword scales till they glowed like heated metal.

[Calamity Sword Bash]

Zukie bent her head down pointing her horn at Baelor. Her sword might, tyrant nether lightning, dark primal chaos, and will to destroy surged into her sword of destruction. All of these powers fused together within her sword horn, tripling it's size and setting it ablaze.

She flew down with godly speed,folding her sword wings inwards. By the time Baelor sensed Zukie, it was already too late. She smashed straight through him, ripping him to shreds in an instant.

Baelor bursted in black flames that quickly reformed. Luckily, Baelor Empyrean Nega Body allowed him instant regeneration, but if one paid close attention you would notice that he was slightly smaller then before and his immortal aura had regressed.

Tyrin rage knew no bounds. He would not allow another one of his children to be killed in front of him.

There was a weak point at the top of the prison where C.Tyrin had thrusted his sword. Tyrin had notice this a while ago and had been fighting to get close to it, but C.Tyrin wasn't stupid. He kept him at bay with his nova yin swords. So the only option he had was to overpower him.

[Immortal Nega Manifestation Tri Nega Explosion]

Tyrin completely gave up on offense, curling into a defensive ball. The nova yin swords skewered his body like a pin cushion. He uncurled his body exploding in nega flames. They smashed up against the walls of the prison unable to break through.

Another wave of nega flames immediately followed, splattering cracks everywhere across the surface. The last wave of nega flames exploded from Tyrin body, shattering the prison.

He shot up like a rocket out of the flames just to be pincered by C.Tyrin and D.Tyrin. Tyrin immediately went on the defensive. His nega sun sword tempestuously twirled around him, deflecting lightning fast blows.

His counter attack was explosive, slashing out with his sword and tails, yet he couldn't get pass them.

Meanwhile, Zukie had swooped back in repeatedly trying to ram Baelor again and again, but he was just to swift. Baelor tails lashed out sending Zukie flying back.

Xena join the fray, eyes flashing with immortal runes.

[Immortal Nova Manifestation Nine Nova Dragons]

Nine serpentine dragons manifested around Xena. They were completely made of nova flames like elemental dragons. All together Xena and her nova dragons rushed Baelor.

Tyrin focus was still somewhat on Baelor, so he knew that he was in mortal danger. If Xena and Zukie attacked him together no matter how talented he was he wouldn't stand a chance against them without his help.

To me Baelor! Tyrin screamed through there link.

Seeing the situation, Baelor bursted into flames vanishing on the spot. Zukie took action, her warp sword eyes bent time and space. Instantly she disappeared. Baelor appeared further away from Tyrin.

He was confused because he was supposed to have appeared right by him. Zukie appeared right next to him clearing his thoughts with a smash of her wing.

Baelor was sent flying, blood splashing across the sky. Zukie refused to let up.

[Immortal Sword Manifestation Crimson Sword Shower]

Zukie sword scales were infused with her will of destruction, exploding from her body in a crimson sword shower. They were extremely fast leaving no room for Baelor to dodge. Once again, Baelor was shredded to pieces just to reform.

This time it was obvious that Baelor had been weaken. He had shrunken down to the size of a mortal lion. Deep gashes marred his beautiful fur. That last attack from Zukie had really did a number on him.

If not for his divine body, her sword scales would have killed him on the spot. Baelor shot up towards his nega sun as fast as he could. As he got closer to it, his body was gradually growing and the gashes on his body were visibly healing.

This was another divine ability of his nega sun. As long as it was in play he could convert its energy to regenerate himself. The closer he was the faster his regeneration. With his divine body and nega sun both in affect, he was as good as new in just a few seconds.

Baelor wasn't out of danger yet though. Zukie was hot on his tails and right behind her was Xena and her nova dragons.

Xena eyes of creations were flashing with immortal runes.

[Immortal Nova Spell Super Nova]

Xena erupted in nova flames morphing into a elemental nova dragon. She tripled in size and power, zooming past Zukie and Baelor in the blink of an eye. Her claw smashed down on Baelor, sending him tumbling down through the sky. She cast another spell.

[Immortal Spell Creation Nova Dragon Chain Lock]

Xena's nova dragons encircled Baelor, forming a grand lock that compressed the space around him till he couldn't move an inch. Nova chains empowered by Xena will to create manifested out of thin air, wrapping around Baelor.

His immortal energy was sealed in an instant,which left Baelor in a fatal situation. Both Xena and Zukie were merciless and took this chance to finish him off for good.

They took up opposite positions leaving Baelor right in the middle of them. Their eyes were aglow, flickering with immortal runes.

[Immortal Nova Spell Super Nova Blast]

Xena open her maw as wide as she could. Particles of nova energy and her will to create began gathering in her mouth. Her flames were flaring brighter and brighter, spreading out around her. A pillar of nova energy bursted from her mouth.

The recoil of her manifestation was dragging her back across the sky.

[Immortal Sword Manifestation Sword X Wing]

Zukie sword might surged into her wings along with her will of destruction. The sword runes on her wings were flickering with multi color light. A catastrophic sword aura filled the world. With a flap of her wings, two colossal blade glows split the air in a x.

The force of her manifestation hurled her back through the sky. Pure dread gripped Tyrin's heart. If Baelor was hit by those attacks he would surely die.

Tyrin tried to bring him into his regalia, but try as he might nothing was happening. With such short time, there was nothing else he could do.

" Nooo! "

Both attacks smashed into Baelor causing a terrible explosion that filled the world. Even though Tyrin was so far away, the heat of Xena's flames badly scorched his body and primal spirit.

Zukie sword might had also cut deeply into his body and shredding his primal spirit as well.

The shockwaves were terribly strong blowing all the Tyrins away.

A full minute had passed until the explosion had finally dissipated. Baelor's nega sun had winked out. Tyrin was laid out on his back floating aimlessly around. His body was charred and his primal spirit was in pieces. The backlash of Baelor dying had crushed his will to fight.

Tyrin will to destroy along with his life was finally burning out. C.Tyrin and D.Tyrin appeared on top of their dragons. All together they rushed towards Tyrin

" Is this really how I die? " Tyrin whispered to himself.


In the outside world, Tyrin body had also changed to his Supreme Nega Fox Lord Form. Nether runes and firma runes were eating away at his mind, body, and primal spirit.

Tyrin body was slowly breaking down into colorful particles.

" Mother please tell me this is not what I think is happening, " Tyra cried.

One could hear the terror in her daughters tone. One sighed as tears finally rolled down her cheeks.

" Its as you see. Zufarein has lost. And now, his wills are destroying him. "

" How's that possible master could never lose! " the twins exclaimed together.

Pure rage took hold of Tyra. Her will to destroy exploded from her body.

" Mother wherever you sent Zufarein send me as well. I need to help him! "

" I can't do that, Nafareah. "

" You cant or you won't? Tell me the truth mother. " Tyra pleaded.

" I won't because I've sent him into his regalia to pacify his wills. They have the power to destroy your mind body, and soul. If you enter and die you'll also die a true death. I won't lose both of you. "

" Well you help him then! "

" I would if I could! Im to powerful to enter his regalia without destroying it," One snapped, wiping the tears from her eyes.

Tyra was furious. If their regalias where destroyed it was the same as dying a true death.

" Well send me and Xekris in. We'll save master. " Xekrin butted in.

One looked to him wishing that she could.

" No, you'll make it worse. His wills are even and you two will throw off the balance of that if you enter right now. That's why I haven't allowed you to enter in the first place. He needed a clean slate. No creations no destroyers unless he creates them himself. "

Tyra grabbed One's hands.

" We have no choice. Please send me in. We came in this world together. If he dies and I knew I could have done something to help. I wouldn't be able to live with myself. Please, mother were running out of time. "

One felt a heavy burden weighing on her heart. There was a strong possiblity that she was going to lose both of her beloved children.

A deep voice suddenly sounded in Ones mind. It was warm and tender.

Honey when did you become so indecisive. If this is their destiny then so be it. Send her in before it's to late.

Do you believe they'll succeed. And don't lie to me?

Of course I do. Name a time when they have ever failed.

One couldn't think of a time these two had ever failed at anything. She looked to Azaria.

" Will you be accompanying my daughter. This will be the perfect opportunity for you to see why I was so adamant about her becoming a chief destroyer. "

" Of course she is! If she wants to live that is," Tyra replied with a grin.

Now this was the Supreme Dual Azaria was waiting to see. The confidence in her tone left no room for doubt.

" Enough talking let's go destroy them, " Azaria replied with a smirk.

With a wave of her hand, One sent Tyra and Azaria into Tyrin regalia.

The moment they vanished, All's voice spoke in One's mind one last time.

Have faith in them honey. As I always have.


Tyra and Azaria appeared right next to Tyrin and seeing him in such a miserable state instantly set Tyra's blood boiling. Her will of destruction and chaos nether flames exploded from her body forming a sea of flames, which also wrapped Tyrin in a protective barrier.

Caught by surprise, Xena and Zukie were thrown back from the explosion along with C.Tyrin and D.Tyrin. Tyra took one look at them and knew she couldn't defeat them, but that wasn't going to stop her from trying.

Though Tyrin was still just a Spirit Immortal these two forms, as well as Xena and Zukie, had tapped into immortal energy. Which usually didn't happen until a immortal reached the Celestial Stage.

She wasn't shocked that Tyrin could do this cause she could as well.

" Nahnah, what are you doing? I can't beat them. Hurry up and get outta her, " Tyrin had tried his best to yell at her, but it came out in mumbles.

" Stop all that mumbling, I'm not going anywhere unless your coming with me! " Tyra replied, stepping in front of him.

She looked to Azaria with a serious expression.

" It's time you showed me this true power you were bragging about so much! "

" My pleasure. "

Azaria flew up morphing into a majestic phoenix. Her purple feathers were sleek, curving like sabers down her body to her tail feathers. Each feather was flickering with saber runes and chaos nether runes. A crown of chaos nether flames blazed atop of her head.

Her eyeballs were like lava orbs with purple x's for pupils. If one looked closely enough you could see that the x's were formed from immortal runes and looked exactly like crisscrossed sabers. She immediately used her most powerful manifestation.

[Chaos Flame Manifestation Inferno Saber Ruin ]

All at once, she shed her saber feathers and then morphed into a elemental flame phoenix. Her aura of destruction fused with her chaos nether flames, deepening the color of her flames. Blood red nether runes hovered within her flames. Her six hundred and sixty six feathers floated around her buzzing like bees.

Her saber might outlined each one in a brilliant purple glow.Like a comet, Azaria shot towards Xena and Zukie. Her saber feathers were like shooting stars zooming to attack her enemies.

Xena shoot up into the sky twisting her body in ariel maneuver. The saber feathers whooshed pass her. Xena swooped to the side with uncanny agility and smashed out with her claws, knocking hundreds of saber feathers flying away.

Zukie shed her own sword scales, unleashing a Crimson Sword Shower. Her sword scales collided with Azaria saber feathers causing an explosion of sparks as she charged through with a Calamity Sword Bash.

Azaria vanished in a burst of flames at the last minute. She reappeared back in front of Tyra. Her divine saber eyes lit up.

[Immortal Totem Array X Saber Collision]

Thousands of flaming immortal runes manifested everywhere around Xena and Zukie. Like magnets they pulled at her saber feathers, linking them into hundreds of enormous x sabers. Her most powerful ability of her divine saber eyes took affect, boosting her sword might to stage two.

The pressure and sharpness of her sabers increased tremendously. With extreme speed, dozens of them came from all sides smashing into Xena and Zukie over and over again. Azaria kept up her barrage causing a series of terrible explosions. Tyra kneeled down and hugged her brother to her chest.

They were the best of friends and did everything together. She couldn't remember a time when he was not around. Seeing him like this stabbed at her heart.

" Listen to me and listen to me well, Zufarein. I've never heard or seen anything you can't do, so you lost a few battles here and there, but as long as your alive you haven't lost the war. You can still fight. I don't know how long I can hold them off for, but I'll do it to my last breath, and by that time you need to have your shit together. Your the Supreme One and failure is never a option. "

Tyrin didn't know what to say. Her words actually brought tears to his eyes. Yes they were twins, but he was born before Tyra, so technically she was his little sister and that was how he always had treated her. To hear her talking to him like this was a pleasant surprise.

Tyra kissed Tyrin on the forehead and played with his hair.

" I know right now you don't believe in yourself, but I do, and so does everybody else. We're counting on you to be our spear head and take back our home. "

She stood up and turned around.

" I don't know if this will help, but I remember what Azaria said in the X-Vault. 'Too create is to destroy and too destroy is to create'. I think I'm starting to understand what she meant by that after seeing your wills. "

She look back one more time as her of destruction flashed with immortal runes.

" You better not let me fucking die or I swear I'll haunt you in the spirit world. "

[Immortal Totem Embodiment Chaos Phoenix Empress]

She bursted into purple flames, disappearing on the spot to reappear atop off Azaria head. Beautiful purple wings unfolded from around her body, spreading out behind her. Each one of her feathers resembled the sharpest of sabers and were embellished with saber runes and nether runes.

Her immaculate skin had turned a deep chocolate. Lustrous purple hair streaked with red highlights flowed down her back to her waist. Her curvaceous figure had once again plumped up in all the right places making her allure even more irresistible then before.

Purple saber feathers had linked together forming a divine dress, that left her shoulders bare, and stopped an inch before passing her knees. She wore matching thigh boots that were just as beautiful and deadly as her dress.

" That's enough, Azaria. It's time I showed them my power. "

Azaria flames flared in irritation.

" Correction, its time we showed them our power. "

Azaria paused for just a moment.

" Then again, let's see if they survive this. "

All at once, the rest of the x sabers zoomed in for the kill. A mushroom cloud explosion bloomed from the collision, shacking the domain like an earthquake.

" Think that killed them?" Azaria asked.

The playfulness in Azaria tone made Tyra smile. Even at such a serious time, Azaria could still find some type of way to joke around. It lighten Tyra spirit and ready her for what was to come. She knew without a shadow of a doubt the Tyrins weren't died.

That would just be to easy and nothing was every simple and easy when it concern a supreme.