Chapter 64): We're The Cullens...Plus Ryan!

Chapter 64): We're The Cullens...Plus Ryan!

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}

{Do not do drugs, I am not promoting them either as I write these. This is purely for fun nothing more, nothing less.}

{20+ advanced chapters on buy-meacoffee/flaminglines also check out the new book You: Oh Joe for level 2 members.}


Ryan still felt frustrated with his interaction after meeting Victoria the other day, he had been back more then three times during the week and still had not gotten at an answer from her, she did take great pleasure in smiling at him though when he showed. Rubbing his eyes he slipped out of bed and lit up a joint, the first puff didn't calm his nerves but after five he was less frustrated then before.

As he was making his way downstairs the doorbell rang, he didn't even have time to answer it before and angry Rosalie stomped into the place, she had taken to doing that after their kiss seeing the place as her own. Not that he minded he enjoyed having her around, she seemed especially pissed off today though, which didn't make sense as it was a Saturday so there was no school, which means no one should be mad.

"What's wrong?" He asked pulling her between him and the counter as he continued to chop things from his breakfast.

She calmed down some as he kissed the top of her head but was still agitated, "He's bringing her to meet the family today! Can't he understand that he is putting us at risk by bringing her around!!"

Ryan nodded internally, he had talked to her about it this week at school and noticed it himself when Bella found out their secret, it wasn't near the time for prom yet but Jessica and Angela still went to get dresses.

Fun fact, he was taking both Leah and Rosalie to prom, it was after him asking them the past Wednesday that they both agreed, even if he only asked Leah who then made him ask Rosalie to be fair.

Anyway Edward did his saving thing, and all that, he didn't have to leave for a week though as he did that when she first came getting use to her scent way sooner. So from there he saved her from the van and got her interest, which Ryan didn't mind he had to many girls after him already, he didn't need more.

So it seemed it was time for him to bring her to the house, "Oh, so she is officially meeting the rest of you, Edward is done hiding her from the family?"

Rosalie rolled her eyes, "Yes, and being the favorite child he is Esme and Carlisle are making us all attend."

Ryan hummed as he chopped up strawberries to go with the yogurt he decided to have for breakfast today.

"Would you be my plus one?" Rosalie asked turning in his arms and smiling brightly at him as if she just suggested the best idea ever.

"Plus one?" He asked with a raised brow not stopping his chopping as he decided to add some mango to it too.

"Yeah, I know you aren't officially family, but you are my mate and you know about the supernatural world. You can come over to keep me from ripping their heads off." Although she said it thoughtfully he knew she was being serious about what she just said.

He chuckled, "Sure, if you want me there then I will be there."

Not like he had anything else planned and Leah was off with her family on a camping trip slash fishing trip that her dad planned since she spent all spring break with him.

Rosalie beamed at him standing in her tip toes and kissing him before laying her head on his chest, no doubt she was listening to his heartbeat as she enjoyed doing that a lot. Ryan just smiled at her, he also realized that in the six months he had known the Cullens he had never been to their house, despite them being neighbors.

Which had more to deal with the fact that he didn't actually want to get along with them at first, but this persistent blonde in his arms made it impossible for them to actually not get to know one another, not that he minded really, well at least not anymore.

"Yes, I want you there. She should be there by noon for lunch, which Esme is making me help cook." She said rolling her eyes.

"Wait, you mean I will finally get to try something you cook, I can't wait." Ryan said with a wide smile.

Rosalie froze her expression went from one of bliss to horror, "M-my cooking?" She squeaked.

He titled his head as he took a bite of his now fruit yogurt, "Well, yeah, I mean obviously you want to spend your life with me. And I know we haven't fully agreed but I do count you as my girlfriend, so I figured sometimes I would get to enjoy your cooking, Leah I already know can't cook, so I was counting on you."

Her expression cycled from happiness to horror in seconds hearing his words, and he laughed on the inside because he knew that she was just worried because after being dead for so long her taste buds were also gone. So cooking for him would be something challenging as she couldn't actually taste the food herself, plus there was the little fact she didn't cook when she was human so she didn't even know then.

Before she was to marry Roy she was learning but she was in no way an expert.

Panicking she pushed out of his embrace, "Umm okay, well I am going to go home and think of something to make. Do you have any favorites you would like?"

"Yeah let's keep it simple, a lasagna and a salad sound nice, but anything would be fine. I just want to try your cooking." He smiled kissing her cheek.

She nodded already lost in her head, "Okay, well Edward is suppose to be bringing Bella around 1ish, so come over when you see his car pulling up."

He didn't have time to reply as she already took off before he could say anything else, chuckling to himself he took his food to the table and finished it. Since he had time to kill he decided to check on his garden as it had been a week, he wondered if he had an mutated plants.


Ryan walked out his room freshly dressed as he heard the sound of Edwards Volvo going up the driveway, "Whose house is that?" He heard Bella's voice asked as hey slowly moved towards his own.

Ryan was leaving the house heading to the Cullens as they passed, "Ryan's." Edward said still sending him a glare.

Bella watched Ryan for a moment but Ryan ignored her, she was still quirky but she was now also the Edward obsessed Bella so he wasn't going to put up with her as much. He didn't like the Bella who was opposed with Edward, it only meant that it would lead to everything that had happened in the movies and books, which her whole zombie faze was just stupid to him.

Edward and Bella got out the car the same time he was walking up the steps, he knocked and seconds later the door was opened by a wide smiling Alice, "Ryan, you're here!" She said excitedly.

Ryan smiled politely but he could hear the unmistakable sound of someone fumbling in the kitchen as he was announced, "Yeah, Rosalie invited me, where is she?"

"Kitchen." Alice pointed out making him nod as he moved past her to go there.

Along the way he nodded at Emmett, Jasper, Edythe and Carlisle who were obviously waiting to meet Bella, going into the kitchen he saw Rosalie who was panicking as she mixed a bowl of salad. An amused Esme was watching from the counter, she wasn't helping though he noticed and there wasn't a cooking show on, instead she seemed to be instructing Rosalie what to do.

Rosalie looked over at the sound of him entering and he threw her a smile, "Hey, something smells....well like food."

At his words Esme giggled while Rosalie looked panicked as she checked the timer on the stove, "Well I made the lasagna, and here is the salad, but it won't be done for another ten minutes."

Ryan just nodded, "Take your time, I'm not in a hurry."

As he sat at the counter Bella and Edward walked in, "And this is my mother Esme, and you know Rosalie."

"Bella dear, it is so nice to have you here. We made Lasagna." Esme said after giving Bella hug.

"Great, I'm starving." Bella tried to play off even if she had eaten.

"She already ate." Edward filled in for some reason wanting to embarrass Bella even if she was trying to be polite.

"Well it wasn't made for her anyway, I already told Esme this was for Ryan." Rosalie stressed while shooting a glare to Bella and Edward.

Ryan chuckled as he saw all this, "Well I'm starved, plus a little high so high expectations for this."

Rosalie threw his a nervous smile right as the timer went off on the oven, she opened it up and they all looked at it, Ryan nodded as it seemed edible, from his perspective and from what he could smell nothing was wrong with it. As they say though, looks can be deceiving, but he wanted to give her the benefit of the doubt.

Ryan sat as Rosalie made him a plate and nervously took it to him, she quickly took a seat next to him as everyone else seemed to watch to see what his reaction would be to the food. Bella and Edward already walking away, which he didn't understand, if you brought them to meet your family why go off on your own, it defeats the purpose of it.

Ignoring that Ryan bit into the salad first, and other then it having a little to much dressing it was fine, no one could really mess up a salad it wasn't that hard to make. He chuckled internally as Rosalie seemed to hold her breath a she went to take a bite of the lasagna, there was still steam on it as he brought it to his mouth.

Rosalie was looking at him with intense eyes, she seemed to really be eager to get his opinion on what she had made.

Taking a bite Ryan froze for half a second before chewing some more, he didn't show it on his face but internally he was screaming, the only thing wrong with it was the fact that it was over seasoned. Seeing as they couldn't really taste the meat he could understand them not knowing that, but at the same time they should have noticed they put to much into it.

"Well how is it?" Rosalie asked nervously.

Emmett scoffed, "Isn't it obvious, he doesn't like it. If he really did he would have answered right away."

"Emmett please stop messing with Rosalie and let Ryan answer, you don't know he could like it." Esme cut in as she could see Rosalie was about to say something back.

Ryan meanwhile swallowed and looked right at Rosalie, "This is horrible," he saw her face fall but he kept going, "Don't get me wrong, everything is cooked wonderfully which I commend you on. The only problem is that it is all over seasoned making it hard to swallow."

She perked up some giving him a nod, "Then I will get it right next time, you can throw that away."

He shook his head, "Nah, I don't like wasting food. I will eat this, that was just a comment for next time."

She beamed nodding and even taking out a notebook and began making notes, Esme gave him a warm smile along with Carlisle who stood behind her, "So do you play games?" Emmett asked as it was quiet as they all watched him eat.

Ryan shrugged, "Depends on the game."

"Smash Bros?" He asked excited with Jasper also seemingly perking up hearing the game.

Ryan nodded, "Always."