Chapter 24: "My name is... Tie Chui, but you can call me Hammer.

Tuberculosis Rabbit also reacted.

Swallowing nervously, his eyes gleamed with insane excitement as he abruptly turned to look at the monstrous tide, his voice trembling with agitation.


"Does that mean if we can find the ultimate origin of this wave of monsters, we could kill all the monsters in the global event with one shot?"

"How much reward would that be?"

"Wouldn't the planet have to be renamed Chen after this?"

"Theoretically, that's correct."

Chen Yi stared intently at the Insect Race Origin in the midst of the insect tide, a creature twice as large as the others: "But this Insect Race Origin is just a level-one Insect Race Matriarch, controlling only ten thousand Insect Race members."

"The one controlling the global Insect Race is a level-nine Insect Race Matriarch."

"Let alone a level-nine Insect Race Matriarch, in such a dense insect tide, it's difficult to even find a level-two Matriarch."

If we find it, can we kill it?


His sniper rifle is capable of percentage-based real damage.

No matter if it's a level-one Insect Race Matriarch or a level-nine Insect Race Matriarch.

Just get hit by 33 of his bullets, even if the Jade Emperor himself showed up, he'd show you a death.

Even if a god showed up, as long as they dared to show their health bar, they'd have to suffer a few major blows.

But if a level-nine Insect Race Matriarch really appeared before him, would he dare to shoot?

Definitely not!

He could break the defense, but that didn't make him invincible. Facing such a boss-level entity, a single glare might be enough to finish him off.

So he wasn't crazy enough to go looking for a level-nine Insect Race Matriarch to see who was tougher.

Especially when the world is so vast.

Who knows where that level-nine Insect Race Matriarch is hiding?


The leaderboard above Yancheng showed that the top ranker already had nearly 237 Kill Points!

Killing one Insect Race monster earns one Kill Point.

To kill so many in such a short time, it was a situation where one man held the pass against ten thousand others.

While Chen Yi was pondering.


The roaring sound suddenly rose from far to near, resonating by their ears.

Glancing over, they saw an unarmed helicopter slowly landing on their rooftop.

A middle-aged man in military uniform jumped down from the co-pilot seat and stood in front of Chen Yi, saluting before speaking hoarsely.

"My name is Li Guo."

"I am here on a special operation that requires your participation."

"Through satellite, we have spotted an extremely large Insect Race creature on the outskirts of Yancheng's insect tide, and we suspect this Insect Race Origin might be the leader of the other creatures."

"If we kill it,"

"those monsters might lose control and scatter in panic, allowing Yancheng to survive this disaster."

"We have taken note of your performance in the Cupid event, and you possess a Weapon capable of inflicting percentage damage. We now invite you to join us in this decapitation operation."

"Of course—"

Seeing that Chen Yi wasn't speaking, the middle-aged man paused and continued, "If you don't wish to fight, you may lend us your Prop temporarily."

"When we return successfully, we will return it to you and pay you a substantial reward."

Chen Yi's brow furrowed slightly, and after a moment of silence, he pointed towards the Origin in the insect tide that he had been watching: "Are you referring to that one?"

"No, one that's even bigger."

"Bigger? Then it's at least a level-two Insect Race Matriarch, right?"

Licking his slightly dry lips, Chen Yi narrowed his eyes and began to calculate silently in his heart.

A level-two Insect Race Matriarch can control 100 level-one Insect Race Matriarchs.

A level-one Insect Race Matriarch can control 10,000 Insect Race monsters.

That is to say, killing a level-two Insect Race creature would be equivalent to killing 1 million Insect Race monsters.

Dangerous, yes, it was a bit dangerous.

But the benefits were truly significant.

He took a deep breath and patted Tuberculosis Rabbit's shoulder, "I'll go alone on this operation, you should stay back, your abilities won't be of any use if you follow."

"How can that be possible?"

Tuberculosis Rabbit immediately became anxious, speaking hurriedly with a worried look on his face, "Yi, we're a team, how can you leave me behind?"

"Without you, I'll feel really insecure."

"Listen to me."

Chen Yi shook his head calmly and then leaned in to whisper in his ear, "Stay here and come to pick me up later, understand?"

Tuberculosis Rabbit was stunned for a moment, subconsciously prepared to glance at the middle-aged man in uniform next to him, but quickly stopped himself. After a pause, he hoarsely said.


"Don't worry, Yi, with me here, there won't be any problems."

"Mm, as long as you understand."

Chen Yi patted Tuberculosis Rabbit's shoulder, said nothing more, and followed the middle-aged man to the helicopter.

Firearms couldn't be used anymore.

But vehicles like tanks and armed helicopters that had their firearms removed could still be used normally, they just lacked offensive capabilities now.

At this moment, inside the helicopter cabin, besides him, there were two other people.

One was a towering giant of a man.

The other was a loli who was less than one and a half meters tall.

Only, she wasn't dressed in typical loli attire, wearing a short black crop top and hot pants on the lower half of her body.

Her figure wasn't bad.

She stood out quite markedly.

Even Chen Yi subconsciously took a few more glances.

"What are you looking at?"

As if she sensed Chen Yi's gaze, the little loli slowly opened her eyes and spoke with an icy, crisp voice, "Surprised to see a loli not dressed in loli clothes?"

"What kind of perverted old man would like loli clothes?"


And at that moment—


The towering man sitting inside the helicopter, whose muscles seemed almost ready to burst out, squeezed out a friendly yet awkward smile and stuttered loudly.

"She... my sister, cute, right?"

"My name... Tie Chui, you can call me Hammer."

Chen Yi furrowed his brows and remained silent, simply putting on his noise-cancelling headphones, noticing that the towering man's facial expressions seemed a bit off, his head twitching uncontrollably when he spoke.

At this time, the helicopter had already taken off.

The loud noise echoed in everyone's ears.

After hesitating for a moment, he still took out a cigarette from his pocket and offered it to the giant.

A glint of light flashed in the giant's eyes, just as he was about to accept the cigarette with both hands, he was abruptly stopped by the loli beside him.

"Don't take it!"

"I don't like you smoking!"

Seeing this, Hammer obviously became anxious, blocking the loli with a worried and stammering urgency.

"You... what do you know?"

"This is the highest form of courtesy between men, this brother... respects me... that's why he's offering me a cigarette."

"Quick... give it to me."

Chen Yi, noticing this, turned his head to look out of the cabin with a somewhat complex expression, remaining silent. The towering man in front of him was likely suffering from pathological cerebral palsy, his intelligence probably stuck in childhood, with some motor coordination issues.

Such people, before the game arrived, might not have been bullied terribly, but it was all too common to receive disdainful looks.

It was only after the game arrived.

Through some means, he must have acquired some rather powerful Skills to be considered valuable enough to be brought along on this beheading operation.