
Max took Justin to meet his grandparents as he had promised him. Alayna's mother was delighted to meet him. She too longed to meet since he was born, she'd heard a lot about his little mischievous acts and his sweet loving nature. She took him to the lawn and showed him the places where his mother spent her childhood.

On the other hand, Alayna's father only looked at him once and went to his study room. Justin was disheartened by this. His grandmother saw this and took him to the kitchen. She asked him if he likes cookies. He told her that he loves cookies. She baked him a lot of cookies and told him that she will make him more when he finishes.

Justin was happy to meet his grandmother, but also wanted to spend some time with his grandfather. Alayna's mother got her spirit back and asked Max to bring him every day to see her. Max concurred with her request and brought Justin whenever he got the time because he saw that he got his mother back, which he had been yearning for all these years. Alayna's father gets to see him too, but he doesn't talk to Justin, just silently watches him play. Justin has a very friendly trait. He tried his best to talk to his grandfather, and with constant effort, his grandfather started talking to him and playing with him. As Alayna's father saw Justin playing in the garden, he couldn't help but notice the striking resemblance between his grandson and Alayna when she was a child. He wants to meet her, and he feels sorry for what he did to her in pride, but he doesn't dare to face her now that he realizes all the damage he's done. In the beginning, he believed what he was doing was right, but by spending time with Justin, he realized that he was wrong, and he should have supported her when she desperately needed him. Max saw his father struggling to face Alayna.

He resented his father a lot, for not helping Alayna when she was in the worst place of her life and for stopping the investigation. Despite all that he still wished for his family to be back together.

Alayna is too busy with her job to keep checking on where Max and Justin go and what they do. She is relieved that at least there is someone who can take care of her child when she is not there for him.

One Morning , Max came to meet Alayna and asked her to come with him. He wants her to meet someone. He took her to a café near the hospital. As she entered the café, she saw her mother playing with Justin. She could not control her tears. She was not able to confront her mother. Max put his hands on her shoulder and patted gently and assured her that it's alright with a gentle smile on his face and by shaking his head in a way that says don't worry I am here for you.

Alayna started walking towards the table where her mother was sitting and talking with Justin. When her mother saw her, she immediately ran towards her, hugged her and asked her to forgive her. Both of them could not say anything, they just kept crying.

Everyone in the café was looking at them and was cheering them up on their reunion. Alayna could not say much, but she had a lot to ask and tell her mother, but she silently sat on the chair and watched her mother talking to her. It was overwhelming for Alayna. She used to imagine the day when she could meet her parents, and now when she met her mother, she couldn't say anything. Alayna thanked her brother for helping her breakthrough her boundaries of resentment and for letting her meet her mother.