11 - ZARA

The next few weeks went by like a blur. Me and Luca couldn't keep our hands off of each other. We would fuck for hours on end…

Hours and hours on fucking end.

I was finally happy.

Luca made me so happy.

People needed mafia men as somebody to point at, and say that they were the bad guys. People who took part in organized crime, selling drugs, killing people who got on the wrong side of them.

But in truth…

Getting to know Luca made me realize that all monsters weren't evil.

Luca never killed innocent people. He always killed people who weren't worthy of breathing, who didn't deserve to live in the first place.

Marcello was a fucker who wasn't worthy of breathing.

Along with the rest of his criminal enterprise…

They took part in human trafficking, exploiting and selling women.

It was disgusting…


His father wasn't innocent either. He thieved my father's business, had my father killed, promised his son my hand in marriage…

For a marriage I never fucking wanted or agreed to in the first place.

Not to mention that Aurora had been such a bitch to me.

Luca might not have been completely innocent himself.

He may have done some fucked-up things in his life.

He may have done things that he regretted.

But at least he didn't exploit women.

People ask for drugs…

But nobody asks to be raped.

For me, the two things can't even be put into the same bracket. Drug addiction and sexual abuse are two completely different ball parks…

And I was just so glad that Luca had the heart in him to help me, from the minute he laid eyes on me.

Knowing that something was wrong.

He wasn't like other people, who wouldn't intervene, who would be too scared to lose their own lives. Who would just stand by and watch, feel guilty, but do nothing about it, claiming that it was 'none of their business'.

Luca risked his life to save me…

And for that, I would eternally be in his debt.

I knew from the moment he took that risk, that he was the man for me.

The man that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.