Unveiling the Unthinkable: Gu Yi's Defeat

Gasps echoed through the audience as those words reverberated, leaving everyone stunned in disbelief.

For two decades, Gu Yi had reigned undefeated, an indomitable force in the realm of chess. He had claimed the title of the top Go player, fending off challengers with ease. Even the most promising young talents struggled to stand against him.

But now, the unimaginable had happened—Gu Yi had tasted defeat.

The onlookers wore expressions of sheer horror, grappling with the incomprehensible scene before them. The chessboard displayed a defeated Gu Yi, his countenance reflecting the harsh reality that this was no illusion.

A collective gasp escaped Lang Lang's lips, his eyes locked on Yuan Shi, who radiated a serene smile. A tempest surged within Lang Lang's heart, for this young prodigy was not only a master of the piano but had also triumphed over the national Go champion. The depths of this enigmatic individual seemed boundless, his secrets shrouded in an aura of intrigue.

Even the elderly gentleman, newly arrived, stood transfixed by the unfolding match. His face, once impassive, now bore a mask of astonishment. He struggled to find words, his voice silent as he attempted to articulate the indescribable.

In their hearts, a mixture of awe and trepidation swirled, for the revelation of Yuan Shi's talents had surpassed all expectations. The magnitude of his hidden depths remained a mystery, a testament to the unfathomable power that lay within this remarkable young man.

This time he came here originally to find Gu Yi, a Go master, to come out to solve a major issue in the Go world, but at this moment, he discovered that Gu Yi, the undefeated legend in the chess world, lost just like this...

After being shocked, the old man suddenly turned his gaze to Yuan Shi, with a smoldering look in his eyes.

Originally, he wanted to invite Gu Yi, but now, he found that he had a better choice!

Although Yuan Shi is just a newcomer in the Go world and has no record before, the old man can clearly see that Yuan Shi has been suppressing Gu Yi during the game. It was Luozi who had been controlYuang Gu Yi.

The old man was a bystander, he saw the truth, if Yuan Shi hadn't been concerned about Gu Yi's face, Gu Yi would have been killed by the dragon in the middle of the chess game!

It can be said that Yuan Shi has not displayed his true strength at all!

However, he didn't even show his true strength, but he was able to control the overall situation in the game against Gu Yi. Thinking about it carefully, this is simply terrifying!

Not only that, but when he made the last move, he actually formed the legendary chess style...

What does this mean?

This means that Yuan Shi's chess skills have reached the point of perfection!

This kind of calculation ability, this kind of chess strength, is simply unprecedented!

If Yuan Shi could be persuaded to make a move, then he would have a little more confidence in solving the big matter in his heart!

As soon as he thought of this, he looked at Yuan Shi even more eagerly!

Li Hanshan looked at the silence of the audience at the moment, and Yuan Shi, who looked at Yuan Shi with a pair of eyebrows, was also a little more curious.

Although he didn't know Go, but seeing the expressions on the faces of these people present, he also knew that Yuan Shi's victory over Gu Yi seemed to be a very powerful thing, and he couldn't help feeling a little more proud in his heart.

It was as if Yuan Shi's success was related to her, which made him feel more honored!

Thinking of this, Li Hanshan looked at the tens of minutes of video in his hand again, rolled his eyes, and then posted it on Weibo, and added a sentence, "Dinning with my father today, bring our The piano master went together, and our piano master played Go with an old grandfather and won the game! It seems to be very good!"

She made this video just because watching Yuan Shi's focused expression when playing chess with Gu Yi was fascinating, so she secretly recorded it by accident.

After uploading, Li Hanshan looked like a cat that had been steaYuang fish, showing a pair of canine teeth, and narrowing his eyebrows, looking very lazy and cute.

After uploading the video, Li Hanshan closed WeChat, but she didn't know that just because of this video of hers, it caused another uproar on the Internet!


The venue was silent for a long time, Yuan Shi looked at the dull faces of the four old men, couldn't help coughing, and said, "Well, I don't think it's early, should we have dinner? ?"

This sentence pulled the old men out of their sluggishness. Gu Yi looked at the chess game with a look of emotion on his face, and then looked at Yuan Shi's young face with an extremely complicated look in his eyes, sighing He took a deep breath and said, "The waves behind the Yangtze River push the waves ahead, the younger generation is awesome!"

"Little friend Yuan, can you tell me what formula you used in this game of chess?"

Yuan Shi said, "This is the formula of the Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth!"

"Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth?"

Hearing this, Gu Yi was taken aback for a moment, then carefully recalled the chess game, and finally sighed suddenly, and said with emotion, "Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth... Great Harmony of Heaven and Earth, this name is well-deserved! I... am not as good as you!"

While the two were talking, Father Li and the other two old men also came to their senses at this time, they all looked shocked, and the horror in their hearts has not subsided until now.

Seeing that the atmosphere seemed a bit delicate, Father Hanshan quickly stood up and smoothed things over and said, "Everyone, we are here for dinner today! I think we should eat first now. Let's talk while eating, what do you think?"

"Alright, alright, let's eat first! Eat first!" Hearing Father Hanshan's words, Lang Lang also said hastily.

Gu Yi and the other old man also nodded. Seeing this scene, Father Hanshan Turriedly called for a few maids and asked them to prepare the dishes.

restaurant not only has a beautiful environment, but also cooks top-notch dishes, which is why it attracts many rich and famous people to come here to make reservations for dinner.

For them, coming to listen to YuGuan to eat, not only can they eat with style and status, but also with delicious food!

Soon, the dishes on the table were served, and a few people were sitting in the booth, drinking a pot of Restaurant of Tang's specialty wine, Hanshan's father introduced to Yuan Shi,

"Yuan Shi, let me introduce these few dishes to you. bit!"

"This is Mr. Lang Lang, the vice president of the Shanghai Pianist Association and the dean of the Piano Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music. Last time we were at Zuman Café Shop, Mr. Lang was one of the three judges. You should still have an impression!"

Yuan Shi Turriedly greeted him and toasted Lang Lang at the same time.

Although Lang Lang is not as good as himself in piano skills, and even though he is a master, Lang Lang is a highly respected senior after all, so he should be respected!

"This is Gu Yi, Mr. Gu. He is a highly respected national player in our country's go world. Number one chess player!" Father Hanshan introduced again.