Alexander's Experiments and Concepts

With a flourish of his hand, Alexander stood before the tombstone, channeling the ghostly energy within him into the ring adorning his finger. 

A kaleidoscope of colors swirled on the ring's surface, where infinitesimally tiny, unreadable characters flickered like stars in a midnight sky. With a slight gesture, it was as though he tore open the fabric of reality itself.

Like unzipping a colossal pocket, the spaces on either side of him unfurled like two pieces of torn cloth, revealing a community so deeply familiar to Alexander. As he stepped into this pocket, the tear in reality sealed shut behind him.

As his gaze swept across the neighborhood, it struck him that nothing had changed from when he had last been here. 

A pair of black, sexy lace panties billowed in the wind on the balcony of a second-floor apartment near the entrance. An unfinished game of Go lay abandoned on a table at the community square.