Chapter 26): Morning Before Party!

Chapter 26): Morning Before Party!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{15+ Advanced Chapters on Buy-meacoffee/flaminglines}


"Wake up idiot!" Leah growling struck him across the head, Ryan pretended to continue to sleep though, he was not ready to get up it was Saturday, the day he was suppose to be able to sleep in! "Ryan I swear if you do not wake up right now I will buring your greenhouse room and throw out your snacks."

Ryan sprang up and pouted at Leah, "Hey! Why are you still so mean to me? I thought after finally becoming a couple you would finally be nicer to me!"

Leah rolled her eyes while condescendingly patting his cheek, "Oh, that is just what I wanted you to think. Now get up you lazy ass, we need to walk Meredith then meet my dad, you promised to help with his truck today."

Ryan grumbled as he got out of bed but he did get ready like she said while she went around his room moving his wayward shoes into the right place.

"Where are your parents? I did not see them when I came inside." She asked while putting his shoes into his closet setting them in the correct order.

Ryan shrugged as he was putting on a shirt, "Work. My mom called and said they had some big case they were working on and could not make it home for the weekend. I didn't question it."

He saw the look she threw him and sighed waving it off, "Don't look at me like that we both know how my parents are."

She nodded, "Still doesn't make it right. Even if they work as hard as they do they should still be here to spend time with you, next year they won't even have the chance."

"It has been like this since I was a kid. I am use to it at this point, plus I could care less if they came back or not now."

Leah shook her head and he watched as she walked over and hugged him tight, "I know it still upsets you though, but don't worry you still have my family, I think they love you more then me."

He chuckled while hugging her back, "I think you are right."

She pulled back and slapped his arm, "Ass, I was joking about that."

He chuckled while throwing some clothes into an empty backpack, he would get ready later at Leah's house after working with her dad, no reason to drive back here and get dressed. Sure they planned to meet the Cullens at their house, but it didn't mean he would need to come here, well at least until they decided to sleep, really it depends on how much they drank tonight.

Together they walked out the house with Leah walking straight to his mom's car as if it were her own, only like every time she was with Ryan he drove, Ryan chuckled as he walked around to her side and opened her door surprising her, "We're dating now, you shouldn't have to open your own door." He answered the unasked question.

He watched as a shy smile grew on her face, he chuckled as she sat down with a small blush and wouldn't meet his eyes, gently shutting the door he walked around and got in the driver seat. After they buckled up he took off towards her house, the car was silent, he could see that Leah was trying to recollect herself.

She stayed that way all the way to her house, he also opened the door for her causing another smile, "I will see you in a little, mind taking in my bag?" He asked

He watched her walk away before shaking his head and making his way to the garage, from outside he could hear the sound of Harry grunting as he worked on the truck. Walking into the garage he saw Harry's feet hanging out from where he worked under the truck, the place was not big enough for him to get a car lift like he really wants.

"Hey Harry! Need some help under there?" He called out while crouching so he could see the man's face.

Harry turned his head slightly towards him grinning, "Oh Ryan! Glad that you are here this bolt is stuck and my impact broke last week. Can you help me out?"

"Sure thing." Ryan replied while taking off his coat going down to just hits white T-shirt.

Harry rolled out from under it, he groaned as he got to his feet his knees no doubt hurting from the constant years of doing that motion over and over. With ease Ryan got under and began to work, while his [Hardiness] might be level four that didn't mean couldn't get a bolt off as that was more a strength thing.

Which his [Fitness] was at a level 9, skipping two levels giving him more than enough strength to twist the bolt off.

"Ahh to be young again, I remember when I could do that too. It was such a nice times." Harry sigh as he saw how easy it was for Ryan.

Ryan chuckled and got out from under the truck, "What are you talking about Harry, you are still in your prime."

Harry laughed as if it was the funniest thing he had ever heard, "Nice try Ryan, but we both know that is just not true."

"So what else do you need me to do?" Ryan asked with a smile.

For the next forty-five minutes they worked on restoring more of the truck, it was actually an old one that Harry was restoring for Seth. Seth did not know this though, he thought it was just something his dad was doing for fun, which is why he skipped out of helping this weekend.

Plus I private he had told Ryan that he just needed to 'class himself up' for his first ever high school party, he was acting as.if he was going to some famous event. Which for a thirteen year old kid like himself it was, when he went back to school on Monday he would have a story to tell making him slightly cooler then anyone else.

"Ryan come inside for lunch." Leah said walking to the door.

"And what about me?" Harry asked with a fake hurt expression.

"Oh!" She blushed which could only mean that she had forgotten that her dad was here too, it made Ryan chuckled a little. He had caught her staring at his chest, which was free of a shirt since it was ruined with all the grease stains he had gotten on it while working, "You too Dad."

They followed an embarrassed Leah back to the house, walking into a nice scent they went to the opening of the kitchen to see Sue stirring something in the pot, "Smells good, what's inside there?" Ryan asked.

Sue turned to them with a smile, "It is a new stew I am trying out, it was a little to fishy the last time, but I think I got it right this time."

Ryan walked off to clean himself up, after he was done he walked into the dining room to find everyone there, even Seth who had found his clothes earlier and took some time to hang with friends and came back was there.

"What's up Ryan! Ready for tonight?!" Seth said with excitement.

Ryan nodded, "Yeah, I guess it will be fun."

"What is happening tonight?" She asked as she brought into the food.

"Nothing," Leah said while shooting a glare to Seth, "We are all just hanging at Ryan's for a movie night."

"Oh so you aren't going to that Jessica Stanley's party with Ryan then?" Harry asked while calming taking a bite from his food.

Leah's head whipped to Ryan who was also calmly eating, "They know you were going!" She asked.

"Of course. We are both seventeen and seniors in high school, in a few months we graduate and will go out into the world. Your parents understand that and are trying to accept that you are not going to be living on the reservation your whole life." Ryan said shrugging as they already told him they knew about the party and asked to keep their kids safe.

He agreed because he wouldn't let anything bad happen to them, plus they wanted Seth to have some fun with his sister before she left. Everyone knew she didn't want to live here her whole life, they were not expecting her to turn into a wolf after all.

When she did it still would not matter as he would bring her into his pack, that way she wouldn't have to spend her whole life guarding the place she had always wanted to get away from. She loved the place but they all knew she needed to travel freely.

Sue nodded at Ryan's word, "We trust you Leah. We just hope though that you watch over Seth, don't let anything happen to him or allow him to drink."

Ryan saw Leah calm down a small smile on her face, "Don't worry, even if I lose and eye on him Ryan won't let anything happen. When they see him walk in with Ryan they will all treat him as if he was royalty."

Seth grinned wiping his shoulders, "That's right bow down to the Prince and respect the Prince."

"And what makes you the Prince? Huh?" Harry asked with a chuckle at his son's antics.

"Because Ryan is obviously the King so that makes Leah his Queen. Which makes him my brother-in-law making me a Prince." Seth looked real wisely when he said that as if it was common sense that should happen.

"I don't think that is how the monarchy works Seth." Sue said not sure how that reasoning worked.

"Well this is how this one does, it will be even better when they learn I learning basketball skills from Ryan." Seth started to grin, Ryan knew he began to realize the power he weld by know Ryan personally.