The Battle of Go, I have control!

After looking at Yuan Shi for a long time, he nodded and said with emotion, "Masters are born from old age, and heroes are born from youth!"

Speaking of this, Gu Yi said again, "By the way, little Yuan, I just noticed that you were watching the game from the side. Presumably you know something about Go! How about we talk about a game?"

Hearing this, Lang Lang immediately laughed and scolded, "Good old Gu, your hands are itchy and even bully a young man! You must know that you are..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Gu Yi. Gu Yi said, "It's just a matter of skill and learning! Little friend Yuan Shi, let's have a game?"

Hearing Gu Yi's words, Yuan Shi was also a little moved.

He has just learned to be proficient in Go, and he has the Datong formula and the theory of chess. Yuan Shi really has some skills and wants to practice a game. Now he sees that Gu Yi is good at chess, so he can talk about a game and test himself at the same time using Go formula from the system!

Thinking of this, Yuan Shi immediately said, "Then I hope the old man will show mercy!"

After all, Yuan Shi was the opposite of Gu Yi.

Gu Yi said with a smile, "There's no need to 'guess who goes first' between the two of us, you just stick to the black and go first!"

The so-called guess first is to decide who takes the black and white stones.

Generally, the older side grabs a handful of white pieces, while the younger player puts one or two black pieces on the board to indicate a single or double guess.

When Gu Yi said this, he obviously gave way to Yuan Shi, and Yuan Shi didn't show any pretense, and just picked up the pieces and set up the pattern of the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth.

This swing immediately made Gu Yi gasp, feeling a gust of wind blowing towards his face, and his expression changed immediately.

But this aura quickly dissipated, which made Gu Yi also have a look of doubt on his face.

He had never seen such a move before!

And the aura just now... Could it be just his hallucination?

I couldn't help being a little confused for a while, but then I realized that maybe the young man in front of me was not very skilled at chess, and I had some hallucinations, thinking like this, Gu Yi relaxed, and started to make moves step by step. .

Seeing Gu Yi's move, which was obviously underestimating the enemy, Yuan Shi couldn't help smiling, and started to make a move too.

With the proficiency of a Go master, coupled with the formula of the Great Harmony of the World and the theory of chess, Gu Yi dared to underestimate the enemy. This is obviously an act of courting death!

In the following chess game, Yuan Shi took advantage of the unpredictability of the heaven and earth Datong formula, coupled with the theory of chess and insight into Gu Yi's next move, not only brought the opponent into his own rhythm.

Every step of Gu Yi is completely under Yuan Shi's control!

As the chess game continued to unfold, Gu Yi was also getting more and more difficult. When it was in the middle, Gu Yi's face suddenly changed.

He immediately realized that he underestimated the enemy!

The person in front of him is not a novice who doesn't know how to play Go, but he is clearly a very hidden superb Go player!

Gu Yi even felt that every move of his chess was under the control of the opponent. This guess made Gu Yi terrified, and at the same time he had to mobilize all his energy and concentrate on it.

Gu Yi's chess skills are indeed advanced. With his full concentration, Yuan Shi also had to cheer up and deal with it with all his strength. He used chess theory to gain insight into the opponent's thinking, and he took one step and counted a hundred moves, completely control the chess game .

While the two were concentrating on playing chess, Father Li had already brought an old man over. After seeing the two of them playing chess, he also stood on the sides to watch the game.

It's just that as he watched the battle, the old man couldn't help showing a look of horror on his face!

Gu Yi was in the middle of the game, so he couldn't see it, but the old gentleman was watching the battle, but he could see it clearly. All Gu Yi's moves seemed to be completely under the control of this young man. Thinking of this, the old man Mr. was shocked!

The young man in front of him is actually in full control of the overall situation in the chess game with Gu Yi, what a level this should be!

How advanced his chess skills should be!

You know, Gu Yi is a national Go player. In the early years, he defeated Go masters all over the world many times, won the first place in Go, and won the champion of many international Go competitions. His chess skills can be said to be very advanced!

It's just that in recent years, there have been some outstanding juniors in China. In order to make way for them, Gu Yi quit the chess world and did not appear on the field!

But even so, Gu Yi is also the number one Go player in the world!

Such a Go master, unexpectedly lost to the young man in front of him!

The old gentleman watching the battle has already set off a stormy sea!

And just when the old man was shocked, the chess game had already progressed to the backcourt. As the pieces kept falling, Gu Yi had to think for a long time every time he made a move. No need to think about it at all!

This put a lot of pressure on Gu Yi!


Yuan Shi black piece landed violently, centering on the point where he was playing chess, a gust of wind and waves appeared out of nowhere in the entire pavilion, blowing the surrounding flowers and plants into the air.

This scene horrified the old gentleman who watched the match even more, with an unbelievable look on his face, "This... this... the embodiment of chess skills... this is the embodiment of chess skills..."

There was an unbelievable expression on his face, as if he had seen a ghost, and he murmured, "It is said that Go can form a chess style when it reaches a certain level, and it can be realized in reality, just like Confucianism. Ghosts and gods are like Yiyi... I thought this was just the imagination of the ancients, but...but who would have was true!"

"It turned out to be true!"

Yuan Shi didn't know the inner thoughts of the old man watching the battle. After he landed a sunspot, Yuan Shi had already concluded that he had won this round!

Sure enough, after seeing Yuan Shi's move, Gu Yi thought about it for nearly ten minutes before his face suddenly changed, with a shocked expression on his face, he exclaimed, " have been controlling the chess game, even controlling my moves... you can actually see the moves after dozens of moves! This... How is this possible!"

Gu Yi cried out in horror, but the white piece in his hand could not be dropped no matter what, his right hand holding the white was trembling constantly, his eyes widened and he wanted to find the point to break the game, but he still couldn't find it! Even the first five moves he couldn't even find it with his insights!

After thinking for a while, the white piece in his hand finally couldn't handle it, and fell on the chessboard with a bang...

"I lost..." Gu Yi said in a miserable voice with a frustrated face and a smile.