What is it that makes you so confident?

"What does this have to do with Kevin waging war?" Seraphina was puzzled, her mind a chaotic mess.

"Louis becoming the heir means the other ghost cities will be cautious. They might even form alliances to protect themselves. But if they get wind of Lord K's siege plans, what do you think they'll do?" Alexander posed the question rather than providing an answer.

"Of course they'll... together..." Seraphina was about to say they'd join forces to siege, but then her eyes narrowed, and she hesitantly uttered, "Sit back and watch?"

"Exactly!" Alexander chuckled. "The Thrilling World has been anything but calm lately. Louis becoming the heir might make them cautious, but not so much as to act immediately. And just at this time, the Endless Abyss is planning an attack!"

"Lord K appears to be quite powerful. Dark Hell even has spies sent by him, and other ghost realms will naturally have forces supported by him. They fear Louis, but they also fear Lord K."