An Overtime [Mature]

"Lee Min Hyun! You've printed the wrong documents again!"

"Ah, I'm sorry! I'll fix it right away."

Mr. Woo shook his head and sighed in total disapproval. It's been two weeks since the new intern started working in their department and despite Se Ah's efforts, his progress was abysmal.

"Min Hyun, when a member of the team sends you a data printing request, you need to input the row number before sending it to a printer, otherwise it will just print the last accessed data."

Yoon Se Ah looked at Min Hyun's distressed expression and sighed. Although she tried to conceal it as hard as it was possible, his incompetence was beyond her comprehension, and she could barely stand it.

"Yes, I understand now. I'm sorry, Miss Yoon. I'll do my best to remember."

The guy bowed his head and returned to his desk, slouching like a scolded puppy.

"They say that sometimes God either gives you the brains or the looks, and I guess Min Hyun proves this saying. As much as I want to overlook his poor progress, it pains me to admit that he might not last until the end of his internship."

Miss Lee dropped her face into the palms of her hands and groaned like a wounded animal. Sometimes even a pretty face cannot stop you from being frustrated with one's incompetence.

"I heard that other interns are doing great, their seniors talk about them all the time while I only smile politely and try to avoid talking about ours. And to think that even our great Yoon Se Ah cannot turn him into a proper employee... He must really be hopeless."

Baek Soo Jin, their colleague in charge of the Marketing team's accounts, grabbed a pack of cigarettes from his desk, stood up, and asked if anyone wanted to go with him for a smoke. The room suddenly became almost entirely empty as all the smokers joined Mr. Baek and only Miss Lee's aggressive typing was bouncing off the white walls.

Lee Min Hyun, obviously affected by his colleague's rather harsh comments, dropped his head on his chest and left the room, completely silent. Although reluctantly, Se Ah followed him out and after pouring herself a cup of coffee in the floor's kitchen, sat down next to the intern and took a sip.

"Min Hyun, don't take their words close to heart. The thing is... Our department had really high hopes for a new intern so everyone is just a little disappointed that your progress is slow. I guess it is my mistake since I'm responsible for your training --"

"That's not true!"

Min Hyun interrupted her, turned his face, and looked his mentor right in the eyes. Miss Yoon flinched at his sudden move and leaned to the right, trying to distance herself from him. The guy continued,

"Miss Yoon, you've been trying so hard to teach me but it's my fault for being so slow and stupid. I really want to be a good employee, I don't want people to look down on you because of me..."

Se Ah looked at the wall in front of her - of course, it was not her fault, she was only trying to be nice, according to her generally accepted image. But she was touched by Min Hyun's sincerity and could not help but put on a silly smile.

"Alright. I will be working overtime today... Well, longer than usual, so if you want to just stick around and watch me work, you are welcome to stay with me."

Min Hyun's handsome face melted into a somewhat pleased smile. He then stood up rather abruptly, excused himself, and darted to the bathroom with an awkward sense of emergency, leaving Se Ah alone with her half-empty cup of coffee.

The guy closed the door behind him and tried to subdue his uneven breathing. He made sure that the bathroom was empty, locked himself in the stall next to the further corner of the room, and sat down on the top of the toilet seat.

"Haaa... Fuck."

His shallow breath was hot, he felt his blood rushing down to the lower part of his pelvis. If he was able to hold himself back before and wait until he got home, today he felt he would explode if he did not take care of himself right there in the office bathroom stall.

Min Hyun unzipped his pants and put his right hand on top of his penis. He closed his eyes and started moving his hand, panting as quietly as he could, while thinking about only one person - Yoon Se Ah. He imagined her gentle skinny hand moving up and down while kissing his hot lips, he imagined her pink tongue wrestling with his in his mouth, while he himself was shuddering and moaning from an incredible sense of pleasure he received with only her in his mind.

"Fuck. I could not hold it in today. What am I going to do?"

He washed his hands and face with ice-cold water, tried to tidy up his clothes and hair, and after taking a dozen deep breaths, he opened the bathroom door and left, with a subtle smile of satisfaction on his handsome face. It was fine. As long as nobody heard him.


"Miss Yoon, are you going to have an overtime training session with Lee Min Hyun here? As much as I want you to go home early, this guy really needs some additional teaching. I know how kind you are but be strict with him, okay? Maybe being good does not really work on him."

Team Leader Shin smiled politely at Se Ah and closed the glass door behind him, leaving her and Min Hyun all alone. Miss Yoon threw a quick look at the guy and gestured for him to move his chair closer to hers.

"Min Hyun, I'm going to work with the daily activity data in our system. Watch closely what I'm doing and ask me if you don't understand something, okay?"

He nodded and stared at the computer screen with an intense gaze of a child about to watch something amazing happen.

'I hope he'll get it this time, I specifically did not finish it earlier today just so that I can show him.'

Lee Min Hyun watched the pointer move around the screen like the head of a charmed snake as Se Ah was working on her task. He was not interested in that at all - he knew how to do it, he memorized it the first time she explained it to him, but to think that she was willing to spend her precious time staying with him like this again... Made his heart race like a mad horse.

'She smells like cherries... I wonder what kind of perfume she uses... Damn it, I need to concentrate on the screen otherwise I'll get hard again.'

He took a deep breath and focused his eyes on the computer screen again but the smell of a woman sitting next to him was intoxicating enough to make him go insane. Min Hyun started breathing somewhat loudly and fidgeting on his chair, and when Se Ah finally noticed it, she looked at the clock on the opposite wall and turned off the computer screen.

"It's already past 10 PM, let's wrap it up for today."

She looked at her phone and mumbled,

"Should I get a cab? I'm too tired..."

"Uhm, Miss Yoon? Would you like me to give you a ride home?"

Miss Yoon turned around and raised her eyebrows.

"You have a car?"

Min Hyun smiled with a hint of embarrassment on his face and scratched the back of his neck.

"Yeah, I don't usually use it but I did bring it today, and since I'm the reason you're tired, I would like to pay you back at least with a ride home."

Se Ah was surprised - although she did notice that he was polite, she still did not expect him to be this considerate. But even if he was a total jerk, the choice was still obvious.

"Alright, thank you, Min Hyun."