Mr. K is planning to lay siege to Dark Hell

On Hurricane's body, not only was there a key to open that mysterious box, but there was also a cursed object aimed at HongMu: a tiny doll painted in fresh blood.

Dark Artifact: Ghost Doll

Description: One sunny morning, a seldom-seen mother returned home, bringing along an adorable doll. She told her child that this was his younger brother, and they should get along like a real family.

The younger brother was so cute! Big eyes, chubby little hands, plump feet, and bright red fresh blood. An elderly man offered a strange piece of paper, explaining that painting the brother's likeness in blood would make him obedient.

Hurricane bit his finger and completed the drawing.

Effect: Within a 10-meter range of the affected person, taking out the Ghost Doll's drawing will awaken endless resentment in the drawn doll, devouring the victim's soul.

Stowing away the cursed object, Alexander turned his eyes to Medusa.