The Allure of Darkness (I)

Mrs. Garcia waited in anticipation as she watched Seraphina eating the first bite of the cake that she baked. Since deserts were considered a luxury, they weren't included in the list of rations that the Afterlife Council provided to the citizens of Shadow City.

It had been forever since Mrs. Garcia last baked or tasted a cake, but when she found out that the Shadow Castle had chocolate biscuits and milk in the kitchen pantry, she immediately thought of baking a cake. Though there was no oven and she used the normal cooking fire, the end result turned out looking quite nice. In addition, it also smelled good, filling half of the ground floor with its delicious sweet aroma.

Her heart was thumping hard and fast in her chest as she waited for Lady Winters' reaction to the cake. The young lady closed her eyes as she chewed on the little piece of cake she just ate, not allowing any emotion to be seen on her face.