A Farewell in front of the past





In an abandoned section of Resko covered by dust and vines, two people and one giant green guy gathered in front of a closed Gate half buried in sand.

One of the abandoned entrances of Resko, a once busy street now deserted and cold, almost worse than a ghost town.

They would often times gaze at the distance where strong lights could be seen shining and twinkling...

Resko was slowly coming back to life.


As time passed, the two either reviewed their items or discussed with one another, meanwhile, the green giant had his eyes closed as he rested.

"It's almost the promised time, where's Dale? We have to depart." Tina asked as she crossed her arms

"He should be here soon, but if he gets late I'll go fetch him up." Testros replied as he stared at one of the half-buried buildings, shaking his head

He had once entered that home, it used to be an old toy shop.