Awakening: Saintess End





"... My hair came from My Great Grandmother who married into our family a hundred years ago."

"She came from a small Noble Family in the Center portion of the Continent."

"Though… That's as much as I know from her and how she came to marry Great Grandfather who was a Soldier at the wall." She said with an awkward smile


Dale nodded silently, seemingly satisfied with her answer.

But internally, he shook his head, confirming his suspicions while also being slightly disappointed.

'She's terrible at lying, yet, I can't blame her.'

'If one did not know previously about the letters exchanged between the Commander and his Wife or the ones he exchanged with the King, together with the information from David indicating the woman was Royalty, it would indeed be rather hard to connect all of the dots she left in her conversation.'

'But now I'm sure.'