Chapter 23: Fire one shot, and nine generations of your family will be executed!

A shot goes off, and your whole nine clans are annihilated!

It sounds good.

But... it's not of much use to him.

It wasn't until he saw that all the monsters were squirming worms that a somewhat crazy and gamblers-like idea began to surge in his heart.

Chen Yi took a deep breath, forcibly suppressed his emotions, learned the skill, then tightly gripped the sniper rifle in his hand, stood up at the edge of the roof, and looked down at those monsters.

"Since they are all Insect Race monsters."

"There must be an Origin, right?"

"So that's what you mean, Yi!"

At this moment, the Tuberculosis Rabbit also realized it, a glint of ecstasy flickering in its eyes: "Doesn't that mean, as long as we find the Origin of this Insect Tide, we can kill off all these insects with one shot?"

"Just... Yi, are you sure that this Insect Tide really has an Origin?"

"Not sure."

Chen Yi transformed the sniper rifle into a Christmas Cane and held it in his hand as he stood at the edge of the rooftop and shook his head: "But if everything is going according to the game, there should be an Origin."

"This Origin will likely appear as the biggest boss."

At that moment—

An earth-shattering roar could already be heard coming from ahead!

Only then did Chen Yi realize that the crossbows in the soldiers' hands were not props but modern industrialized weapons!

That's right, firearms were unusable, but that didn't mean mechanical weapons like crossbows couldn't be used.

Almost every soldier had one.

The dense steel crossbow arrows, like a sky filled with flying feathers, suppressed the first wave of monsters, those with hateful expressions, silently fell to the ground riddled with arrows.

Besides that.

There were about a dozen military men standing in the middle of the defense line, sprinkling something with their hands continuously, and with each wave, a burst of colorful light would sprinkle onto the soldiers in combat.

Obviously, they were applying buffs and the like.

There was even a middle-aged man in a military uniform who blew a horn, and the crossbow arrows stuck in the monsters' bodies actually returned the same way they came.

Perfect retrieval of crossbow arrows during battle.

Then there were nearly a thousand military personnel holding various melee weapons, standing by coldly, ready to take over at any moment.

Chen Yi was somewhat shaken by this.

He had assumed that the military people were all sticklers, maybe not quite able to adapt, to a world that had suddenly been saddled with something as absurd and outrageous as a game.

Looking at it now.

The military had not only adapted quickly but had adapted very well!

Through various props and skills, they had already developed a set of tactics that, while still a bit immature, would definitely evolve more and more as time went on.


Chen Yi also took a shot out of curiosity.

A bit of blood appeared on the head of a monster in the midst of the Insect Tide, obviously without serious harm, not even bothering to glance in Chen Yi's direction.

Completely useless.

His sniper rifle, in this situation, was utterly useless.

But he did notice one interesting point.

There were no damage numbers popping up over the monster's head, and he wondered if it was only when attacking a boss that blood-red numbers representing damage would float up.

But... there were just too many in the Insect Tide.

The crossbow arrows alone were not enough to stop these densely packed insects.

It soon came to close combat, these fearlessly fierce monsters wildly charged toward the military ranks!!

Casualties occurred quickly.

Without any hesitation.

The nearly one thousand people wielding melee weapons who had been on standby rushed to meet the monsters, and colorful lights sprinkled on these people, while those with crossbows quickly retreated, continuing to look for the right opportunity in the rear.

Three minutes later.

Those with melee weapons also quickly retreated, providing enough shooting space for their comrades in the rear with crossbows, as a volley of arrows continued to shoot straight through.

It's a pity they weren't bows and arrows.

In terms of area attack.

The penetrating power of crossbow arrows was still not as effective as the splatter damage bows and arrows could provide.

The players who had volunteered to come and defend were now each charging toward the monsters they had found alone.

Urban combat was the most brutal.

The players used all kinds of means to bury those monsters that had rushed into the streets right where they were.

They were going to let these monsters know that this steel jungle was a forbidden area for all monsters.

Casualties kept occurring.

Perhaps the existence of version updates, props, and Skill Fragments made everyone subconsciously think this was just a game, but when the former comrades appeared before their own eyes.

Only then did everyone realize that this was not a game but a war.

It was a war where failure would mean the annihilation of their kind.


"Did you find it, Yi?"

At this point, the war had fully escalated.

The military personnel were retreating step by step, and they didn't even have time to collect the bodies anymore, with no reinforcements left!

You should know that the Insect Tide was not only attacking Yancheng from this direction but was coming from all sides, and the battles in other directions were equally intense, leaving no chance to send more help.

The Law Enforcement Bureau was already in the city center, loudly urging capable men over loudspeakers to go to the front lines for support!

It was quite obvious.

The only way to save Yancheng now was for all the players in the city to unite and fight against those monsters.

With the mobilization, indeed, many men, looking fearful but roaring fiercely, grabbed all sorts of weapons and headed from the city center to the edges to join the battle.

They were afraid to come, but many were aware that if Yancheng couldn't be held, everyone would die.

They fled back to the city center to protect their families.

They picked up weapons and went to the front lines for the same reason—to protect their families.


Chen Yi stood at the edge of a rooftop, his expression slightly grim, his eyes unwavering as he continually searched within the Insect Tide but found no monster that stood out from the rest.

Could his conjecture have been wrong?

There was no Insect Race Queen or anything like that among these monsters?

If he could just find the Insect Race Queen, he could activate the Skill he had just acquired and instantly deal with all of these Insect Race monsters.


Just as Chen Yi was preparing to climb to a taller building not far away to find a better vantage point.

His eyes suddenly lit up as he stared at a monster in the beast tide nearby, a creature as tall as three men, emitting a blissful growl.

This monster was much larger than the other Insect Race monsters and had a bloated off-white rear.

Standing motionless in the midst of the Insect Tide, yet monsters charging forward by its side would automatically move slightly to the side when passing by, indicating that this monster's status in the Insect Tide was certainly not low!

Immediately after, without any hesitation, Chen Yi transformed the sniper rifle into a Christmas Cane, ready to go down the building and find a way to that Insect Race Origin.

But it was just as he glanced at the Insect Race Origin before leaving.

A panel suddenly appeared before his eyes.

'Monster Name': First-Level Insect Race Matriarch.

'Monster Ability': Able to continuously produce 'Worms' and control the 'Worms' it generates.

'Monster Introduction': Can simultaneously control ten thousand worms, serving as the First-Level Insect Race Matriarch in the 'Extraterrestrial Invader' event, acting under the orders of a Second-Level Insect Race Matriarch.

'PS': A Second-Level Insect Race Matriarch can control one hundred First-Level Insect Race Queens. The highest leader for this 'Extraterrestrial Invader' event is a Ninth-Level Insect Race Matriarch.

Chen Yi, staring at this suddenly emerged panel, slowly widened his mouth as a somewhat insane idea popped into his head.

His C-level Skill 'Violators, Annihilate Nine Clans!' could kill any monster when activated, and all of that monster's clan members down the line would be instantly killed.

This meant that if he killed that 'First-Level Insect Race Matriarch', then the ten thousand worm monsters controlled by this Insect Race Matriarch would all die instantly.

But the First-Level Insect Race Matriarch was under the rule of the Second-Level Insect Race Matriarch.

Chen Yi stood still, his body slightly stiffening as he swallowed dryly, looking down at the Christmas Cane in his hand.

Did that mean if he killed that Ninth-Level Insect Race Matriarch!

All the monsters in this global event would instantly die?

One shot, Annihilate Nine Clans?

This was clearly—

One shot, Annihilate an Entire Race!!!