Chapter 3

My eyes widened as I watched how fast the zombie had Jake pinned to the ground. This all still feels surreal to me.

I hope I wake up soon.

Whether this be reality or a dream, I have to save Jake.

"Help me" I said to Louis who was the closest to me.

We tried hard to pull him off jake.....we failed miserably.

Ms. Mabel suddenly appeared and hit the zombie's head with her shoe....heels.....on his bald zombie head...ouch.

He got distracted for a second as he looked up at ms. Mabel.

With him being distracted, we quickly held both his hands and pulled him off Jake.

He started thrashing hard and his mighty strength sent Louis to the ground.

Jake quickly held both his legs, while louis got back up.

The zombie man turned his face towards me with teeth bared at me. He kept throwing his head in my direction.

Everytime he threw his head at my direction, my grip loosens.

Ms. Mabel came to the rescue once again as she hit the zombie in the eye, and shoved her shoe in his mouth.

Such courage

The zombie bit down on the shoe while he continued grunting loudly.

"Throw him out now!"

With the three of us back on track, we swung him out the window.

I sat on the floor, breathless, and heart pounding hard.

I still can't believe that just happened.

Through my peripheral vision, I saw Ivy walking towards me.....wrong

She was walking towards Jake who was beside me.

"Are you okay?" she asked him as she touched his injured arm worriedly.

He got injured when the zombie tackled him to the ground.

"Yeah, I'm fine. No worries" Jake said as he smiled at her.

Ivy curled her toes....I didn't see it because of her shoes, but I know, because it's Ivy. That's what she does when she gets shy, excited or nervous.

I looked away and caught sight of Ashley looking away too.

Oh, did I forget to mention that Ashley and Jake once dated....secretly. I know because I caught them making out in the library. They made me swear not to tell anyone.

They dated for about a year and half. They broke up because Ashley wanted to go open about their relationship, but Jake didn't. She felt Jake was hiding his relationship with her because he was ashamed of her.

So she broke up with him....Two months ago

If only she knew the real reason

Ivy doesn't know about this. I think she'll fall into a coma if she so as hears that the love of her life's lip has been in contact with another woman's aside hers, not to mention if she finds out they've gone all the way in their relationship, If you get what I mean.

Ms. Mabel's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"There are 23 of you guys here, so that means 21 of your classmates are not here" she sighed.

I'm sure she's thinking about one way or another to save all her students, but she knows she can' least not right now.

"You look like you are about to have a seizure" Ivy said as she kicked my side softly.

So much care.

"If I do have a seizure or pass out, make sure to do a mouth-to-mouth resuscitation on me " I teased.

"I'll rather kiss a zombie than do that " she joked, but still.... ouch!

"Be careful what you wish for, you might actually have to kiss a zombie" I said.

"Oh please" she said and sat down beside me.

Some of the students gathered at the window to watch the chaos happening outside.

We could hear screams of people and the grunts of zombies. The city was in total chaos, and it took just a few minutes for all these to happen.

"So all we need to do now, is get to the rooftop. We'll wait here till the zombies outside leaves" Ms. Mabel who made herself comfortable on the floor briefed everyone.

I took out my phone immediately as I thought of my parents. I can't believe I forgot.

It rang but there was no response. I tried again, and again and again. Still no response.

Other students were doing the same, they were either trying to reach a family, friend or classmate.

Just when I almost gave up, my dad called me back.

"Son, where are you, are you okay?" he said hurriedly.

"Yes dad, I'm fine" I said and my voiced echoed across the room .

"Don't worry son, we are doing everything we can to control and end this sudden outbreak, find a safe place, lay low. we'll be evacuating the city soon" he said

"Have you heard from Mom, I've been trying to reach her" I said

"Yeah, she's safe. She was with me before the outbreak. She's safe in my-----"

"General, your attention is needed" someone interrupted.

"Alright son, I gotta go. I'll see you soon" Then he ended the call

See, that's the thing that comes with having a military personnel as a father, and not just any military person, a general at that.

I'm not as close to my dad as I am to my mom, not because we have some issues going on, but because he's never home. We don't even have the time to have issues.

It wasn't always like this, but ever since he got promoted to being General 10 years ago, he became a rare gem.

He basically lived in the military camp or house. I don't know, I've never been there.

Mom on the other hand, visits him from time to time. I don't she'll survive if she doesn't see him at all in a month or two

I still remember a time when my dad was in a military operation for more than four months, mom was a complete mess throughout those months. I had to care for her throughout those months. Every night she cried herself to sleep clutching his pictures and praying he returns alive.

That's why I've never been interested in the military, because I know what it does to those that are left behind.

They keep wondering if their loved once are still alive.

They keep wondering if something had gone wrong when missions takes longer than expected.

Well enough about my boring family.

I'm brought back to reality when I feel a hand rest on my shoulder.

Looking down, my eyes meet with that of Ivy's.

She's looking up at me with eyes that say everything's gonna be fine.

I let my eyes trail down her face just for a split second.

I stared at her lips for just a second, and quickly brought them back to her eyes that were still looking up at me.

I opened my mouth to say something, but then --

"Man, I am beat" Jake said as he plopped down beside me. Saving me from what would have been an awkward situation

"So what did the military man say" Jake asked.

"The city will soon be evacuated"

"When is it starting, we better get to a place where we can be seen before the evacuation begins" Ivy said

"He said it'll start soon, didn't really give me a specific time" I said while looking straight ahead.

"we should check the internet often, they will release an official announcement before they start evacuating." ms. Mabel said.

"So we should be ready at anytime" She finished

"What about those zombies outside" Louis asked

"All we can do for now is hope they leave before the evacuation starts" Ms. Mabel answered

"So, I need you guys to stay quiet for as long as you can. They might leave if they don't hear anything for a while, do you understand?"

"yes ma'am" we all answered with determination in our voices.

Maybe a bit too much determination, because it made the zombies growl and grunt louder, as they banged the door. Making ms. Mabel give us the stink eye