Chapter 5

Now I met this woman twice in my life .

Dear diary , if you are asking me why I did not recognise her it is cause she is a Chameleon.

The Senior lady of Darwin never comes out to the public even though she has been running buisness while her sons went to schools and wars.

People say that she is the centre of high society, but I say that she is a sly fox.

Or else, why would you come to the country side to abduct my innocent, snobby sister ?

The first time I saw her she was covered head to toe like a ghost in a black shawl while a spoke person beside her annouced Isabel's marriage proposal beside her.

The second time was no better either .She hid in a veil , sat at the head of the table when our family gathered against the Lawyers & secretary of Darwins had as they went through Isabel's medical report, Psychic Compatibility and life history anything to be known about her.

All informations about her were served. All except I was her sister -not some distant Cousin but real sister .

Although her lips did not give out , but her eyes twinkled with laughter as she enjoyed aunt panicking about the Darwin lady meeting aunt's most troublesome child - me.

Aunt's anxiety was entertaining her.

"Where is my Isabella, dear Miss Flores?!,"She asks as aunt struggles with a parasol to hold above her head .

"Your highness, she is off to pray." Aunt lied blatantly. I knew that Isabel can not get up at morning .

"I am here"

There was the entrance of the perfect daughter .Even in the early morning Isabel's hair was in a neat bun .She was wearing a lavender pink petticoat with same color skirt with soft white Shawl.

She knelt before Jennifer Darwin so gracefully that her skirt spread around her like a blooming flower.

Isabel's soft brown hair that was almost with just a single jewellery and there was no more ornaments.

She had her eyes drawn otherwise no make up, even her freckles seemed to be part of her beauty contrasting wit her deep green eyes.

There was this time when aunt was worried about her freckles, had them covered each time a suitor or his family would come.

But Isabella was smart to not cover them, now to show the pure morning beauty like blerghhhhhh!!!!

I could not believe how fake she seemed. Wait till they actually have to deal with the snot's temper.

"Anne, darling, you must hurry

with your morning work,"Isabel told me, sweetly. I heard the undertone hidden message she was saying.

'Are you here to win the whole thing'

That Shot!

I don't even have any morning ritual.

" I must have taken a lot of time from her busy schedule,"the old

lady said," But look. now we can all watch the sunrise together."

All the ladies shy dramatically looking at the east.

All I could notice was a cow pooping at a distant at the east.

The red sun of was like an egg-yolk of duck ,slowly it was turning golden as if someone was frying it on a pan.

I must be hungry .

"Isabel, my dear, please get up," the old lady said, gently,"Seeing you like this make my Knees hurt"

I couldn't complain since I liked Seeing the Snot kneeling on the dirt, but something made my eyebrow twitch.

It was like the famous quote by a nobody sibling-

"Only I am allowed to bully my sister."

But Isabel seemed unfazed about the whole matter.

She rose gracefully like a soap bubble that was about to pop.

"I was wondering what a vast education this lovely child was on. Even I do not remember civil wars like that," the old hag Jennifer Darwin said," Then Miss Flores kindly praises you for her deep knowledge at such a young age."

I was surprised.

I looked at aunt & then at Isabel.

What was happening? was it really I was getting praised? For my study ?

For me, it had always been like Isabel asking me," Do you want to stich on a handkerchief and poke holes in your fingers or do you want to learn some Civil wars?"

Ofcourse. I had choose Civil war.

I love my fingers!

"The child is occupied with subjects meaningless for her future, that was what I have always thought," Aunt said.

"I am asking my daughter, Miss Flores" Jennifer pointed out.

There was an awkward silence.

What was this pressure about?

" Well, Isabella? "the lady Darwin urged.

"True, it would have been meaningless unless I was preparing her to stand infront of a wise, brilliant presence, such as yourself, your highness" Isabel said in a smooth voice, "Of course, to speak with your Grace, she needs to have a standard."

" Isabel ,"the woman said, after a pause, "Why don't you call me mother?"

"Of course, mother".

I could see the red veins in aunt's cheeks popping up in happiness although she had just been insulted

Isabel looked unbothered. Now that I think about it, my sister is

made of different material.

I could not understand how she could take such pressure where you are constantly judged, interviewed for the entertainment of some mean, rich old hag.

"My daughter, I know that you are heartbroken but Jonathan could not come to meet you today,"the women took her hand. "A patient, virtuous woman like you must understand what a busy man he is?"

"I understand, mother," Isabel repeated like a parrot,"I would be seeing him again in the reception after two days. I Would be happy with just the thought of looking forward to meet his highness in the near future ."

"well I guessed that my work there was done. I did not want to watch the boring sunset. Besides the cow pooping at the distance was quiet distracting in the scene. I cound could not concentrate at the sun.

I could not bear to watch Isabella suffocate there like that.

It would end, anyway.

I should better got going and plot the murder of the old hag's son.

"Oh I think I have earned a farewell,"he old hag called me out, "We are acquaintances after all."

I rolled my eyes turning back & flinched, looking at my aunt standing behind Lady Darwin. She was chewing her lips violently.

"I- I apologise ,Madam," I stuttered," My etiquette is bad."

Aunt balled her fist.

"I mean. I should not have dishonored your gracious presented like, that ,"aunt slapped her forehead.

! followed her lead ,slapping my forehead, "Oh what a - wretched girl I am -"

Aunt shook her palms..

"I mean , I am not - I am not as wretched girl , I - I just forgot the proper rules " I told her nervously.

Aunt gave up.

Pardon me , but I am bad at using fancy words .

Isabel shook her head lightly in disappointment.

"Well , we can always work on your etiquette," Lady Darwin placed a hand on my shoulder ,"For now , you should ask for my permission to retire ."

"May I retire , Lady Darwin ?"

"Ofcourse," Jennifer Darwin smiled ,"And if you are not too busy , I have a suggestion for you to visit the garden . I have brought someone with me you will like to meet ."

"Who will that be ?"

"I do not know , maybe a friend ?"

I ran in my slippers.

I did not mind that my hair was loose and I probably should not have run in a skirt like this .

Ofcourse. I was not That excited to see Riet again . Certainly, I was Not looking forward to the Chocolate box I was promised with.

"Riet!" I saw her before she could see me .She was half hidden behind our Wood-rose & Dahlias.

Standing among flowers- she seemed like a flower-fairy.

She turned at me & laughed. My heart skipped a beat.

I might be a traitor to Gratel but I was looking forward to this new friendship. I threw away the uncomfortable slippers & ran bare feet.

The cold dew sent me shivers but I was so focused on Riet's face that I did not notice anything.

I jumped over the bushes of chrysanthemum since I could not be bothered to go around them. There was noone here to watch me etiquette anyway.

"Oh my, I have met a forest deer in the morning," Riet said, in a sweet voice , as she plucked a leaf from my hair ," I hope it does not run away!"

"Others say I jump like a Frog, though.'

Riet giggled, like tickling fountain, "Who dares to say such thing about beauty a like you!"

"They have not lived long enough to tell the story," I assured her.

And then for few moments we were just holding each other's hands swinging them.

"I did not know you were coming over ," I told her, I was feeling all bubbly.

Screw love, new friends are the best thing that can ever happen!!

"I had to beg,"Riet made a small pout, But I am glad I did, I like seeing you again! "

"I am also glad."

There were more giggles. I did not know having girl friends could be so beautiful.

I have always thought that girls would talk about skirts or boys or just on or other lame stuffs.

But with Riet, I do not even mind talking about lame stuffs .

Since Riet is such an angel.

"I just forgot ! Can you walk me to the carriage?," Riet told me, "I did promise you some chocolate bribe !"

"It will be my pleasure,"I gave my arm to Riet like a gentleman would.

Riet bursted out laughing again. We did not need reason, we did not need a joke to humour ourselves.

Riet must be my soulmate or else,why do feel I so attached to her? I do not know.

Maybe oneday will come when I can teach Riet to climb trees, I would like to take her to watch baby birds in the nest.

I froze before the wagon and took a step back.

"Dear Sir ,"Riet continued, nonchalantly," You did hot need to come out?"

There stood the grim-reaper. I half-hid behind Riet in fear .

Something about his eyes were terrific. All the Darwins are like this .

" This is my friend Annabelle Robin, she is Miss Isabella Robin's distant cousin", Riet did not seem fazed, "And this is my husband Darwin Edward Raphael , I believe you have met! "

Ofcourse I have met the little lord - Darwin Raphael.

I have met with all three children of Lady Darwin.

Jonathan , Raphael and Gabriella.

Last month there were the reception of engagement of Isabel with Darwin Jonathan. Most of the Darwins had been there.

While Lady Darwin wore black veil & sat at the end of the table like a mourning widow, her children stood behind her like lifeless dolls.

Only Jonathan went around greeting the guests.

There is a eerie way the Darwins would watch the people, as if, they were seeing seeing something different.

A part of me has wondered if they considered others human at all.

I felt shiver at the sight of the second son of the Darwin family.

For the longest time I have avoided meeting any of them.

My hair stood up, when our eyes met I quickly looked down, "Good morning, little lord ."

"Morning", the nauseating authority in his voice made me want to throw up, as if he knew everything before was him was beneath his shoes.

No seemed worse.

I would not be surprise if he saw the everyone as just pests.

Riet quickly brought out the chocolate box from the carriage, "I was waiting for my dear friend to try to this, " Riet told him, happily, "I am glad, we girls have similar palate."in

The little lord could not care less. His eyes shown were showing how bored he was.He watched Riet as if he was watching his Silly pet.

That made my stomach churn.

My heart ached for my friend.

Riet told me excitedly, indifferent to the behaviour of her husband,"It has almonds with the chocolate, they go so well".

l gave her a small smile, trying to hide my displeasure.

Everything about the Darwins were repulsive And I could not believe Rietta was is married to such a man.

'This christmas they would be releasing a new chocolate dish at Henry's, I want to bring you there ,"Rich chattered happily, "I can not wait, I just love eating, trying new Chocolate dishes. I hope lean try the new Chocolate fountain!"

I smiled at hear innocence. She was polar opposite of Darwins - my beautiful Riet.

"You would go with me?," Riet asked me with huge round eyes.

My heart sank.

If my plan was a success. I would probably never meet Riet , ever again.

"I need permission from parent," I told her.

I realised that fate has slapped me with a new twist.

Even though I like Riet so much, we were at the opposite bank of a river.

I turned my back at her ,"Tea is probably being prepared, if you would come. inside -"

Riet yanked on my skirt.

"Yes?," I looked back at her

"Umff"; Riet madr a strange sound, closing her mouth with her palms ," Urrrrpedd."

"Did you feel sick on the carriage?," I brushed her back, concerned.

"Urrrbbeed ."

The scent of iron filled the morning.

Riet's beautiful dress was stained brownish-red.

"This is nothing" Riet assured me ,before dropping on the floor. ground.

Dear Diary. I was scared.