12 - ZARA

There were only three days left until me, Luca and his friend Fizz were going to make our way back to the United Kingdom.

In all honesty, as beautiful as Italy was, I just couldn't wait to go back, and go back to my normal life.

To go back to studying…

But this time, with a man by my side, who supported me every step of the way on my journey.

I'd spent days packing. Luca had bought me so many different beautiful outfits, it was like I had a new outfit to wear every single day.

And he wasn't even doing it out of kindness. It was because all of my clothes ended up ripped and ruined every time we got down and dirty in the bedroom.

I giggled to myself, before shaking my head, willing myself to concentrate.

These were my last days in the mansion…

It felt a little weird.

In its own fucked-up way, I was going to miss Italy.

Not because all of the terrible shit that happened here.

But if all of this didn't happen, I never would have met Luca…

And meeting Luca was something that I didn't regret at all.

He completed me.

I continued to throw shit into my suitcase. My high-heel pairs, my make-up, my jewelry.

Luca was out with Fizz right now, doing whatever it is that boys do.

I plodded around the mansion, wondering if I'd forgotten anything.

Wondering if I'd left anything of mine in Luca's bedroom.

I made my way into his bedroom, and looked around. Seeing if I'd left any lingerie on the floor, or any skincare products.

I continued to search every nook and cranny, until my eyes darted upwards towards the desk.

Suddenly, my heart was hammering against my chest, as I realized that I was trespassing through Luca's personal belongings, without his permission, without him here in the house.

I noticed his laptop on his desk, unlocked, without a password on it.

I began sweating profusely. I knew that I wasn't supposed to be in here, but at the same time, I knew that Luca wouldn't mind. He trusted me with his life.

As I stared at his computer, I couldn't stop the thoughts from fogging my head, and getting the better of me.

I remembered when Luca and I spent time in the bathroom inside the restaurant, and he told me about his mafia involvement. Told me how quickly he was able to find out things, because of his access to a powerful database.

What if this powerful database was on his computer…?

I swallowed down a lump in my throat, heat roaring through my body.

If his database could find out anything…

Then I wanted to find out where my sister Miriam was.

Now that I'd lost my father, my sister Miriam was the only family I had left.

She'd ran away to get married all those years ago…

It wouldn't hurt to find out where she was now.

I wanted to see her…

To inform her of what happened to Dad.

To tell her how much I missed her.

To make amends.

I nodded to myself. Knowing how close me and Miriam had been, I was sure that she wouldn't mind me finding her.

Especially now that Dad wasn't in the picture anymore…

The only reason she ran away in the first place was because of Dad.

I drew out a sigh that I didn't know I was holding…

Before I took hold of Luca's laptop, and powered up the security system.