
As silent as he was before, Min Hyun turned around and started walking towards the room at the end of the hallway. The very same room Ah Yeon walked in by mistake on her first day in his apartment. The sound of the door being locked alarmed the woman at first, but she decided to ignore that and not give in anymore. There was no way someone like Lee Min Hyun would do something to himself there. 

Despite his promise, the pictures of Ah Yeon were still the sole decoration of the otherwise empty black walls, it was as if he predicted that. Min Hyun fell down on the floor, pressing his broad back to the door, leaned his head backwards, and let out a long, exhausted sigh - now, he could finally breathe again. 

He started slowly moving his eyes all over the room, pausing at every single picture of Ah Yeon for a second as if trying to memorize it. Or maybe remember something else.