The Inheritance Level Has Been Showed

Amidst the doubts of all the audience, a young man walked onto the circular stage, which immediately made everyone gasp.

Looking up, I saw this man wearing a white T-shirt, supported by his broad shoulders, his long legs set off by his frayed jeans, and his hair, which was not very long and was well-groomed. Supple, hanging down naturally, with some slight curls, reflecting some golden light under the sunlight.

There was a smile on his handsome face, his face was a little pale, and his eyes were deep, as if he could look straight into people's hearts. When he walked on the stage, people thought he was just an ordinary young man, but suddenly at this moment Put on a temperament.

That temperament is hard to describe, if I have to describe it, I can only say it is self-confidence!

A kind of as if nothing is impossible, a kind of strong self-confidence in oneself, a kind of... aloof and self-confidence that dominates all mountains and small mountains and sighs that the world is invincible!

"This is really an artist!" a customer couldn't help murmuring.

"Fuck! Look at this temperament, who is this great god? He is so young!" Another customer couldn't help but exclaimed.

Because the voice was too loud, it attracted some reproachful eyes, which made him shrink his neck uncontrollably.

And there are even some female customers, whose eyes are blurred at this time, regardless of age, they instantly turned into little fans.

"Wow! So handsome!"

"Long-legged Brother!"

"This boy is so handsome! I really want to fall in love with you, it's so wonderful to think about it!"

"Bah! Shameless, this is obviously my husband!"

Seeing the wealthy daughters of the upper class present, the wealthy young women were about to quarrel, the host suddenly felt dizzy, and hurriedly asked: "This... this gentleman, who are you?"

"We are here today to discuss among pianists. If there is nothing wrong, can you go down?"

Hearing this, Yuan Shi showed a smile, and said softly: "I am the pianist of Zhiyuan Piano Hall, and I am Yuan Shi!"

"Wow! My male god's voice is so nice!"

"Yes! It's very magnetic! Besides, this is my husband!"

"Nonsense, this is my husband, you shameless wenches are not allowed to rob my husband!"

There is no doubt that the above words must have come from a woman who turned into a little girl.

"What! A real pianist! Such a young pianist!"

"Although he is very handsome, piano lessons require hard work! He is so young, so he is not very skilled in piano skills! He is actually a pianist in Ziyang Piano House. Is there no one in Ziyang Piano Store?" some male customers looked at Yuan Shi, who came to the stage and attracted so many women's eyes, said with a little jealousy.

"What's the use of being handsome! Being handsome doesn't mean you have a good piano memory!"

Some men said sourly, and at this time Pu Xunya saw Yuan Shi coming on stage and attracted the attention of so many women, he was very jealous, and couldn't help but jumped out and said, "He's not a pianist, he's just a pianist. It's just a boy!"

Hearing Pu Xunya 's words, those women were immediately unhappy!

"Bah! You are the jerk! Your whole family are jerks!"

"How dare you slander my male god, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth apart!"

"Looking at your ugly appearance, you must be jealous of my Oppa's handsomeness, so you deliberately slander me, it's really vicious!"

"That's right! To actually slander my husband is truly despicable!"

Hearing this, Pu Xunya 's face turns green and pale!

He didn't expect that because of his words, he would become the target of public criticism, and suddenly he felt like he was about to spit out a mouthful of old blood!

But he didn't dare to speak back.

After all, the women who come to Zuman Coffee to eat are either wealthy or high-class celebrities. Although he is the son of Changchun Music Company, one of the best in Shanghai, he dare not offend them!

I could only smash my teeth and swallow it in my stomach, but when I looked at Yuan Shi, there was more resentment!

Seeing that the situation on the scene was almost out of control, the host couldn't help but lamented the fighting power of these women, but for the sake of the smooth progress of the competition, he hurriedly said: "Sir, if you are not a pianist, please go down! Don't interrupt our game to continue!"

"If you're a pianist, you'll know if you try it!" Yuan Shi smiled, ignored the host, and instead sat directly in front of the piano and said calmly.

"This..." The host still wanted to stop him, but at this moment, Mr. Lang Lang, the vice president of the Shanghai Pianist Association, waved his hand, signaling that he didn't need to stop him, and said with a smile: "Since this little If you are willing to perform on stage, then give him a chance!"

"We are here today to discuss the piano, so what's the harm in letting this little friend try?"

Mr. Lang Lang is worthy of being a piano master of the generation, and his personality is also very gentle. After hearing Mr. Lang Lang's words, the host felt that something was wrong, but that was the only way to go.

The spectators off the court sat there quietly.

They want to see how capable this young man who suddenly came up is!

At this time, Pu Xunya , who was standing under the stage, looked at Yuan Shi with resentment. Seeing him sitting in front of the piano, he couldn't help showing a hint of ridicule on his face, and sarcastically said: "A person who doesn't know how to get along with Yuan Shi?" How can a wild kid want to play the piano in delusion, it's just ridiculous! Piano is a high-end art, do you have the qualifications to play it!"

As soon as this remark came out, the three review teachers sitting in the review seats all frowned involuntarily, and the audience in the audience was also a little unhappy.

Pu Xunya 's words are a little too much!

"Whether you are qualified or not, we can only make a conclusion after playing it!" Yuan Shi smiled lightly, and then put his hands on the keys of the piano.

Pressed it casually to test the sound, and when his hands were placed on the keys, a familiar feeling suddenly emerged, and Yuan Shi seemed to have an illusion in a trance, as if At this moment, this piano has been integrated with him, doing as he pleases.

When Yuan Shi was auditioning, he didn't know that when he put his hands on the keys, his temperament suddenly changed.

This kind of change caused the audience in the audience, and even the three judges in the judging booth to stare involuntarily, and couldn't help but gasp slightly.

"This is..."

"This feeling..."

"This temperament..."

"These notes from his hands..."

A strange feeling suddenly emerged in everyone's hearts at this moment. Although the person sitting in front of them was only a young man, when they looked at this young man, it was as if they were in the golden hall of Vienna, listening to those The live performance of the piano master is average!

This illusion made them a little stunned!

Before they could figure out this feeling carefully, Yuan Shi had already adapted to the end.

Glancing at the crowd, Yuan Shi thought, "Let you feel what a real piano is, and what is a Inheritance musical level!" Then he softly struck the first note, and the performance began—— !

"This is... "Immortality of Loneliness, the major hit song!"

"He's actually playing "Immortality of Loneliness"! Everyone in front of Hao Tian is ahead of others. Although there are some mistakes, they are still above the standard. It's rare that he dares to play "Major hit song, Immortality of Loneliness"!"

"If he plays something else, maybe we can listen to it, but with Hao Tian's "Immortality of Loneliness," played by everyone, unless this young man can surpass him, our senses will definitely be much worse! Because we will Involuntary comparison!"

"Hey! This young man is still a little immature!"

All the audience thought secretly in their hearts, and couldn't help frowning on their faces, feeling a little bit dispirited.

But at this moment, the music from the piano made everyone startled...