Five More Minutes

Ah Yeon's days seemed to be passing by in one long, dazed blur. The pain from her injuries did not want to subside just yet, therefore, all she could do all day was swallow painkillers and lay in bed, hoping that the pills would make her sleepy enough to spend the whole day unconscious. 

The private doctor kept coming in every day to put in a new IV and check up on Ah Yeon's broken bones and her overall condition. 

"She is very exhausted, malnourished, and possibly anorexic. It looks like she hasn't been eating for quite some time now, so she will have to stay with IV for a few more days. Please make sure she starts eating properly in order to ensure her fast recovery."

Ah Yeon heard the doctor repeat those words every time he visited, but due to both drowsiness from the pain medication and her overall fatigue, just a mere thought of eating something was making her sick. 

'What's the point of a faster recovery? What am I supposed to do anyway?'