The Booming of Brilliance!

For a while, everyone in the arena was full of praise.

Pu Xunya , who was standing off the field, heard the praise, and his face showed a smug expression, as if he was the one who praised him. He looked provocatively in the direction of Li Hanshan and Yuan Shi, and saw each other Also after looking over, he immediately gave a fierce look, opened his mouth and said a few silent words.

Yuan Shi could tell, it was clearly: just wait and kneel down and beg me!

In this regard, Yuan Shi also made his own counterattack. He silently compared two mouth shapes, which immediately made Pu Xunya 's face change, which was very ugly.

Because this is impressively: Face of loneliness!

"Hmph! Let you be arrogant first, and see how proud you are when you lose! Wait, Li Hanshan, I definitely want you to kneel down and beg me!" Pu Xunya thought viciously.

At this time, after Hao Tian finished playing, he also saluted the three judges sitting in the judging booth, and said politely: "I hope the three seniors can give me some advice!"

Hearing this, the piano critic Ji Liu put down the coffee in his hand, and said with a frown: "First of all, thank you for inviting me to drink this cup of coffee. The taste of Left Bank coffee is really good!"

Hearing this, the manager of Zuman Coffee, who was originally maintaining order, said with a smile, "It's good to get a compliment from Mr. Ji Liu. My coffee seems to be worth a lot!"

"Haha..." There was a burst of good-natured laughter from the audience.

Obviously, they all know this interesting fact about Ji Liu! It is indeed difficult to get a good one from the other party!

Ji Liu didn't pay attention to this kind smile, but said with a straight face: "Since you want me to comment, then I will rely on the old and sell the old to comment!"

"This song, 'Immortality of Loneliness' is a very brisk and lively piece, and you played it very well, and I also enjoyed it very much, but in the middle, you did make a mistake, although the mistake was very small , but for a pianist like you, it is very fatal!"

"I think you understand in your heart what I'm talking about! If you admit it, it means that you still have merit. If you don't, then I can only say that your piano journey has come to an end! In addition, in the end I still want to say something, as a pianist of your level, you really shouldn't make such a mistake! You can even make a mistake in a piano grade 13 assessment piece! This is simply laughable!"

Ji Liu's comment was very vicious, and he didn't save any face at all!

The audience present were stunned, and even Hao Tian was a little embarrassed.

The audience doubted whether Ji Liu's comment was correct. After all, it sounded very smooth to them, and there was nothing wrong with it!

But for Hao Tian, it was because of Ji Liu's ruthless comments that he was a little bit embarrassed for a while.

However, he is a pianist after all. After the initial embarrassment, he was silent for a moment, and then said frankly: "Mr. Ji Liu's comment is right. I did make a mistake, but enough to be fatal!"


As soon as this remark came out, there was an uproar in the audience!

None of the audience at the end thought that Ji Liu was really right in his comment, and what made them even more unexpected was that everyone in Hao Tian was really wrong! And he admitted it so frankly!

For a moment, all the audience looked at this scene in disbelief!

And the field was instantly quiet.

But then, there was a sudden burst of applause. At first, only one person applauded, but then more and more people applauded, and finally everyone applauded, the applause was like thunder.

They looked at Hao Tian with a touch of approval and respect in their eyes.

This is a round of applause for everyone in Hao Tian to admit their mistakes frankly!

After all, at Hao Tian's level, the most important thing is his own reputation. Now Hao Tian would admit that he made such a small mistake. Just this kindness alone is enough to make them applaud and admire him!

The Judge Ji Liu saw Hao Tian admit it frankly, and his originally serious face relaxed a little, so he couldn't help but nodded slightly.

The other two judges also made some comments, which were similar to Ji Liu's comments, but the words were more euphemistic. After all, they were old artists and literati.

After some comments, the host came to the stage again and said loudly with a smile on his face: "Although Hao Tian made some small mistakes in his performance, it is still a rare musical influence for us. Thank you again Everyone, Hao Tian!"

There was a burst of applause.

After the applause stopped, the supporter said: "Everyone Hao Tian from Changchun Piano Shop has finished playing, and the next one is the performer from Ziyang Piano Hall, but we don't know who the performer from Ziyang Piano Hall is, let us Let's wait and see!"

As soon as this remark came out, Yuan Shi could even see Zheng Bing's father's face twitching, and the cold sweat poured out uncontrollably.

Li Hanshan was also crying in a hurry!

The performer...the pianists from the Ziyang Piano Hall all ran away, where did the performer come from!

Li Hanshan's father showed a look of anxiety on his face, but no one suddenly stood up to help him save the scene when he was anxious!

The venue suddenly became cold!

Everyone was looking at the Ziyang Piano Hall strangely, wondering why their performers hadn't come out yet?

But at this moment, Pu Xunya 's eyes were full of pleasure.

"Hey, Li Hanshan's pianist in your family has been won over by me. I'll see how you end up this time! Just wait and kneel down and beg me!" Thinking this way, Pu Xunya even thought of pressing Li Hanshan under him. Below him, let him do whatever he wants.

He couldn't help showing a touch of joy on his face!

As for Yuan Shi, Pu Xunya didn't forget either!

"As soon as the game is over, find someone to investigate him! If he has no background, break his leg! Let him know what happens if he dares to provoke me!" Pu Xunya smiled coldly.

When he thought that he was actually teased by that Yuan Shi, he hated it!

Pu Xunya had never experienced such humiliation before, how could he let it go!

No one stood up to perform for a long time, and the audience also had some discussions. Li Hanshan's father was sweating. Just when he was about to stand up and admit defeat, and when Li Hanshan was about to cry anxiously, a figure appeared Open everyone, stand up!

"This is..."

"he is..."

The audience at the end suddenly saw a young man walking out and onto the stage, and they were taken aback for a moment then started to pointed at him in suppose as he just walked on stage.

Hearing the audience's comments, Li Hanshan was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help but look up, but saw a familiar figure standing out—Yuan Shi!

"Ah..." Li Hanshan couldn't help covering his mouth, with an expression of disbelief.

But then she said anxiously, "Yuan Shi, come down quickly! This is a contest between pianists, why do you go up and get involved!"

Hearing this, Yuan Shi turned around and gave Li Hanshan a smile, telling her to be calm. Then turned around to look at the piano, Yuan Shi smiled slightly, took a deep breath, and said in his heart, "please Liszt, let me bloom your brilliance in this time and space together today or parallel world today!"

Then stride and onto the stage!