Revelations and Reflections: The Unparalleled Gu Yi

As Hanshan's father's response reached Yuan Shi's ears, sudden realization washed over him. It became clear why Gu Yi's chess prowess appeared formidable, even comparable to the renowned "Chess Masters." In the realm of the "Youth Go Competition," Gu Yi's strength rivaled Yuan Shi's.

However, the reason for Yuan Shi's straightforward victory was unveiled—it lay within the formula of heaven and earth and the principles of chess that he possessed, granting him an effortless triumph. Without this extraordinary knowledge, defeating Gu Yi solely based on chess prowess would have posed a formidable challenge.

Gu Yi, expressing a mix of admiration and humility, acknowledged the truth of Yuan Shi's superiority. "If you had mentioned this before today, I would have gladly accepted it. But now, standing before Yuan Shi, I dare not claim the title of the world's best. It would be an embarrassment."

Father Li, somewhat sheepish, smiled awkwardly, swiftly diverting the conversation to introduce the final guest. "Yuan Shi, may I present the current vice president of our Go Association, Qin Li and Qin Chi!"

Yuan Shi extended a warm smile and a handshake to greet the Qin siblings. "Hello, Mr. Qin!" he cordially greeted.

"Masters emerge from youth! Who could have fathomed that you possessed such remarkable chess power at such a tender age? It's simply beyond imagination!" Qin Li exclaimed, unable to contain his amazement.

Yuan Shi couldn't help but smile in response. Even he, before the Urban Leveling Up Reading System, would have found his own abilities incredible. However, with the system's aid, the inconceivable and implausible became reality.

With introductions complete, the dinner table embraced a lively atmosphere. As toasts were exchanged and the mood grew convivial, Lang Lang spoke up. "Yuan Shi, I actually invited you here today because I wanted to treat you to dinner. There is something I need your assistance with."

"Mr. Lang is too modest. If there is anything you need, as long as I can do it, you can just tell me!" Yuan Shi said hastily.

"It's like this. There were only two masters in our Chinese piano industry, but those two masters are now old and have no energy to play. This is really a big loss for us Chinese! I thought that after the second elder passed away, our Chinese would be in a stage of being out of touch, but who knows, it just so happened that you appeared at this time, which can be said to have solved the urgent need of our piano culture in China!"

"Yuan Shi, the talents in our piano industry are dying now. Although there are many young piano lovers who want to learn piano, they suffer from the lack of guidance from famous teachers. Therefore, we hope that you, a piano master, can stand up and lead us* *The rise of the piano industry, what do you think?"

"This..." Hearing this, Yuan Shi said hastily, "How can He, the young boy, be able to lead the world of piano?"

"You are too modest!" Lang Lang said, "You may not know how important you are to our Chinese piano industry now! Because of you, our Chinese piano industry will not be indifferent when facing other countries. We will get angry, and we will not be laughed at by them, "There will be no masters after Lang Lang"!"

Lang Lang looked at Yuan Shi and said sincerely, "Now, we need you, and the Chinese piano industry needs you to stand up and carry the banner of the piano industry! For this reason, on behalf of the Shanghai Pianists Association As the vice president of the association, I invite you to join the Shanghai Piano Association and serve as a director of the association. at the same time, as the dean of the Piano Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, I invite you to be an honorary professor of the Piano Department!"

"This..." Hearing Lang Lang's sincere words, Yuan Shi showed a look of embarrassment on his face, and said, "Mr. Lang, thank you for your invitation and promotion, but I am just a fresh graduate at the moment. Is there something wrong with what the professor said?"

"Special issues are treated specially in special times! Regarding the issue of inviting you to be the honorary professor of the Piano Department of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music, I have already discussed with the school leaders and department leaders when I came here, and your professorship has been unanimously approved. You nod your head in agreement, and the title of professor will be sent immediately!"

"In addition, the Pianist Association has already passed the articles of association for you to serve as a director. As long as you join, the association will immediately issue an announcement!"

"Old Lang, it's not that I don't want to, it's just that I'm afraid I can't go to class because of personal matters! You asked me to be this professor, and I don't know how to teach them! I can't do things that hurt people's children. Come!" Yuan Shi smiled wryly.

"You don't have to worry about this. The honorary professor is just a temporary appointment to recognize your title of professor, but you don't need to come to class every day. In fact, as the master of our china piano field, you only need to come to the students when you are free. It is enough to play a piece, let the students experience the performance level of the master, and raise a few points a little bit!"

"As for the pianist association, it is more free. The association will not restrict you. Usually, most of the members of the association are studying all over the world. Only when there is a plenary meeting, will you be invited to come!" , Lang Lang said, "What do you think of such conditions?"

Looking at Lang Lang's expectant face, after hearing these words, Yuan Shi couldn't find a reason to refuse. He just pondered for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay! If that's the case, then I will accept you I just hope that in the future, Mr. Lang, you don't want to say that Mr. Qi understood my son!"

"No, no!" Hearing Yuan Shi's words, a look of excitement appeared on Lang Lang's face, and then he quickly took out two documents from his bag, one was membership of the Shanghai Pianist Association Invitation, the other is the qualification review of professors of the Shanghai Conservatory of Music.

"Yuan Shi, let's sign the document now! If you sign it early, I can rest assured!" Lang Lang said impatiently.

Seeing that the steel seals on these two documents had been changed, Yuan Shi couldn't help smiling wryly as he only needed to sign his name on the documents that would take effect immediately.

He suddenly had a feeling of being betrayed!

Shaking his head, he expelled the messy thoughts from his mind, then picked up the signature pen, reading the documents, and signed his name on the two documents!

There were two copies, and a total of four needed to be signed. After signing, Lang Lang took two copies, left two copies for Yuan Shi and asked him to keep them, and then he smiled.

There was an unconcealable excitement in his expression.