A Box Of Toys

Se Ah fastened the seatbelt and looked in front of her. The intern's car was big and looked quite expensive, but what surprised her the most was not how it looked but rather how it smelled - it smelled just like Min Hyun.

'I'm used to cars that smell like leather or plastic but this... this is the first time a car has a pleasant smell. How extraordinary.'

"So, you live near District C, right?"

Min Hyun leaned over the wheel and looked at Se Ah who was obviously distracted by her own thoughts. Once she heard his question, she flinched and turned to face him.

"How do you know that?"

The guy looked sideways, the smile disappeared from his face for a second as a shade of regret smeared across it, but he instantly returned it back and covered his mistake with an awkward scoff.

"I think I heard Team Leader Shin mentioning District C when he was talking to others about their commute."

"Is that so... Yeah, I live on K Street, building 14."

Min Hyun smiled and started the engine.

"Alright, let's take you home, then."

Se Ah watched the bright city lights blur as they were moving forward; the traffic has already cleared out so the ride felt unusually easy and somewhat enjoyable. She could not remember the last time she sat in the front seat of a car. Min Hyun's smooth driving, his warm scent that was filling her lungs, and the soft melody of the radio wiped off her stress and fatigue, almost lulling her to sleep.

"Miss Yoon, we have arrived."

The guy's deep voice echoed through her brain unexpectedly loudly and she jerked her body forward as if waking up from deep sleep.

"Oh... Thank you, drive back safely, then."

Se Ah was bout to get off the car when Min Hyun touched her shoulder and called her name again.

"Miss Yoon... I am really embarrassed right now but... Can I use your bathroom? I don't think I can wait till I get home."

He put on an awkward smile and looked her in the eyes; he looked like a puppy that was about to burst.

"Well... Alright, let's go."

She did not like the idea of her coworker seeing her apartment. Having invested so much effort into distancing her personal life from the prying eyes of others, Se Ah felt like she was about to expose both her naked body and soul.

'Did I make a mistake? I can't believe I'm letting an intern into my private space.'

The beeping sound of the passcode lock on her door bounced off the walls of an empty hall on the seventh floor of her building, she opened the door and invited Min Hyun inside with her usual fake, polite smile. The guy smirked and closed the door behind him.

"The bathroom is to your right. Please use the pink towel to wipe your hands and let me know if you need anything."

Min Hyun smiled and nodded energetically as he ran toward the white door of the bathroom, and when it was locked with a swift "click", he leaned on the wall and looked around.

'So her bathroom has both a toilet and a shower in it... And it still smells like her.'

He touched the pink towel next to the white sink, took it off the hook, and pressed it to his face.

'Haa... If only I could take it with me... I bet I could get myself off even better if I could smell it while doing it.'

The thought of having something that belonged to Miss Yoon invited a strong tickling sensation to his stomach. He could feel his blood boiling hot again.

'I can't do it here, she will be grossed out. I need to... compose myself.'

Min Hyun wiped his face with his big hand and let out a loud exhale. How long will he be able to hold himself back? He has been waiting for an opportunity to come to her place for way too long but now that he had finally succeeded, there was still nothing he could do but wait. How much longer will he be able to wait?

He flushed the toilet that he did not even use, washed his hands with coconut-scented soap, and wiped them with the pink towel, as instructed by Miss Yoon. When he opened the door, she was sitting on the couch, and Min Hyun finally realized that she lived in a studio apartment where her living room was merged with the kitchen.

"You have a nice apartment, Miss Yoon. I'm glad the company pays you enough."

He closed his eyes and put on a happy grin.

"Well, it's nothing special, apartments in this area are cheaper than anywhere else."

"... I see. Anyway, thank you for letting me use your bathroom, I really appreciate it. I should be going then."

He turned around and looked at his big white sneakers next to Se Ah's comparatively small black Mary Janes.

'How cute. Everything about her is cute.'

Min Hyun shoved his feet inside the sneakers, then bent over to tie the shoelaces when all of a sudden, he felt like he was swaying. Perhaps he was too tired, or maybe he lost his balance on purpose, but it resulted in him hitting a tall brown closet with his whole body.

"Watch out!"

A rather large pink box fell down from the top of the closet and burst open, its contents scattering all over the hardwood floor. Both Se Ah and Min Hyun widened their eyes as they looked at the things that fell out of the cardboard box - she was shocked and even mortified, while he was overjoyed.

"... Miss Yoon... This is..."

Who would have thought that Yoon Se Ah, an average office worker that uses matte lipstick of a "Shy Peach" shade and smiles at everyone with the most kind-hearted smile, was collecting sex toys for S&M plays?

While she could not bring herself to speak, desperately trying to come up with a plausible excuse, Min Hyun picked up a couple of nipple clamps, then looked at Miss Yoon's flustered face, and grinned.

"You must be feeling so embarrassed right now..."

He walked up closer to her, their bodies were almost touching, Se Ah could feel his hot breath tickling the top of her head. She had been extremely careful up until now, there were really not many things she regretted doing, but at that very moment... Her whole life seemed like one enormous mistake.

"Min Hyun... I --"

"Can you do it with me?"


Se Ah could not believe what she just heard. She lifted her head and noticed Min Hyun's eyes filled with extreme desire mixed with somewhat sick happiness. He leaned forward, his hot lips were now touching her left ear; his long fingers brushed through her long black hair like snakes, and her skin reacted with goosebumps. The guy whispered,

"It's very simple, Miss Yoon. Let me be your M, and I'll make sure to take your secret to the grave."