So, it seems you've chosen death

Caught off-guard by the invitation from the Lord's Mansion and the urgent matter of the Endless Abyss siege, Alexander took a moment to gather his thoughts. 

He'd spent ten days in secluded space; the crisis at hand was indeed reaching a critical point.

Despite the urgency, Alexander didn't hastily exit. When he had previously distributed red potions to Asfur and Terence, he had purposely withheld the ones of king-level and above. 

It wasn't that he distrusted them; rather, their power was simply not yet up to the task. Falling into the wrong hands, such potions could spell disaster.

Being the Chosen One, Alexander felt it was more appropriate for him to personally deliver these high-quality potions. Yet, with time pressing on him, he found himself without the luxury to complete this task and had to delegate it to others.