Chapter 42): Back In Forks! Some News!

Chapter 42): Back In Forks! Some News!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ advanced chapters on buy-meacoffee/flaminglines, now with a second their which let's you read my newest book.}


Ryan was running back to Forks, he left his car back at the apartment as it was his city car, he never drove it to Forks not for any other reason then he didn't want to, plus he did love the feel of the wind in his hair as he ran. 'Wait a moment, damn I'm an idiot.' he cursed in his head.

He stopped in the middle of some trees and the next moment black smoke was at the spot that Ryan disappeared at, he had forgotten all about his new power. Ryan appeared in his own house right in his room, walking out he went downstairs and saw his mother who looked sad drinking a glass of wine.

"Who peed in your Cheerios?" He asked walking over to the fridge to get something to drink.

"Ryan!" She said a smile gracing her face, "I didn't hear you come in, how was school?"

Ryan chuckled, of course his mother didn't know that he had skipped, after all it wasn't as if she told him that he would be out so late the night before, "No clue, I didn't go."

"Oh, I was wondering why you weren't in your bed last night, I just assumed that you left early or something." She said with a questioning face. He raised a brow at her, "Right dumb thing to say, I have no clue where you get that from though."

"You ignored my question though, what has you so down?" He asked as he took a seat across from her at the counter.

There was a pause as she shook he head, his eyes widen a little as she down her glass of wine, poured another then downed that one too, "Your Father and I are getting divorced. I caught him in bed with the woman we were doing the case for, apparently it has been going on for months."

Ryan honestly did not know what to say, sure his parents weren't the best but at least his mother way trying, it now made a lot more sense why his father was absent so much, the man was avoiding getting his ass kicked. Which is exactly what Ryan would do the moment he saw him, sure he might have kissed Jessica but Leah saw that, and said nothing.

His father cheating just showed another side of himself where he was an ass rather then a good dad, "No wonder I haven't seen him, he is avoiding the ass kicking."

His mother chuckled hearing that, "That's sweet honey but---"

"You really shouldn't finish that mom. No matter what you say his face or some part of his body will be meeting my fist no matter what." Ryan said with a serious expression as she looked at him wide eyed.

"Ryan, he still is your father." She sighed shaking her head.

He shrugged, "Doesn't matter. Still going to kick his ass, he shouldn't have done what he did."

Ryan didn't condone cheating, it his belief that when you were in a relationship then you were committed to that person, there was no other reason to get in a relationship if you weren't going to be faithful to that person. Why else date or marry them then, you might as well stay a bachelor for life if you planned on cheating, at least that way you weren't disappointing someone.

Ryan saw his mother smile as she walked around and hugged him tight, neither said anything as she just held him her body shaking, the front of his shirt was getting soaked from her tears. Shaking his head he led her into the living room where he put on a movie and sat with her while she cuddled into him, it was half way through when she fell asleep with a small smile.

Ryan carried her up to her bedroom and put her in bed, he paused as he checked the room out, as he went around looking he noticed that his father's things were gone, it seemed the man was smart enough to escape while he could.

With a last look to his mother he walked out of the room and back to his own, he wanted to sleep some more, he was happy that his body was back to normal now.


"Where were you?" Rosalie asked for maybe the tenth time as they sat in the cafeteria, Ryan was once again eating ridiculous amounts while high.

"Rosalie, I have answered this already. I was with my cousin in Seattle, we haven't seen one another in awhile so she held me hostage and made me cook dinner for her." Ryan responded once again actually tired of answering this question so many times.

Rosalie looked sheepish as her 'siblings' laughed, "You just never answered, I got worried."

He smirked at her, "Don't worry I am fine. I did kill a good amount of vampires while in Seattle though, did you guys know a small coven was there?"

They all looked alarmed as they shook their heads, "No, what did you do to them?" Edward asked glaring as he sat a little straighter.

"Killed them. Then these two people in cloaks showed, something about their Kings would like me or something." He said nonchalantly but knew they would panic about it knowing who they are.

As he expected the whole table froze hearing his words Rosalie grabbing his hand tightly, "They said Kings? What did they look like?"

Ryan chuckled describing them, "The weirdest thing was the girl saying 'pain' then just staring at me, it was funny to see her face though."

He could feel the tension in the air as they all looked between on another, he just kept eating though as he knew they were all looking at one another, he was curious to see who would be the one to tell him. It seemed to be Alice as she bit her lip, "Umm Ryan, we should probably tell you about who you met."

"Well?" He said with a raised brow.

"They are...The Volturi, basically the leaders of the vampires, they are responsible for making sure that covens don't grow to strong or newborns don't run wild." Alice continued as the rest watched for his reaction.

Ryan nodded, "Oh, cool."

"That's it!" Rosalie basically shouted as even some tables away people looked over at them, she would be blushing if she could.

He shrugged, "What am I suppose to say, it isn't as if I care all that much. If I have to fight them I will, not all vampire powers work on me as you know. And without powers to stop me they are basically a large group that I can kill easily."

The table was quiet at his confession since they all knew it was true, they still remembered when he tore into those other vampires, hell he even made them bleed which he still hasn't told them how. Rosalie was working her jaw as her glare was set on him, he found it cute the way she was glaring at him.

He leaned over kissing her cheek and chuckled as her face wanted to calmed down from bliss but she was still worked up about the whole Volturi thing. Ryan would tell them eventually about his powers, but for now he was having fun messing with them, it really was funny to see vampires worry since they couldn't do anything about him.

As the lunch bell rang he decided to calm Rosalie down more as she held her hand and led her from the cafeteria, he knew that at the moment she was struggling with her mate urges since she thought he was in danger. This was he most he could do at the moment to call her down, which seemed to work as she leaned her head on his shoulder as they walked away to the gym.

When they arrived he kissed the top of her head, "It will be okay Rose, I know you are worried for me but don't be, I can handle this."

She looked into his eyes and must have seen what she was looking for as she nodded her head, she kissed his cheek as she joined the regular gym students and he went to join the basketball team.


[Name: Ryan Robins

Race: Wolf (Fenrir Bloodline)

Age: 18 (Young Adult)

Mood: Happy, Relaxed

Skills: Acting Lvl 7, Driving Lvl 8, Cooking Lvl 8, Fitness Lvl 8, Comedy Lvl 5, Charisma Lvl 9, Gardening Lvl 10, Handiness Lvl 6, Logic Lvl 7, Programing Lvl 5, Piano Lvl 9, Basketball Lvl 9, Vampire Lore Lvl 9, Shape-shifter Lore Lvl 9, Video Gaming Lvl 7, Etc....

Money: $52,500]

[Fenrir Bloodline Powers: Super Senses, Super Strength, Super Speed, Super Regeneration, Draining Bite

Powers: Flicker]